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Plan an Artistic Collective, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 966


Foster Music Foundation

Image 1: Foster Music Foundation

The Foster Music Foundation is a non-profit organization located in Austin, the USA that promotes, and nurtures musical talents locally. Since Austin is a music destination celebrated by most Americans, the Foster Music Foundation has laid grounds for artists to express vibrant rhythms. The organization’s mission statement is, “Proving development opportunities to talented musicians to heighten their musical careers.” Foster Music Foundation hopes to accomplish its musical objectives by providing performance coaching to young musicians. Through its mission, Foster Music Foundation organizes events for artists to showcase their musical endowments. Image 2 is a musical event in Austin, USA, organized by Foster Music Foundation to promote local artists. Supporting individual talents is an indication of Foster Music Foundation’s commitment to meet the needs of the Austin society. Austin is an oyster for music enthusiasts intending to be entertained by local bands. The Foster Music Foundation has revolutionized Austin, making it a municipality sought by music lovers. The organization has set up iconic venues that feature local bands performing rock, blues, and country music.

Nurturing Local Talents

Image 2: Nurturing Local Talents

The Foster Music Foundation is needed in Austin because it promotes local music artists through sponsorships. The foundation organizes events for artists to perform songs to audiences. According to Campbell (2017), local music industries overcome uncertainties when event producers and staff are endowed with funds and resources. Donating funds through music programs enable local artists to advance their careers. The Foster Music Foundation helps artists to navigate and discover effective ways to reach their audience. For example, the non-profit organization finances concerts where sponsors select and support artists in their musical careers. In this case, financial instability is a barrier eliminated by the Foster Music Foundation. The organization has given hope to artists and instilled hope that they can discover enjoyment in music. Increased awareness has enabled the public to attend music concerts to listen to music and promote artists. Music’s repetitive nature impacts the public through knowledge acquisition to understand and solve issues affecting them. Foster Music Foundation also raises the awareness needed for local artists to perform songs and release albums. Sponsorships and partnerships enable artists to acquire resources and obtain tools for performances (Campbell, 2017).

A strategy to ensure that Foster Music Foundation continuously supports artists in Austin is creating music-friendly policies. Creating an environment needed by artists to produce music will enable talented individuals to reach out for help in advancing their careers. For instance, music hubs and mentoring programs are established in a locality when the existing policies are supportive. Foster Music Foundation will provide professional development services needed by artists to run their careers. The foundation will also make the Austin locality music-friendly as artists and musicians will monetize their works and build their careers. Indeed, the Austin locality has become a heritage landmark as Foster Music Foundation has set up avenues for designing and establishing entertainment venues. Other localities are employing Austin’s music-friendly policies to establish music venues. Thereby, music-related policies facilitate artistic development when facilitating the creation of opportunities to establish organizations in localities.

Outside the music community, I will work with Brooklyn Raga Massive and the Chicago new voice of blues to achieve goals. I believe that partnerships help mentor local artists to enrich them with the skills and confidence needed to perform. Cantillon, Baker & Nowak (2021) indicate that donations and mentorships are growth opportunities for individuals in the music industry. Foster Music Foundation is valuable to the Austin community as it implements programs and supports artists. Partnerships outside the music community will also facilitate growth at the local level. For example, funding will enable upcoming artists to access the resources needed to record and market their music. Artists facing financial anxieties will benefit from the partnership with New York City Hip-hop haven and the Chicago new voice of blues. Supported artists establish musical concerts where individuals attend to gain a fulfilling experience. Music will facilitate the growth of the Austin locality as artists will engage in activities they take pleasure in and increase their income sources through music sales.

Brooklyn Raga Massive

Image 3: Brooklyn Raga Massive

The Foster Music Foundation aims at leaving behind an inspiring and touching legacy. The non-profit organization emphasizes music’s significance to connect people through bridging language and ethnic divides. Youngblood (2019) asserts that music is used for identity and expression. The music industry leads to numerous benefits to the locality. For Foster Music Foundation, cultivating a vibrant music economy in the Austin localities is a best practice for promoting talents. The foundation has set up a roadmap for other organizations to endorse talents in municipalities. Music-related businesses have been set up in Austin to finance record labels creating thriving music scenes in the locality. Creating a lively music locality begins by encouraging and providing insights about how to benefit from opportunities. Thereby, Foster Music Foundation delivers economic and employment benefits to the Austin locality through sponsoring and promoting local artists.


Campbell, P. S. (2017). Music, education, and diversity: Bridging cultures and communities. Teachers College Press.

Cantillon, Z., Baker, S., & Nowak, R. (2021). A cultural justice approach to popular music heritage in deindustrializing cities. International Journal of Heritage Studies27(1), 73-89.

Youngblood, M. (2019). Cultural transmission modes of music sampling traditions remain stable despite delocalization in the digital age: ploS one14(2), e0211860.

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