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Analyses of Greek and Roman Poems, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1102


Which type of poem do you prefer a Roman love poem or a Greek Trojan war poem? We will discuss theIliad and Epodes for the purpose of this poem analyses. Authorship is named to a poet named Homer, for the Iliad. It remains one of the most celebrated stories till today. Greeks wondered if the Iliad was written by one or two poets. They thwarted Homers existence because he kept such a low profile in life. Homer also wrote the Odyssey which is a great poem of its time. The Trojan War had yet to end at the time of the Iliad. Achilles’ refers much about his frequent death in the Iliad. The final fall of Troy came in the Iliad. On another note Epodes spoke of a little ballerina that gave much pleasure to the city through her dancing. Each poem has its difference in which one is about fighting and war and the other is about beauty seen through the dance. To compare and contrast the two the Iliad was during a period where much fighting and destruction was amidst the countries. The Epodes was when all had calmed down and there was reconstruction, tranquility and art coming up through the years of the Renaissance Era. The Renaissance Era is one known for love, art, music, sculpture and ambitious artists such as Van Goss and Rembrandt. Poems are a work of art also. Anything that moves someone emotionally, including poems is considered a piece of art work.

The Iliad is referred to song of Illian sometimes because it is a song of Ancient Greece with reference to Homer, the navigator and fighter. It talks about gatherings of siege and war and further distress. It is the oldest of Western Literature known today. There were nine days of plague where the leader was called to end the war. Achilles came to his breaking point and asked for his mother.

Horace was the first to write the Roman poem Epodes. The poem contains a lot of moods ant topics from chivalry, dance, and tranquility to peace all shown in the dance. Love and political concerns during the Renaissance era were the importance of the poem. It showed that at the end of the Trojan War there could be peace unity and oneness with the people and the soldiers/politicians. The different moods and topics eventually lead to love and tranquility which is opposite of Homer’s Iliad.

Normally politicians can cause disarray, but in this poem the politics of the nature were coincided with the array of love and tranquility after the war. The love and politics worked together to form a strong nation under no siege after the war. It was a great time to live where tyranny and disarray had disappeared. Before the Iliad during the war there was murder, conflict and Homer wrote of this in the Iliad. The headless horsemen were used to murder the innocent townspeople because of their political beliefs. In the latter poem Epodes, Horace uses symbolism to show peace, unity and love through art, statues and peace with the townspeople.

The two can be easily compared because one is of a Western time of horrific damnation of a country and the latter is of a time when peace followed the war. These two poems both have great significance because they show that after the overthrow of power, a nation can be bestowed back to civility and one of honor and pleasure to reside in. Homer was an externalist and believed in one’s own doing for the condemnation of a nation. He was not a distasteful man though. He cared for people just wrote about tyranny and war. The other author was a man of peace, honor, distaste for war and its mad kindling it brought to the Western civilization.

Both the Greek and Roman poem were wrote years apart but yet they both play an important role in the siege and demise of the Trojan War ending in peace and honor for all involved. Satirical lampoons emerged from the latter Roman poem bringing decency and prestige to the nation. Just as In the Lovely Night Roman poem Luna talks about leaving her home and walking through courageous veiled steps. It was a lovely summer night and the soul was filled with happiness not despair as compared to the Iliad. She would give up one night in heaven for a thousand nights like this. This shows the poems during the Roman times were full of happiness and lack of disdain.

Let’s look at the Greek poem Kiln. It is a 23 line hexameter poem that was attributed to Homer. There is an appeal to Athena to grant success to certain unnamed potters if they would pay for the poet’s song. If they did not they would be cursed forever. Here is another poem filled with envy, distress, coercion and control from the days of Homer. There is distaste and no peace and harmony as in the poem Epodos and In the Lovely night where beautiful words were spoken with patience, kindness, love and a desire for tranquility without control or fighting. These are two different types of poems, rather four and two of them represent an era of fighting and disdain while the other two represent repent, happiness and love. All can be conquered through love and affection not through war and fighting.

Which era of poems do you prefer the ones with fighting or the ones that depict love and tranquility resorting to love and harmony to settle things. Both are great poems of a very distinct era. It appears the Romans were lovers and the Greeks were courageous fighters. I prefer to be educated on the Greeks but to live in the era of the Romans where poems of love existed with no tolerance for disdain and control. Some like the excitement of war, disdain, disarray and fighting to conquer territories. Those poems usually end in peace after thousands and thousands of lives have been lost to no avail. It is much peaceful when there is love that conquers all as the Roman depict in their poems.

All four poems were great pieces of literary works and of great value to those reading them today. A lesson can be learned from either poem. Both of the poems from the Greek and Roman era depicted love, tragedy and bewilderment. It was full of action that poems usually portray. The analysis of the four poems created an ambiance and a worldwide view of what it was really like to live in those days. Poets often portrayed real life schisms through the use of poems.

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