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Balanced Scorecard and Controllability at the Level of Middle Managers, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 770



The dynamic and competitive sector of healthcare have spurred the hospitals to deliver more enhanced quality and flexibility of services. However, at the same time these hospitals have to cut their cost. To achieve these goals, the hospitals need to have a different scope and they must develop a balanced scorecard which will help them to achieve these strategic goals. In order to support the overall strategic goal, vision and mission of Patient Care Services, the Nursing performance improvement plays a critical role. The practices of Nursing are based on the standards of professional care. With the help of patient satisfaction surveys, other quality data and the Balanced Scorecard, there process improvements are monitored. The other quality data comprises of Nursing Quality National Database Indicators, review of Sentinel events and the Standard of Staffing Effectiveness. In this paper, the strategic goals and planning of the healthcare system will be highlighted which will help the organization journey towards enhance quality service (Jepsen, 2015). Also, the external benchmarks and the comparisons will be described.

Description of Structure of Organization

The organization selected for this paper is ‘Patient Care Services’ and is one of the best teaching facility and Trauma Center. The location of the company is with a large population of regional metro in Central Virginia. There exists 865 hospital beds and clinics of outpatients in this medical center.  The organization also comprises of the group practice of 600 physician faculties and offers state of the art science schools care in specialty areas which are more than 200. These specialty sections are head and spinal cord trauma, cancer treatment, burn healing and transplantation of organ. The patients in this organization also get a chance to participate in the different programs of treatment (Niven , 2011). The organization employs 8,000 staff in different positions and these employees helps the company to achieve its missions. The organization is renowned for its breast Center programs, LVAD Certifications, Program of Stroke and the destination therapy. The American Credentialing Center of Nursing have twice recognized this organization with the Award which is very prestigious and is ‘Magnet Award’. This itself demonstrates the nursing practice and leadership excellence in this organization (Niven , 2011).

Hospital’s Strategic Plan Key Elements

The process of Strategic planning is a top down and bottom up approach of communication. This communication needs to move to all the level of staffs and they need to be aware of this process. Employees play a critical role in the process of strategic planning as they can give input with the help of focus groups, feedback and meetings in relation to the organizational direction. In order to ensure safety, equality, effectiveness and improvement of patient care, the organization needs to adopt development and technology tools (Niven , 2011). This will facility the organization in the transformation of a research and clinical practice. The organization aims to restore and preserve people’s health, to cure and seek the disease cause with the help of innovation and service the humanity by educating. The plan of strategy focuses on the service excellence, quality, safety, performance and operations improvement (Kollberg & Elg, 2011). The focus of Quality and Safety is to reduce the infections acquired in the hospital (HAI), Ulcers Hospital Acquired Pressure, patients injuries and the falls of patient. In order to enhance the quality of service and achieve excellence, the Hospital focuses on the scores of Systems and Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers (HCAHPS) which helps to enhance the repose time of staff and measuring KPIs.

Standards and Accreditation Body for a Quality Management Program

The Joint Commission (TJC) accredited this organization and sticks to the Medicaid and Service regulations of Medicare. The hospital reports an monitors the performance with the help of Joint Commission and CMS measures of quality. The plan of strategy is based on the metrics of quality which are surrounded by the injury falls, HAPU and CAUTI (Jakobsen  & Lueg, 2014). The indicators of quality enhancement for the goals of Nursing are measured with the help of Nursing National Database Indicators of Quality (NDNQI). The satisfaction of the patient is the priority that is at top and this is done with the help of HCAHPS survey.


Jakobsen, M., & Lueg, R. (2014). Balanced scorecard and controllability at the level of middle managers–The case of unintended breaches. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change10(4), 516-539.

Jepsen, S. (2015). Using a Scorecard to Demonstrate Clinical Nurse Specialists’ Contributions. AACN advanced critical care26(1), 43-49.

Kollberg, B., & Elg, M. (2011). The practice of the Balanced Scorecard in health care services. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management60(5), 427-445.

Niven, P. R. (2011). Balanced scorecard: Step-by-step for government and nonprofit agencies. John Wiley & Sons.

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