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Collaborative Strategies, Coursework Example

Pages: 1

Words: 393


When working with stakeholders of a given organization one should follow particular collaborative strategies so that fair and appropriate priorities among the individuals, organization and the concerns of the community and resources are addressed. According to Tom Wolff & Associates (2008), some of the collaborative strategies of leadership include:

Consultation: Consultation of stakeholders initiates and sustains constructive external and internal relationships. Another strategy is assessing the environment. This enables collaborative leaders to recognize the common interests of the individual, the organization and the community. This strategy aims at goal attainment through shared views, purposes and values.

Creating clarity: collaborative leadership succeeds when there is clarity of values. Collaborative leaders places self-commitment to the organization while maintaining ethical and moral standards for the followers to develop confidence in him. Building trust is another strategy that leaders use. Collaborative leaders must strive to build trust among the participants. With trust, among the group members the stakeholders without any doubts can entrust leaders with responsibilities so that they deal with the issues of the organization individuals, and the community without biasness while focusing on the priorities.

Sharing power and influence: power sharing is one strategy that one can use to get information from the stakeholders. In collaborative leadership, participants need to be given power so that they can participate fully on decision-making process. Often the head organization is the one, which gets public accolade despite the fact that the success emanated from joint efforts by a team of organization stakeholders. Power sharing can real promote togetherness and harmony in an organization.

The kind of evidence I might use at this stage of program planning are three. First, I will be fully attentive to my subjects’ demands even if they do not seem to make any sense. This is just to make them feel valued and appreciated. Secondly, I will need to decentralize my powers and share them with subordinates. This will be a sure way to make them feel that we are working together as a team and not as a hierarchy. Lastly, I will give the other parties a room to make their own suggestions of the issues at hand. This might be an easier way to win their support when I also raise my agendas.


Tom Wolff & Associates, (2008). Collaborative Solutions A Newsletter from Tom Wolff & Associates .Tom Wolff & Associates Coalition Building for Healthy Communities.

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