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Multivariate Analysis of MANOVA, Coursework Example

Pages: 1

Words: 365


Multivariate analysis (MANOVA) is often the preferred method over ANOVA is utilized with more than a single dependent variable, using multiple variables within a group for simultaneous evaluation (Polit & Beck, 2012). An example of this method would be the examination of two variables with the same group, such as an analysis of two similar disease types that are classified within the same group. This type of approach supports a greater understanding of two diseases within a specific category and how they are correlated from a statistical point of view (Mertler & Vannatta, 2013). In this example, the two diseases may have different paths but possess similar outcomes, thereby increasing the need to analyze these two diseases at the same time.

The concept of one-way MANOVA supports the knowledge that is generated by two or more dependent variables in order to evaluate a given correlation (French This supports the development of a statistical analysis format that is grounded in dependent versus independent variables in order to identify similar criteria (French When dependent variables are very similar yet belong to different groups (Majeed, 2013). This type of study is most critical when there is an opportunity to evaluate variances among two diseases and the responses that are generated from each disease (Majeed, 2014). This approach supports the concept of managing an experiment that emphasizes the impact of responses on the final outcomes (Majeed, 2014).

MANOVA provides a basis for examining a variety of areas when the desired analysis will determine why there are different responses within a given group that have similar criteria yet different outcomes (Majeed, 2013). This statistical analysis provides a basis for examining different areas whereby the researcher might draw conclusions regarding the impact of MANOVA in addressing two or more dependent variables that require further examination and analysis (Majeed, 2013).


French, A., Macedo, M., Poulsen, J., Waterson, T., & Yu, A. Multivariate analysis of MANOVA. Pp. 1-8.

Majeed, A. (2013). Difference between ANOVA and MANOVA? Retrieved from

Mertler, C.A., & Vannatta, R.A. (2013). Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods: Practical Application and Interpretation, Fifth Edition. Pyrczak Publishing.

Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2012). Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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