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Chinese Civilization, Research Paper Example

Pages: 3

Words: 947

Research Paper

Confucius, also known as Kong Fu Zi, is a man from humble beginnings, born in Ni, a sacred hill. Kong (his surname) suggests thankful utterances of answered prayers, made by his parents and thus, they gave him the name because their prayers were answered. His influential teachings inspired religions, philosophy, and the way of life lasting to current times. His basic sayings in discussions or The Analects touched on merit, harmony and tolerance of a philosophy, social and political system (Watson 20). Apparently, his dreams of becoming a government official of Lu came to pass at the age of fifty. In his time, in office, he offended Lu nobility, which made him go into exile hence, leave office.

In 484 BCE, he returned to Lu and started teaching and writing books consisting of songs, documentaries and classics of ancient times. Consequently, he is referred as the founding Father of Confucianism, a school of thought in the humanistic view. Today, this school is China’s ideology since it stressed on virtuous life, humanity and proper conduct. All this can be studied by learning history and classical (Confucius 2012). He emphasized ritual, benevolence and propriety (Rin teachings) thus, people consider Confucius as an influence. During his lifetime in China, he was exposed to ideological crisis because of deteriorating principles of Chinese tradition. His teachings dealt with how people should live and behave with relation to interactions with other people (civic mortality). He also emphasized ethical governance, which contributed to Chinese civilization.

Confucius talks of five relationships existing in the social context, which include father and son, older and younger brothers, husband and wife, community members, ruler and subjects. From these links, it is evident that three deal with fundamental and important family relations. Also, they show how superiors and inferiors interact while portraying obedience and respect accorded to both parties (Brown). Confucius acknowledges that elders need to be respected not forgetting ancestors and past leaders, who contributed to growth and development of the country to its current state. As a teacher, he believed that leaders need to set outstanding examples morally for others to emulate their behaviors. He asserts that leaders (state rulers) are responsible for their officials and subjects moral conduct and behavior.

Confucius followers collected his ideas in The Analects, which they later used to codify and analyze presented thoughts. For example, in c. 372-c. 289 BC, Mencius contributed to these schools of thoughts by presenting arguments of human nature. In essence, he says that humans are good originally; therefore, each in a social setting is capable of acting ethically. Additionally, he asserts how states as moral institutions with ethical leaders should exemplify this through their leadership techniques. In addition, leaders’ climate should show high moral standards thus, resulted in the emergence of the golden age (Freedman 52) or harmony and peace.

Kong Fu Zi

Leaders not observing ethical perspectives and behaviors lost the Haven Mandate. Therefore, people have a right to overthrow the ruler. From this perspective, it is clearly noted that politics are same from ancient periods. The only difference is that their leaders understood clearly how virtue and respect relates. As compared to today’s leaders who violate ethical standards and behaviors (Confucius 2012). His philosophy aimed at achieving a harmonious society that does not depend on financial or feudal merits. He bases his leadership philosophies on goodness and mankind equality (morally). These reflect on civilization of leaders and their power rule with regard to promoting unity and peace in their country.

Confucius moral teachings (Rin) emphasized on governments, teachers and parents duty to cultivate his teachings in all life aspects. He also taught about Li (meanings of rituals, ceremonies and how individuals should behave). Yi teachings concerned duty and or behaving righteously while Chi (wisdom) teachings that looked into both the past and experiences. His teachings exemplify personal superiority of rules governing leader’s behavior. The emphases of his teachings are on self-cultivation, skilled judgment attainment, moral emulation exemplars and not rules of knowledge. This promotes truth and honesty languages as explicated by leaders governing different government offices (Hobson 40). Chinese leaders are devoted to promoting their people’s lives by attending to all their needs. Additionally, they accentuate on both social and personal perfection by not imposing on governing laws and rules on aspects of moral behavior.

Kong Fu Zi 2

In summary, Confucius valued sage and not property and thus, readers of his teachings reflect on whether they would follow and pursue his self-improvement techniques. He is a human excellence exemplar and serves as an ultimate model and thus, The Analects are considered as humanism examples of Chinese people. Confucius, an ethical particularistic, assert that a duty to family and friends precedes that of community duty. By following Confucius’s teachings, leaders would give guidance to individuals regarding different things. Chinese civilization brings out Confucius’s teaching by emphasizing on ethical virtues of self and cultivating knowledge and sincerity in leading people. Virtuous leaders act ethically and harbor sincere thoughts by disposing knowledge in all their managerial and leadership tactics. This has resulted in the reduction of corruption hence, gives individuals the chance to learn and share with others.

 Works Cited

Brown, Robert. Lectures Notes: Early Indian and Chinese Civilizations. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Retrieved 13 April 2012, from <> Web.

“Confucius”. 2012. Retrieved 13 April 2012, from <> Web.

Freedman, Russell. Confucius: The Golden Rule. Scholastic Inc.: New York, 2002. Print.

Hobson, John. The Eastern origins of Western civilization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print.

Watson, Burton. The analects of Confucius. Columbia University Press: Columbia, 2007. Print.

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