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Career Efficacy Synthesis, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 799



This assignment will concern The Efficacy of Career Development Interventions: A Synthesis of Research (Copyright: 1981 by Academic Press, Inc.). Through these two examples, The first, an international symposium, “Career Guidance and Public Policy: Bridging the Gap” held in Toronto in October of 2003, with 43 countries represented. Second, “Working Connections: A Pan-Canadian Symposium on Career Development, Lifelong Learning and Workforce Development,” which was held in Toronto in November of 2003. The Efficacy of Career Development deals with interventions.

This essay will concern The Efficacy of Career Development Interventions: A Synthesis of Research (Copyright: 1981 by Academic Press, Inc.).

Both pages of the test analysis will concern career counseling. The Efficacy of Career Development deals with interventions: A Synthesis of Research by dual authors, Kris Magnusson, Ph.D. and Allison Roest.

Published by The University of Lethbridge (March, 2004), this follows a pattern of Behavioral Samples (demonstration of cognitive and emotional functioning). Adherence to social norms within test analysis on career counseling serves the ourpose of determining the need for a comprehensive research strategy assessing the efficacy of career interventions (symposia).

Two recent symposia have highlighted the need for public policy to be guided by evidence pertaining to the efficacy of career development practice.

  • an international symposium, “Career Guidance and Public Policy: Bridging the Gap” held in Toronto in October of 2003, with 43 countries represented.
  • “Working Connections: A Pan-Canadian Symposium on Career Development, Lifelong Learning and Workforce Development,” which was held in Toronto in November of 2003.

Scoring procedures demonstrate the achievement and ability tests that follow a uniform testing protocol or procedure.

The price (unit,set,etc) had been adapted by American psychologist, 1993 – (Scholastic access). With no specimen set or price, the qualification for purchase had been established through several mediums: Education Resources Information Center (ERIC, Appalachian College Association); Academic Press, Inc.; Wiley Online Library (Journal of Counseling and Development: Senior Psychologist James H. Evans Jr. and Professor Harman D. Burck, December 2011); The University of Lethbridge (CANADIAN RESEARCH WORKING GROUP FOR EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT, State of Practice in Canada in Measuring Career Service Report, Service Impact: A CRWG Report Principal).

These two Acronyms CRWG (CANADIAN RESEARCH WORKING GROUP), ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) are in the spotlight here. In the form PDF/Adobe Acrobat, time to administer, verbatim, refers to these lines: “Time constraints did not permit a comprehensive review; however, the articles included provide a representative sampling of research in the field… A total of 34 of the 41 specific research studies described intervention effects on students, mostly Caucasian, within educational settings. Of these, 20 studies were conducted with university or college students, 9 utilized high school students, and 5 were conducted with middle school students. This pattern is common in psychological research in general; most studies are done where it is convenient to gain access to participants.” — five to seven minutes, most likely. The norms are “A total of 34 of the 41 specific research studies described intervention effects on students, mostly Caucasian, within educational settings. Of these, 20 studies were conducted with university or college students, 9 utilized high school students, and 5 were conducted with

This pattern is common in psychological research in general; most studies are done where it is convenient to gain access to participants.” The general description had been (contextually) listed here: “Although in one sense this a reasonable and understandable approach, it still leaves large gaps in our knowledge about the differential effects that career services may have on other groups, such as women, members of varying ethnic or cultural groups, or people from differing educational or socio-economic backgrounds.”

The theoretical foundation concerns “Theoretical assumptions [that] are rarely made explicit, even though there may be a variety of perspectives about what constitutes effective career planning. As noted earlier, most efficacy research seems to have been conducted from a structural perspective (e.g., linking specific individual attributes and occupational choice). Typically, this results in the selection of outcome measures such as increased knowledge of self (e.g., through standardized or informal career assessment measures), increased knowledge of the world of work (e.g., increases in occupational information or occupational information seeking behaviours) or the selection of a specific occupational goal (occupational decision making). The relationship between these variables and broader outcomes such as career satisfaction or career stability is not known.

Furthermore, there is little evidence to even suggest that these are the most relevant factors to consider in career planning.” Herein the reader determines the technical data: “Based on the findings of this review, it is clear that the focus of research needs to be expanded to include a much broader spectrum of human experience.” In concern to reliability, “A major concern with the interpretation of the efficacy data is the imprecision of the outcome measures. Often, instruments with questionable standards of reliability and validity serve as the specific outcome measure.”

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