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Challenges in East Asia 1800-1912, Research Paper Example

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Research Paper


Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species in 1859. This was one of the first publications that attempted to convey where man came from a secular or scientific perspective. In this book, Darwin focused on changes that occurred over time that modified the population and separated them into species. Darwin defined this change as natural force that would reward change over time. The most important factor of Darwin theory was the fact that portions of species have biologically favorable characteristics to help it survive within nature; not all species had those characteristics. This theory prompted great debates that lead to an explosion of   ideas about human evolution. Darwin also speculated that the human population had adapted over a period of time to survive in its environment. “This was in direct contradiction to the views of some scholars and theologians who (at the time) believed that in nature, all forms of life had been created at one time by God” (Claeys, 2000).

Social Darwinism

For centuries, philosophers have postulated on the reason for differences in culture and races, as well as the economic differences within the groups. Darwin borrowed a portion of his theory ideas from a man named Thomas Malthus. Malthus described “Best Adapted” or Biologically Fittest” by showing how certain groups survived over time and reproduced in large numbers(Claeys, 2000). In his theory, those groups that survived and out produced other groups became stronger and better adapted to their environment. Eventually, the weakest members of society would be weeded out and the creation of a “super race” would happen. Darwin built upon this theory of Natural Selection. Over time, the fittest would only reproduce with the fittest and the world would be inhabited by only the fittest. The weak would become extinct.  For example, in today’s world, the government has welfare programs, medical assistance programs, and educational programs that help people obtain the tools they need to be successful in life. According to Darwin’s theory, the government should not do this because it is hindering the production of a super race. People who are unable to make it on their own should be allowed to die.

Lineal Evolution

Eventually, a model for social class was created. The model reflected racial discrimination and lack of equality for women (Hawkins, 1997). People from various religious and cultures were left off the model. Once the model was completed, those within close proximity of the desired traits were deemed “fitter” or superior to other members of society. Ironically, social Darwinists believed that they were the superior race because they were the most highly evolved. They believed that people that were in low positions on the model could not change their position in the model without going through all he evolutionary changes; these changes could take thousands of years to evolve. This fact gave those at the top a sense of security that they would never face competition from those lower on the model (Hawkins, 1997). For example, “Hunting and Gathering Cultures were ranked on the bottom of the ladder with Industrial-Agricultural cultures ranked at the top of the Lineal and Evolutionary scales” (Darwin, 1869).

The Effect

It is logical to believe that many early anthropologists had the same views as Darwinists. Consequently, these views were passed on to primitive societies who were being exploited. More emphasis was being place on the society’s primitive ways which led to stigmatization and negative views from outsiders. These views made colonialization seem needed. Consequently, in today’s society, the population is still divided culture and race. Likewise, there are certain members of society that will forever be stigmatized and discriminated against due to early exploitation.


Claeys, Gregory (2000). The survival of the fittest and the origins of social darwinism.” Journal of the History of Ideas 61(2): 223-240.

Darwin, Charles R (1869). On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.

Hawkins, Mike (1997). Social darwinism in european and american thought, 1860-1945: nature as model and nature as threat. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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