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Exit Through the Gift Shop, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 569


It is worth noting that, the movie narrates the Guetta’s infiltration of the world that is so secretive (the street artists). Although his cousin greases him, the eighty-six minute’s film narrates how the Parisian artist, who is a space inventor as well as video camera, had obsessed himself in street art. In the film, it is noted that this Frenchman claimed to be a filmmaker, and along the way, he becomes the movement’s unlikely compliance whose associates have a vandal’s fright of the recording devices. This essay will illustrate whether the Frenchman Thierry is a real artist, and why he is considered as one.

The truth of the matter is that Thierry Guetta undergoes transformation in the movie, to would be the artist from the tagger tag-along. In this transformation, it is noted the movie loses its guerrilla glee. Away from the above, it is pertinent to demonstrate the real nature of Guetta in the film. Considerably, the movie paints Guetta as a man who is obsessed with carrying a camera everywhere he goes, and then uses the camera to film his environment. His holiday in France makes him heed the fact that his cousin is an invader, and a known though international, but a street artists.

I think he had an internal feeling that drove him to film his environment. This is because, it the film, it is clear that his cousin asked him about his enthusiastic and he openly told him that he wants to make a documentary that will portray street art. This urge made them to cross the nation, shooting other artists who were at work. This outlines the fact that, both were now obsessed with the beauty of the street art, and that is why, there main aim was to make the art a documentary. The only disappointing part is that Thierry did not intend to compile Faiiry’s footage into an actual film. This makes him not to look at the footage at all.

The truth of matter is that, Guetta was discriminative. First, he does not want to compile Fairy’s film; however, he admires to film Banksy. Moreover, it is through fairy that he comes to meet Banksy. This brings the odd side of Guetta, where he is so selective and that he relies on some people to get to his peak and at the same time, he is moiré of cunning in that he does not have the heart of assisting others honestly.

Now, the question at large is whether Guetta Thiery is a real artist. As much as he has a bit of information when it comes to camera and filming, the truth is that he is not a real artist and that he depends on other people to get to hiss destination. Further, he is so selective, here, he chooses on who film and who should not be filmed. I am of the opinion that a true artist will film anything, as long as it is interesting, since the main aim of a filming artist is to sell out his name. Unlike Thierry, who actually is interested by who will take him higher in his film, and not who he has to help in climbing at the top of his peak? He silently evades compiling Fairy’s footage, but goes ahead and struggles to get Banksy, in his own opinion I guess, ‘ he thought that by filming Banksy, he will be known or celeb.

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