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Appropriate Learning Environment, Essay Example

Pages: 7

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Over the past few decades, the interest on early childhood literature has grown due to the recognition that the early experience shapes the long-term human development. This has affirmed some of the professional beliefs about good practice as well as challenging others. In addition to gaining new knowledge, early childhood program has experienced several important improvements in recent years. Because of this development, the quality of education has improved globally.

As mentioned above, early childhood education program has undergone massive improvement in the recent years. In most cases, the programs are expected to serve children and families from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Culture and language are key components to child development. Therefore, practice cannot be appropriate unless they are responsive to cultural and linguistic diversity. Moreover, the child-related programs are nowadays required to make reasonable accommodation for children with disability or other development ability delays. According to Mayesky (2006), the trend towards the full inclusion of child with disabilities must be reflected in the description of the recommended child teaching practice. To this end, considerable work has been done towards converging the early childhood perspective and special education. Other important features of the contemporary childhood programs include the age of children and the length of the program. Nowadays, children are enrolled in school programs at an early age.

The increased demand for early childhood education service is due to the recognition that what children experience in the early life affects their later functioning at school as well as the rest of their lives. The recognition of the importance of early years has heightened the interest and support for early childhood programs. However, serious barrios still remains undermining access to and delivery of high quality education to young children. For instance, Griffith (2008), reports that that low literacy rates are pulling down some countries. To improve the situation, Mayesky (2006), suggest that a holistic approach is required. Recognizing the complexity of the many relationship involved in early childhood education, this paper identifies key determinants to achieve culturally and socially relevant outcome. In the discussion, the paper takes a closer look at theories that explain learning and development. Then with reference to the theories, the paper suggests some frameworks that can improve child development in multicultural settings.

Factors influencing the quality of education

Many factors influence the quality of early childhood education. These factors include the knowledge of how a child develops and learns. Developmentally, an appropriate program is based on the knowledge of how a child develops and learns. Therefore, an appropriate program promotes development and enhances the learning of each individual child.

The best practice to promote child development result from the process of professional making decision on both child education and well being based on information relating to;

  1. The knowledge about the child development and learning. For instance, the knowledge about how age related to human characteristics permits the prediction on what activities, interactions, and materials will be safe healthy, interesting, achievable and challenging.
  2. The knowledge on strength, interest, and the need of each child. This enable a group to adapt for and be responsive to individual variations
  3. What is known of the social and cultural context in which children lives? This knowledge ensures that the learning experiences are meaningful, relevant, and respective of the participating child. One important thing to note is that the above knowledge is dynamic and changing, requiring the childhood teachers to remain learners throughout their careers.

Theories providing understanding on early childhood development

Several child development theories exist to predict the diverse aspect of development. Some focuses on the children internal and external process influences that are related to child development. In generals, these theories offers lens to examine a child early years of development to provide actions to improve their lives. Such theories include the psychoanalytical theories that postulate that development happens in various stages and children are confronted with conflicts between the biological and the societal expectation. One notable theory in this category is psychosexual theory by feud. Feud suggests that parents’ management of their sexual and aggressive drives influences a child personality. Other theory in this category suggests that a child personality is also influenced by the society. In terms of application, the psychoanalytical theory helps to analyze the deviant behaviors.

The other categories of theory are behavior and social learning theories that suggest the importance of environment and nurturing in the growth and development of a child. Notable theories in this category include social learning theory by Albert Bandura, behaviorism theory by Watson, and theory of operating conditioning. According to Watson, children are like clay that can be mounded into different forms. Skinner introduced the concept of operating conditioning to describe that learning happens because of organism responding to its environment. Bandura believed that children learn by observing and imitation. In general, the social learning theories maintain that reinforcement, punishment, or observational learning molds the child learning. These theories have played a key role on formulating the education learning policies in many countries.

Biological theory postulates that the heredity and innate biological process influence the growth and development in children. The main contribution of this school of thought is the development of the milestone of development, which are the stages by which normal children can perform certain task. These theories help to understand and identify children with learning difficulties and advocate for more time and resources to be spent on such children. The cognitive development theories focuses on how chidden develop.  One notable theorist in this category is Jean Piagent who focused on what chidden knew and how they knew it. Jean suggested that children understanding of the world are because of their involvement and interaction. Vygotsky’s  social cultural theory suggest that children acquisition of the cultural beliefs and problem solving strategies is as a result of social interaction with more knowledgeable persons in the society.

