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Antigone as a Tragic Hero, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 881


The strategic hero refers to the character that under the subjection of critical conditions encountered downfall orchestrated by other undefined parameters. In most cases, the factors that lead to the eventual downfall emanate from the intrinsic qualities of the personality (Chanter, 15). On the other hand, a hero comes from diverse alternatives, for instance, valorous, shunned or about strength and body size. Also, the beliefs of the character and the stands taken in any matter remain unaltered but just build it up with the primary intention to gain more ground and provide defense system the ordinary members of the society. The paper analyzes the qualities and the manner in which the Antigone links her heroism to the tragic flaws in the play.

More so, the prominent moves of the Antigone that facilitate the eventual downfall are quite diverse. For example, the preliminary violation of her loyalty to the gods of the land that directly portrays her un-relentless effort to comply with the laws of the land and King Creon commands. The open violation of the King’s decree that traitors are not supposed to receive ceremonial burial. However, Antigone views the order as misplaced ideology with no basis in the tradition and backing of the religion (Shepherdson, 37).  Therefore, the Antigone decides to violate the rules and grant her brother Polynices a proper burial regardless of the danger she is likely to bear for the violation of the King’s orders. On the other hand, the attitude, braveness and pressing on into the implementation of the personal views that seems to contradict the common laws. However, the link to the proper and unbiased free-will and human reasoning regulates the ideology of Antigone. Consequently, the action of Antigone about the brother’s burial ways her heroism from adherence to the King Creon’s decree and demonstrate the loyalty to God.

Alternatively, the strategic flow of Antigone in the preceding analogy is two sides. Firstly, the commitment to God and willingness to handle ceremonial burial represent a case of strategic heroism. On the other hand, the complete refusal to yield to the King’s principle reveals another significant flow.  The prominent attribute of strategic hero is the inability to come to a compromise and view the occurrence from either side that is the benefits point and the consequences attributed to the move. Like the failure of the Antigone to visualize the impact of violation of the Kings orders to the entire family and the effects in her part within the royal family.

Moreover, the tragic flaw refers to the practice of an outright pride that overshadows other critical, judgmental capability of an individual. More so, on the play Antigone’s moves always contradicts and exploits one-sided analysis of the situation (Shepherdson, 42).  In fact, the every undertaking follows a justification from the character that presents her side as the best, and there is no alternative or substitute for their ideology.

The comments of Antigone that let people refer to her like a mad person yet fulfills her hubris urge reveal an important feature of a tragic hero. In fact, the excessive pride that Antigone displays coupled with mockery to the King result into the eventual detention. Such pride and braveness constituted the tragic laws for Antigen. On the same note, the downfall of the Oedipus, the father to Antigone further loaded the tragic flaws (Chanter, 18).  The resultant destruction of the Antigone in the play originated from the prominently exorcised attitudes that compose the tragic flaws. In addition, the moves of Antigone depended on the laws God that govern her movements even if they contradict the orders of the king. Throughout the play, Antigone treads the path of a strategic hero regardless of the pain and suffering. The constant violation of the king’s orders led to detention yet maintained the stand and did not yields but stood tall to confirms moves and justified their practicality in the society from the religious point of view.

Furthermore, the ability to maintain the position by the character under tense moment reveals the attitude of the character. For example, while in detention Antigone maintained that the dead deserve proper burial and proudly admit having buried her brother revealed the character of a tragic hero that have to support the stand under what circumstance. The perseverance and continuous practices that restrain the authority for the sake of religious tradition enabled Antigone to generate the backing for every logical move taken whether it affect the people or not. In fact, the constant violation of the laws of the land and detentions led to the deterioration of the heroin’s life and the eventual death.  Of course, the strict conformity to the tragic flaws irrespective of the side effect made Antigone a prominent figure in the play (Shepherdson, 67).

Finally, the tragic heroes believe in self-esteem, or the hubris always offers supporting momentum to the tragic characters and at all cases, they believe to be on the right. In the event of confliction opinions, they view those who oppose as the self-centered and do not have an adequate understanding of the matter. However, they do not accommodate contrary opinions whether they are on the wrong side.

Work cited

Chanter, Tina. Whose Antigone?. Albany: The State University of New York Press, 2011. Print.

Shepherdson, Charles. Lacan and the Limits of Language. Bronx: Fordham University Press, 2008. Print.

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