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The Drought in California Is Real, Essay Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1409


Can you imagine a world without water? The human body is made up of 97% water and water is a major component of the food we eat. Without it, we would grow sick and die. It is therefore imperative for us to protect our water supply. Many people are aware of the drought that California has been experiencing, although they are not aware of potential solutions to this crisis. It seems that nothing could be done, or rather, that no one needs to do anything. However, it is important to teach the public of the seriousness of this environmental problem. The water crisis in California is an indicator of similar problems that can occur in other geographic locations (Zamora et al.). To prevent the California water crisis from becoming a worldwide problem, it is therefore important to educate the public about how to conserve water and how to prevent the current drought from worsening.

Previous generations didn’t care about their usage of water, so why should we care now? Individuals believe that the California drought is not a symptom of climate change and therefore requires no immediate action support the concept that we should wait out the drought until conditions return to normal. However, we must consider what could happen if the drought becomes worse. Furthermore, these individuals believe that the lack of drinking water availability can be resolved by importing more bottled water into the state. However, doing so would not prevent drought elsewhere and prevent people that cannot afford to buy water from having access to it. Last, the creating of plastic water bottles can actually cause environmental damage that will trigger even more drastic drought effects throughout the country.

Water is currently considered a basic right. Because of this right, every individual should be able to access water free of charge. However, companies that wish to begin selling more bottled water in the state of California would prefer to increase their product yield instead of resolving the environmental cause of the drought. These companies recognize if there is a shortage of drinking water in California, they can capitalize on this problem by selling more water bottles. This is problematic because many people will not be able to afford water. Water is something that people expect to have. Those that cannot afford it are at risk of death if they cannot find a way to acquire it. Thus, attempting to resolve the drought by increasing the sales of bottled water are inhumane and an ignorant solution to the problem. Since water is necessary for life, the right to water is a right that we must protect for all people and not allow corporations to take over. It is necessary to educate the public about this issue so they can gain an understanding of the social and health consequences of such a proposal.

In January, the Governor of California reported that the state was facing one of the most severe droughts in recorded history (Nirappil). Over usage of water is a thing of the past and severe measures need to be taken to reduce our daily usage. People must first understand that there is a drought and take into consideration the depth of the situation. Learning about the drought can make people more cautious with the use of water. Therefore, it is important for people to understand that they are responsible for these conservation efforts. There are many people who are ignoring the governor’s pleas by continuing to use several gallons a week to water their lawns. There are even more people who do not understand that this need is in place. This use of water is wasteful and does not contribute to a sustainable lifestyle for neither the people living in California nor the animals living in its natural environment (State of California). Education programs will place pressure on these individuals to take the correct ethical action.

Some cities propose the use of drought resistant plants and the cessation of grass watering to contribute to water conservation. Such investments can even have economic benefits for the state. Kim Thorpe, an employee at Dessert Creations, a well-stocked nursery in Northridge says, “Business is going great”. Drought tolerant plants are on the rise, a response to Los Angeles Department of Water Cash for Grass program. There are many billboards on the freeway reminding us of the importance of this action. Grass is not native to the California environment and therefore requires large amounts of water to survive. By accepting the fact that parts of California are dry and implementing the use of natural plant species as a part of lawn architecture, we can continue to have attractive lawns while saving water for the people and animals that need in the most. Education programs will allow people to understand the options they have available to maintain their yards while doing what is best for the environment.

Some cities in California are so concerned about the disappearing availability of water that they have imposed fines for exceeding the water limit. When people receive these fines, they will be better able to understand that every drop of water does count. Furthermore, these cities would benefit from having periods of time in which water is shut down completely. This is a method regularly used by Mexico and allows people to gain a greater understanding of the environmental impact of water use. Such methods will emphasize the importance of the drought and help people take action to reduce their role in the damage. It is also important to consider that businesses, as well as people use an excess of water (Yale Environment 360). Thus, manufacturing plants should be subject to fines as well for using more water than is necessary in their processes. In addition, it would be beneficial to provide tax incentives to companies that are able to modify their practices in a manner that allows them to optimize the use of water during manufacturing. This need to conserve water extends to farms as well; irrigation methods can be refined to use water more optimally. Even though it seems like there is a water shortage, there will be enough water for all of these practices, provided that it is used properly. Steps can be taken to ensure that this will be the case.

California has thousand of resources that will allow people to gain a comprehensive understanding of drought in addition to the steps that they can take to actively work towards a solution. It is also important for each individual to do research so they can contribute their part to this necessary effort. With rebates on water conserving plants, there are many options for citizens of California to reduce their impact on the environment. “When will it rain again?” is the question on the minds of many Californians. Even though we all want it to rain, too much water too fast can create major problems. We are reaching our rainy season in November and there is a 95% chance that El Nino’s conditions will continue through this year. How much rain will it take to end California’s drought? It will take more than double the amount of rain that falls in normal year. The effects of the driest years in California history will be hard to reverse. In the past four years, Southern California has received 32 inches of rainfall, when it should have received 70 inches. The drought that California is experiencing is real, the need for water is severe and without it we will perish. Thus, it is essential for us to take immediate action to reverse this problem today. Immediately research and implement ways that you can reduce water on a daily basis. Start by taking showers instead of baths and then achieve even more by supporting the purchase of products that don’t require the use of excess water during their manufacturing process. The California drought is a problem that we could resolve is we all work together, but if action is not taken soon, it will be too late.

Works Cited

Nirappil, F. California Met Governor’s Water Consumption Goals Last Month, Thanks To Rainy December. 3 Feb. 2015. Web. 30 October 2015. State of California. California Drought. 2015. Web. 30 October 2015.

Yale Environment 360. Beyond the Perfect Drought: California’s Real Water Crisis. 15 June 2015. Web. 30 October 2015.

Zamora, A., Kirchner, L., Lustgarten, A. California’s Drought Is Part of a Much Bigger

Water Crisis. Here’s What You Need to Know. 25 June 2015. Web. 30 October 2015.

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