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Client Recommendation Exercise “Retain, Release, or Refer”, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 974


Cole Barkley

Barkley is a minor who is 14 years of age. He is a Caucasian who lives with his grandparents. His grandmother had reported his case to the family support services center because prior to his problems, he is a good student who comes from a very supportive family. The participant has been recommended for counseling, he does not think that there is an issue in the things he has been participating in such as smoking marijuana and consuming alcohol. He claims that it is: “no big deal; I am just having fun with my friend,” “everyone does it,” and “it’s just getting drunk and smoking some weed.” The participant has been recommended for counseling by school officials as well as his grandmother due to a number of incidents where he has been caught under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. This problem has been occurring for a year now. The participant is in need of further exploration of the family as well as a deeper exploration of his circle of friends. The school principal has suggested that he be expelled from school for smoking marijuana on school property, thus assistance in now very necessary. He is currently receiving counseling from a teen center for three weeks to determine possible causes for his behavior, and is receiving support from his grandmother, girlfriend and circle of friends. So far, he has not shown any signs of improvement, and there are no visible changes in his attitude.

It is recommended that he is retained in his counseling sessions. He has only being undergoing them for three weeks, and there can be further results if he were to continue his sessions. Eventually, his background may be explored (Cohen, 2003). The early death of his parents may be delved in to, and it may be examined to see if this has had any psychological effects on the participant. His reasons for doing these things may be linked to something lacking in the home, therefore he must retain his counseling sessions, since they are not yet complete and he has not been attending for that long.

James Hoya

The participant is a single minor of only 9 years of age. He comes from a Hispanic background, in a single parent home. He was referred by his parents and the school for family support service. He lives with his mother, though sees his father sometimes during the weekends. The participant is said to be outgoing and enjoys playing with his friends. The problems which the school and the participants’ parents are concerned about are Hoya’s feelings towards school; he hates it. He states that he “always has to do stuff I don’t want to do”, “never get to do the stuff I want to do,” “I just wna hang out with my friends,” and “my mother doesn’t understand and my dad is never around”. The participant needs to be around people he can relate to, and is currently receiving help with his problem by being more involved with school activities.

James has been participating in an after school basketball program as well as being tutored for school work. His current support is his parents and family. It is recommended that the participant be referred to counseling because he seems to be showing behavioral problems, which may have connections to his lack of attention (Wakefield, 2008). Counseling will be able to determine what the reasons for James’ disruptive behaviors are, and why he does not focus so much on his school work. The participation in the basketball program has gotten him to be involved in something, yet it is not helping how he feels about school work. His counseling may also explore deeper into his family setting as well as how he might feel about his parents not being together; mostly how he feels about not seeing his father as often as he could. It is recommended that the participant be referred to counseling for further evaluation.

Jetter Dawkins

The participant is a widower of 68 years old; he is of African American decent and currently lives alone. He is an active participant in the community and his current problems are that of depression, loneliness and uselessness. The participant needs to be able to have a sense of companionship in his life and needs to be able to participate in daily activities where he feels he is of use and can be appreciated. The problem has been going on for two years now, and sought help himself. He currently has no social support system. With addressing the problem, there has been progress with him in discussing his interests, as well as his children. He has been meeting with an over-65 social group which is designed specifically for the elderly who have lost a spouse.

It is recommended that the participant be released from the services, and he may continue his participation in the social group he is attending. The release of the participant can be seen as a positive step forward (Bryman, & Cramer, 2001). Knowing that he has people to turn to, as well as people to relate to, can give the participant confidence in knowing that he is capable overcoming his loneliness and depression by himself. It is also recommended that the participant would see his children more often; this may also help with his progression. However, any further intervention for the individual is not seen as necessary, therefore it is recommended that he be released yet monitored for further progress.


Bryman, A. & Cramer, D. (2001). Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS Release 10 for Windows: A Guide for Social Scientists. London: Routledge.

Cohen, B.J. (2003). Theory and Practice of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Wakefield, J.C. (2008). New Myths and Harsh Realities: Reply to Paul on the Implications of Paul and Lentz (1977) for Generalization from Token Economies to Uncontrolled Environments. Behavior and Social Issues 17(1).

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