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Buddhism Worksheet, Research Paper Example

Pages: 1

Words: 323

Research Paper

Explain the basic Buddhist teachings including the three marks of reality, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path. 

  • In Buddhist teaching, the three marks of reality are Annica, Dukkha, and Anatta. Annica is the law that defines that nothing is constant, and there are no permanent states in life and existence. This law is also currently used by scientists to explain how the Universe came to be and is expanding. Another basic universal law is Dukkha, the law of suffering. According to Buddhist teachings, suffering is an imperfection of being, and it is complex, while it is impossible to reach a perfect state of existence without reaching Nirvana. According to Access to Insight, dukkha is birth, death, aging, and pain as well.
    • The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism are Dukkha (suffering), the origin of suffering (Samudaya), the truth of suffering cessation (Nirodha), and the truth that relates to the road towards the cessation of suffering (Magga).
  • The Noble Eightfold Path represents one’s journey towards discovering one’s self and true nature. The steps are Samma-Ditthi, Samma-Sankappa, Samma-Vaca, Samma-Kammanta, Samma-Ajiva, Samma-Vayama, Samma-Sati, and Samma-Samadh, focusing on the internal processes and transformations that lead to enlightenment.
  • Describe the three major Buddhist traditions—Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana—and how each tradition developed from the early teachings.
  • The different Buddhist schools, Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana are based on the same principles, but focus on different areas of the philosophy. Theravada (the teachings of the elders) is based on the traditions and understandings of previous teachers. Buddha is considered to have human characteristics.
  • Mahayana is built around the idea of rebirth. It originates from the Mahasanghikas sect. The ideal teacher of the tradition would delay their enlightenment to help other believers on their path.
  • Vajrayana is practiced mostly in Tibet and Bhutan. This tradition has a general spiritual leader, the “guru” called the Dalai Lama. This tradition emerged in India during the 6th or 7th Century, and created its own ritual and belief system.
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