Another important set of theories are the system theory, which postulate that development cannot be explained by any single concept, but rather by multidimensional and more complex system. One notable theory in this category includes the ecological system theory by Brofenbrenner. The theory suggests that a child development is shaped by different system of child environment and the interaction of different system. According to Bronfenbrenner, the relationship between a child and environment are reciprocal. This means that the environment influences a child and the child influences the environment. The child cannot develop in isolation but within a system of relationship that include family and the society.

The principle to improve learning

As seen from the above theories, the processes of child development are so complex thus, no one theory is sufficient to explain these phenomena. However, a broad review of literature can be used to develop a set of principles to inform early child hood practice. There are principles that can improve learning, with regard to the urban school where most students are culturally different from each other and their teachers. Setting in order to improve learning the teachers in a culturally diverse environment, teachers should understand these principles (Feinberg, Kuchner, & Feldman, 2008).

First, it is important for early child hood teacher to understand that, development and learning occur and are influenced by multiple social cultural contexts. According to ecological system theory, a child development can be understood within the social cultural context of the family, education setting, and the community. These factors are interrelated and affect the child development. Culture plays a key role in influencing the development of all children. As Griffith (2008) states, it is evident that the rules of development are the same for all children but the social context shapes the children development into different configuration. This is the reason why the early children teacher should understand the influence of their social cultural context on learning, recognize children development competence, and accept the variety of ways for children to express their developmental achievement. Therefore, the teachers should learn about the culture of the majority of the children that they serve especially if the culture differs from their own. The fundamental recognition of other cultures sensitizes the teachers to the need to acknowledge how their own cultural experience shapes their perspective. This helps them realize that multiple perspective different from theirs, must be considered when making decision about children development and learning. Children are capable of learning to function in more than one cultural context. However, if teachers set low expectations for children based on their culture and language, children cannot develop and learn optimally. Thus, education should be an addictive process. For instance, children whose English is not their first language should be allowed to learn English without being forced to give up their home language. At the same time, children who speak English only can learn to speak addition al language. The goal here is to enable children to function well in the society, as whole.

Secondly, the teachers should understand that children are active learners. They are a capable of drawing on direct, physical, and social experience as well as culturally transmitted knowledge to construct their own understanding of the world around them. Young children are actively learning from observing and participating with other children and adults. Teachers should allow children to form their hypothesis and keep trying them through social interaction, physical manipulations and other process. When the objects, events or other people challenge the working model of a child, they are forced to adjust their model or alter their mental structure. When for instance teachers use strategies that encourage children to reflect on their own experience by planning before and revising after wads the knowledge and the understanding that the children gains is deepened. Strategic teaching can therefore enhance the child learning. Therefore, other than giving direct instructions, teachers should also employ other means such as creating certain environment and allow the children to learn from interaction with environment.

Third, teachers should understand that learning and development is because of interaction of biological maturation and environment. Therefore, an appropriate practice is the one that appreciates that, both environment and biological characteristic affect learning and development. For instance, a child genetic makeup may predict a healthy growth but in adequate nutritional during the early years may prevent this potential from being achieved. Likewise, a child inherited temperament shapes and is shaped by how children and other adult communicate with that child.

Fourthly teacher should understand that play is very important for children’s social, emotional and cognitive development. It is important for early childhood teacher to recognize that children are active constructer of knowledge and that development result from interactive process. Play allows children to interact and give them opportunity to understand the world, express their emotion and control. Play lead to development with the written language growing out of written language through the element of symbolic plays. Moreover, play allow children to practice their acquired skills, through play children are able to develop imagination and creativity. Therefore, a teacher supported play is a key are essential component of appropriate practice to promote child development.

Finally, it is important o note that children develop and learn best in the context of the community where they feel that they are safe, valued. Moreover, where the children’s physical needs are valued they feel psychologically secure. Therefore, an appropriate childhood education program should not only provide adequate health safety and nutritional but should ensure more comprehensive service such as physical, mental and social service.


In the past decades, the interest on early childhood literature has grown due to the recognition that the early experience shapes the long-term human development. The recognition of the importance early years has heightened the interest and support for early childhood programs. However, serious barrios still remains undermining access to and delivery of high quality education to young children. In addition, the process of children development and learning is complicated no single approach can improve situation. Therefore, a holistic approach that consider factors such as environment, biological, social, cultural and economic factors is required is required.


Feinberg, S., Kuchner, J. F., & Feldman, S. (2008). Learning environments for young children: Rethinking library spaces and services. Chicago: American Library Association.

Griffith, P. L. (2008). Literacy for young children: A guide for early childhood educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

Mayesky, M. (2006). Creative activities for young children. Australia: Delmar/Thomson Learning.

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