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Benefits of Working From Home, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 836


Work can be done with ease when the conditions surrounding it are favorable. Working at home can be a good environment to work since, commuting is eliminated, and morning rash and tiredness that comes handy with morning talks with friends as well as driving from home to work place.

The organization managers should consider their employees working from home; this can bring a lot of benefits to the organization as well as saving huge costs in incurred when they work from office. The boss should consider saving such costs and use it to expand or enhance the company activities.

Fuel costs do take a bigger percentage in the budget, where employees are provided with company cars and, fueling as well as repairs becomes the company’s responsibility. The organization will not require a very big space to accommodate its workers. The office will remain a central place where they submit their work or grievances. These expenses erodes the company’s profits, if allowed to work from home this money can be used to pay them better salaries and they can be motivated. Remarkably, improving the workers equipments, networks, good lap top, telephones and other machines will be purchased to enhance work. Provision of these facilities boosts workers morale, and they perform better. The organization will reap in terms of quality job done and high profits due to efficiency of work (cole 127).

Time is a very important factor in an organization. The employees do waste a lot of time by commuting during morning and evening hours. Therefore, workers cannot spare extra time at work since they need to travel back home. When at home, the worker can work very early in the morning when he/she feels energetic; they can also extend to late ours since they don’t need to commute. The extra time is very important to the company since work is completed at the right time. The company reputation is enhanced once the customers are satisfied and go home smiling. Thus, the company gains a competitive edge against its competitors. Increased productivity can be felt, since there are no co-workers who drop to lament on their dating, drinking dilemmas or dieting. It also appears easier to ignore some emails and do away with impromptu meetings due to lateness etc. This specious time can be dedicated to work. Incase of meetings, mails and phone can be sufficient. Provision of a computer, internet plus a phone makes a worker connected from the house as he/she can be in the office. The company should not afford to allow time to be wasted while it can be beneficial.

Stress is a condition that affects the worker performance; this can originate from environmental factors such as your sitting position, crowded room, piped music which carries away your concentration, computer position where you need to raise your head while working. Since we have different personalities and likes, footsteps of other staff in the same room can be annoying. At the same time, ringing of staff phones, conversations in the room and, sometimes one is forced to overhear your neighbor’s phone conversation.  These activities interfere with the workers ability and lower the production for the day. When working at home the environment is very conducive in terms of sitting position, no movement, the music will be at ones choice and controlled volume level. The worker can lock him/herself in a room and have a specious environment to work. The stress that lowers his performance and capability is eliminated, allowing the worker to give his/her best to the work (Frey and Osterloh 127).

Environmental conservation is a very vital factor that every human being should play part. This factor has direct impact to all of us; therefore, every means should be used to ensure that we leave in a good environment and, avoid health hazards that can affect our productivity. By working from home, a worker will be making a great contribution towards reversing global warming, that has continued to alter the world climate, through the continued rising temperature. This will be the case since the worker won’t be driving to work, thus no emission of carbon-dioxide, which is one of the green house gases that makes the greatest contribution to the formation of the green house effect, which is the main course of global warming (ogongo 79-91). The worker will avoid inhaling the toxic gases directly emitted by automobiles while commuting, which gradually affects him/her health wise. By working at home the company will be contributing greatly towards environment conservation. Thus, the economy of the state will grow and the companies will be favored by the same growth.

The organizations count on their workers as their capital resource, therefore good care should be taken to such resources in order to maximize the production.

Works Cited

Cole, G.A. Management: Theory and Practice. 5th Ed. London: Martins the Publishers Limited, 1996.

Frey, Bruno and Osterloh, Margit. Successful management by motivation: balancing intrinsic and extrinsic incentives. New York: Springer, 2002.

Ogongo, James, K. Global warming: The carbon dioxide green house effect. 2nd Ed. Nairobi: Longhorn Publishers, 2006.

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