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Conflict Engagement and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Coursework Example

Pages: 1

Words: 373



Types of Alternative Dispute Resolution  
Facilitation Method of minimizing conflict; introduction of a neutral party to address the issues that exist within the group; enabling the neutral to gain control of the group; supporting the development of an effective means to prevent possible conflicts (Philipsen, 2008)
Negotiation An agreement is reached by all involved parties in a collaborative manner; outcomes may be private or public (Philipsen, 2008)
Mediation A mediator is appointed to a case in order to control communication and to ensure that the problem is solved by the involved parties as best as possible (Philipsen, 2008)
Arbitration An arbitrator or an arbitration panel are appointed in order to make decisions on behalf of a group who is experiencing conflict (Philipsen, 2008)

Developing negotiation skills in the workplace setting requires an understanding of the conflict and how it impacts patient care and wellbeing. This process supports the continued development of new approaches to manage conflicts effectively and efficiently (Holbrook, 2008). Negotiation skills for nurses are different from those of business professionals in that they involve a unique and highly sensitive setting, where patients and families become involved in the process, making it difficult in some cases to address the concerns effectively.  Many arbitration organizations exist for the sole purpose of managing conflicts through an independent party (Colorado Mediators & Arbitrators, 2014). In some cases, nurses may seek to ignore conflicts altogether through an avoidance strategy, and this supports the necessity to establish different perspectives that will encourage nurses to express their views and to openly communicate with other nurses, patients, and staff members regarding these concerns as they arise (Mahon & Nicotera, 2011). This process will support a constructive approach to managing nurse-based conflicts so that they are addressed in a timely manner to avoid further complications that could harm the nurse-nurse or nurse-patient relationship on a permanent basis (Mahon & Nicotera, 2011).


Colorado Mediators & Arbitrators (2014). Homepage. Retrieved from

Holbrook, J.R. (2008). Negotiating, mediating, and arbitrating physician-patient conflicts. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 51(4), 719-730.

Mahon, M., & Nicotera, A.M. (2011). Nursing and conflict communication: avoidance as preferred strategy. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(2), 152-163.

Philipsen, N.C. (2008). Resolving conflict: a primer for nurse practitioner alternatives to litigation. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 766-772.

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