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Democrat Stereotypical Speech, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 644


Let me first thank you for braving the stern weather leaving your homes travelling distances to be here listening to me.  I know that your being here is not just about me, but the love you have for our country. Currently, we applaud the four freedoms earned from President Roosevelt, which is a legacy that reminds us of who we are as a people or political party.  There are many challenges facing this nation. Today I come to you as a fellow American showing four challenges, which have plagued this nation for decades and are now becoming more pronounced in our communities. They are healthcare, immigration, gun control and criminal justice.

Why can’t we resolve the healthcare issues in our  nation in a situation where millions of Americans are either not insured or uninsured? It is not a question of any policies or wise planning, but lack of proper leadership. Leaders become easily distracted by pettiness and trivialities of small minded politicians. There is a deliberate escape of addressing these tough issues with an aim of bringing any sound resolution. Politicians prefer to settle for obtaining cheap praise in satisfying their own agendas than maturely standing up to the task of finding solutions to these ills in our society.

For decades there have been battles arriving at a feasible resolution to the health care crisis in  this country. Americans  are becoming sick and dying without being able to afford quality health care. This does not matter to them. It has been said that the anxiety expressed by Americans facing this dilemma is an illusion. There is no healthcare crisis, but a health insurance one. It is right to have three categories of people living America the American citizen, legal resident and illegal/undocumented immigrant.

Daily hundreds of innocent people are being shot in their homes, schools and on the streets because there are no gun control laws and a blind eye is turned to this carnage.  The criminal justice system provides no legal recourse in resolving inconsistencies facing blacks and minorities in the society. We are guided away from the source of these problems by being told to  blame the other party, immigrants or history.

People ultimately turn away frustrated and disappointed. We know what created them and they can be resolved.  Tactics used by lobbyist and interest groups claiming to represent these problems for the hurting minds are playing the politics game creating more hindrances in the paths of any profound solution The time for this to be over is now. We have already made immense progresses and I am delighted to take the leap ahead continuing and finishing the race with your push forward.

Language Analysis: In this speech many literary devices were applied in keeping the audience engaged from beginning to end. The first is Metonymy  when reference to   President Roosevelt as a political legacy is made. Another is characterization. This is used many times during the speech when the speaker identifies with the audience e.g fellow American, our country, love you have for our country. Metaphor is used in describing his leap ahead and finishing the race. Irony  when citing that the problems could be solved yet being told it cannot be resolved. The use of  Paradox applying conflicting ideas such as blaming of other parties when the blame should be the other way etc.

Democrats use these devices regularly building confidence during their speeches to create their political platform. Metonymy identifies with authority as an appeal mechanism strongly impacting the way the following words are perceived. Irony is then used to draw strong inferences between their goals and achievement to keep the audience engaged throughout the speech. Subtle paradoxes are employed in maintaining attention through characterizations, producing a oneness with the audience. Metaphor is used to bring simplicity to the argument applying words or concepts that are easily captured within the culture.


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