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Affirmative Rebuttal, Essay Example

Pages: 1

Words: 342


It has long been known that the family is the basic unit of society and is responsible in value formation during the child’s early years. However, recent studies suggest that behavior is learned, largely from environmental factors and not mere genetics. In fact, psychologists such as John Watson and B.F Skinner have proved, through constant experimentation and observation, that behavior is learned and that it can be conditioned. Even identical twins, who would in theory, should be identical in all aspects, show that they have different personalities. As human beings, we have the capacity to adapt to any given situation and respond to it accordingly.

The school has been considered as the second home of children and debated to be largely responsible for a child’s development. As such, in each corner of the developed world, Education is a basic right of each individual that enhances one’s quality of life. It is a fact that it is through proper education that children acquire the knowledge and skills that would aid them later on in life and in the development of good values.

Meanwhile the government is concerned with protecting the rights of its people and to ensure their well-being. Therefore, the Government must support conditions that would allow its people to realize their potential. As a basic unit of society, the government should make an effort to preserve its integrity. Policies that are conducive to proper child rearing should be undertaken and services should be made available to those in need of assistance. As such it is only fitting that the government must be constantly involved in this field and ensure that appropriate values are taught and assimilated by the whole society. Thus, it is necessary that the government devote attention to value formation while in school and cultivating respect for each child’s identity.


Carlson, N. R. et al. (2005) Psychology: the science of behaviour (3rd Canadian ed) Pearson Ed

Colt, George (1998). Were You Born that Way? Life Magazine

Meaney, Michael (2001). Nature, nurture, and the disunity of knowledge. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

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