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Religion in the Early and Contemporary United States, Coursework Example

Pages: 7

Words: 1820


What concepts about the character of religion in society, particularly regarding the individual and the government became dominant in early American History?

America was founded on principles of freedom and liberty.  The Founding Fathers escaped the oppression and restrictions of an all too overshadowing king in Great Britain to begin anew in a country with choices and natural human rights.  They believed that their voices were meant to be heard and that their choices could make a difference in the world. When these men built a new nation, they left the selection of religion available to each individual citizen within the United States. Since establishment in 1776, America has stood upon one fundamental liberty – The freedom to choose.

What conditions and arguments formed the basis of the dominant conception of religion in the society?

The assumption of a the existence of a supreme being specifically determined the desire of humans to be able to constitute a proper way of recognizing such persona. Relatively though, there are several groups who view God differently, hence, they have created their own groups and formed different doctrines, ceremonies and other ways of making sure that they praise God the way they think is necessary.

What are the primary reasons that Americans today support religious freedom of individuals and the religious neutrality of the government?

Before the United States was created, Europeans were bound by religious restrictions and lack of liberties.  Essentially no religious freedoms existed during this era.  Prior to the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s, individuals were constrained to the Roman Catholic Church. However, the Reformation led to the conception of new Protestant churches throughout Europe.  Lutherans became one of the most dominant non-Catholic groups.  In the 1530’s the national church became independent.  Other minor religious groups were also created during this time, including the Free Christians (Protestant Reformation).

On the contrary, the Catholic Church retorted with a counter reformation which was introduced by the Council of Trent and organized by the Society of Jesus. At large, most of Northern Europe, excluding Ireland, transitioned to the Protestant faith while Southern Europe stayed Roman Catholic.  Furthermore, Central Europe escalated to a full scale war. The citizens of 1500’s Europe wanted change and they desired freedom to choose.

Additionally, individuals in early America desired a true relationship with God; individuals were attempting to achieve this through the Protestant Reformation.  This accurately represents the relationship that God longs to have with His people.  For example, most of the art during the Age of the Baroque displayed the longing to grow closer to God and leave the ritualistic and humanist ways of the Renaissance behind.

What concepts about the role or character of religion in society do you think are best for everyone to endorse in the American society, and what are your reasons?  

The concept of free religion was initially implemented in the United States colony of Maryland, in 1634.  Several years later, the Maryland Toleration Act was presented by Lord Baltimore (Maryland Toleration Act).  The act declared that no individual should be disrespected or harassed for his or her religious values, beliefs, and free practices.  However, religious tolerance and freedom was not fully established within the United States until the American Revolution, when the Declaration of Independence was signed and fulfilled.

Other colonies later joined religious liberties with the democratic system of government which had been established in Plymouth Colony and Massachusetts Bay Colony.  Such colonies became sanctuaries for the oppressed religious minority groups.  In addition, Catholics and Jews alike were permitted to freely practice their religions and faiths. The Founding Fathers believed that democracy and the freedom of morality are God’s will.  Theologically speaking, faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and therefore it cannot be forced upon any individual.  It must be a person’s will and choice to follow a supreme being. Consequently, the separation of the church and state must be enforced. Freedom to choose became an early American value.  Democracy, freedom of religion, and many other types of liberties became the governmental basis of the United States.  The Anglican and Congregational state churches were disestablished even thought they were present in many states since the 1600’s.

Based on what you can tell from the packet of articles, what is the essential character of religion in the society in one country or one situation where there appears to be religious intolerance, persecution or conflict?

The foundation of the United States was based upon many of the problems that individuals had faced in their old lands.  The Declaration of Independence, implemented in July of 1776, appoints individual rights and freedoms to the people of the United States.  The document negates the powers of European rule, and allows the citizens of the new country a life of freedom and choice.  In addition, the Declaration of Independence limits the power and rule of the United States government, allowing for more individual freedom and discouraging dictatorship and citizen oppression as experienced in Europe(Jefferson, Franklin and Adams).

One of the most significant new rights in the new land was the freedom of religion.  This new liberty was first introduced through the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.  The statute was drafted in 1777 and presented to the Virginia General Assembly in 1779by Thomas Jefferson (Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom).  Several years later, in 1786, the decree was sanctioned into the state law. Ultimately, the law renounced the Church of England within the state of Virginia and further granted freedom of religion to the citizens regardless of their favored faith.  Through the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, Catholics, Jews, and Protestant denominations alike were equally allowed to worship freely.  This particular movement set the stage for the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause within the First Amendment in the United States Constitution (Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom).

Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed that individuals, as well as society as a whole, should be led by human intention, prudence, and scientific investigation.  They believed that humans were inquisitive and unique beings capable of great things if allowed the freedom to do so.  Individuals cannot merely be placed into categories and led like sheep – forced to do things that aren’t in their creative and natural spirits.  The Founding Fathers of America understood that individuals should be at liberty to practice their own ability to reason in order to control and decide their choices and values.  In other words, values and particular religious faiths cannot be assigned and required by a government. According to the thinking associated with the Enlightenment in the 1800’s, principles of reason, unrestricted exploration, and natural human liberties directed the development of American society, reinforced the ideas of democracy, and supported freedom of religious values(George Washington Institute for Religious Freedom 18).

Moreover, the 1800’s revolutionaries in France developed Enlightenment ideals even further than the United States Founding Fathers had.  The French Revolution became (in large part) a battle against the authority and control of the Roman Catholic Church.  Many viewed the church as a companion to the French monarchy in order to maintain customary societal hierarchies. In 1790 the National Assembly of France approved the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which ceased the self-government of the Catholic Church in the country of France.  The Constitution ended the seizure of the land that belonged to the church, eradicated the chief basis of finances for the church, and terminated the authority of the Pope to select bishops within France. Since the Civil Constitution of the Clergy bishops are elected by the French people, and non-Catholics are even permitted to partake in elections.  Furthermore, the Constitution requires the church to take an oath of loyalty to France.

Since the onset of America, rights and liberties, especially the freedom of religion, has evolved and gained strength. For example, President George Washington declared that within the new nation, followers of all religions should be allowed to practice their individual faiths through freedom and liberty and not by the authorization or understanding of the government or society.  These rights are established and enforced over and over again throughout the most important historical documents of the United States.  The right to choose has always been an important element in American freedom, just as it is important in theological terms.

The Constitution of the United States refers to religion and the freedom to choose one’s own religion in two specific portions.  The Constitution’s First Amendment and Article VI of the Constitution address the matter of religion within the United States.  The First Amendment prohibits the national government from creating any law establishing religion or eliminating the free practice of religion.  The article was later extended to encompass state and community governments as well.  Furthermore, Article VI institutes the ban on religious exams as a prerequisite for attaining public office positions (Freedom of Religion in the United States). The separation of church and state was a fundamental element in the creation of the United States government.  The term literally means a wall between the church and the government.  According to the Founding Fathers, religion is a matter lying solely between an individual land God, and that citizens should not need to explain their religious beliefs to the government or society.

How should we apply the lessons of 500 years of Western history regarding the changing character of religion in the society to the current religious intolerance, persecution or conflict in that same non-western society?

Preceded by the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights further establishes the separation of church and state and freedom of religion within the United States.  This document serves as one of the early samples of total religious freedom.  The Bill of Rights paved the way for religious freedom throughout the world and began the disestablishment of official churches within the United States, thus setting an example for the rest of the modern world.

Today, America is a melting pot of many different cultures and nationalities.  America has developed considerably more diverse over the years.  Progressively, more and more ethnic cultures with their own traditions and values have migrated to the land of dreams and freedom.  Variations in immigrants has really up soared since 1965 at which point immigration laws began to permit more immigrants from Asia, Africa, and South America.The United States allows individuals to keep their traditional religious rituals or to choose a new relationship with God.  Citizens are not required to conform to official religions, and individuals are not persecuted for dissimilarities in religious beliefs. Therefore, religious freedom is necessary for the vast gathering of diverse people. After all, America was established on standards of rights and freedom.  The Founding Fathers fled the religious restrictions of Europe for a new land with choices and natural human rights. Upon the establishment of America, the choice of religion was made available to each individual citizen.  Since the nation’s establishment in 1776, America has stood upon one fundamental liberty – The freedom to choose, and this is reflected in freedom of religion.

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