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Collaborative Leadership for Learning Communities, Essay Example

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Most people learn ethical manners at home, at school, in church, social settings, or a combination of the four. Although most people acquire their sense of right and wrong when they are children, ethical and moral development occurs throughout life and human beings pass through different stages of growth as they mature in Christ. Ethical norms are so omnipresent that one might be tempted to regard them as simple commonsense. On the other hand, if morality was nothing more than conscious, there would not be so many disputes in the world. We often fail in our daily struggle to act with wisdom – it does not always come so easily. Often, one does not always do the ethically correct thing. Having wisdom is a great reward. Each person should strive to make ethically correct decisions in order to acquire inner peace.

Ethical Issue

I was faced with an ethical issue few days ago when I was visiting a friend of mine who is a school teacher. She has several resource students that she works with one on one because their special education department is nonexistence. Earlier that day, she was asking another teacher about some resources to work with the students with. Well, she mentioned to the special education teacher that she was working with some resource students. Upset about the fact that she was working with these students that she should be working with, she yelled at the child asking why was my friend telling everyone that he can’t read at all. Several of the students in the class came back and told my friend what happened. She was very upset. She asked me what I thought she should do.  I told her to go to the teacher and asked her about it. The special education teacher denied that it even happened. She said that she asked him why he has been acting like he can’t read in his class. The student is having a very difficult time. He is dirty quite a lot, he misses several days a week, and he eats his lunch and anyone else who doesn’t want theirs. It really disheartened me because it is very clear that this child is having a hard time. I felt she made him feel like my friend was talking about him, which in turn might make him feel he can’t trust her. My friend said that she went to the special education teacher’s room in the most humble way that she could, but she said the other teacher probably sensed that she was upset. My friend informed me that this is not the first negative encounter they have had. Nonetheless, I feel that I gave her the best ethical advice I could. Yet, I wish my friend had not told her that the students told me.

Ethical Leadership

All teacher leaders must demand the changes of poor circumstances in their departments and grade level policies. I believe that my friend acted in such a way that will produce changes. Rebore stated that leaders must make a connection between one set of circumstances to others (2000). By doing this, teachers will increase student success; however, some of which may be at the expense of teacher preferences, comfort, and convenience. For example, this special education teacher may do more to help her students, but she may now make things difficult for my friend. Teachers are great leaders because they have great expertise “expertise, appealing, personal qualities, position in key networks, and visibility” (Rebore, 2000). Teachers can convey ethics in the way they lead to ensure better futures by “stepping up, accepting responsibility for the learning of each and every student they encounter, acting as models for their colleagues, and to guiding and supporting them in the continuous improvement of classrooms and schools” (Rebore, 2000).  Sadly, teachers who embrace ethical challenge in his/her schools they are often chastised by fellow teachers for exhibiting the desire to control and the need for power (Rebore, 2000). Nonetheless, great teacher leaders have one goal in mind- the success of their students through rigor and compassion.

Facing Ethics

Maintaining ethics is a role requiring courage and commitment. Nonetheless, many teachers fear taking on ethical issues because often it requires being the bearer of “disturbing news and raising difficult questions in a way that moves people to take up the message without killing the messenger” (Anfara, 2007).  It is imperative that classrooms are filled with ethical teachers.  If they are not, students are bound to learn unethical behaviors. An ethical teacher must be able to communicate, have Godly characteristics, motivate people to follow, and have a Godly goal in mind. Teachers who display good ethical skills can inspire, motivate and encourage their students and co-workers. According to Blackaby, “You cannot be a poor communicator and a good leader” (Blackaby,).  Good communicators convey their ideas better to their students, they make interesting conversation with their co-workers, and they can speak to groups of people with self-confidence and credibility. The importance of communication skills cannot be understated. Likewise, it is the duty of good leaders to speak the truth even when it could possibly cause harm to themselves or their position. Rebore goes on to say, “Educators must not knowingly make false or malicious statements the educational leader must strive to do what is right in relation to the welfare of others regardless of the consequences; this is the only defensible way of acting” (Rebore, 2001). A good leader should never use his or her communication skills to lead people away from God. Blackaby also added, “A spiritual leader, no matter how gifted or qualified has not led unless people have shifted to God’s agenda” (Blackaby). Clear communication with all members of the group is a vital component to success of teacher leaders. Boundaries must be communicated between teachers and students, principals and staff and most importantly between man and God. Day 18 of the Prayer Journal stated, “Pray that the leader will understand that biblical leadership is others-centered and should never be leader-centered” (Wimberley). Leaders must think about and genuinely care about the people they are serving. Communication plays a key role in the success of any relationship. Good communication in the workplace helps achieve the desired outcomes for the employees and the organization in a variety of ways. When considering why communication is important, the bottom line is- if you’re a good communicator, you’re more likely to succeed in life. Good communicators are able to influence people, negotiate effectively, and provide valuable feedback.


There are three qualities, I believe, individuals must possess to make ethical decisions. The first is the ability to recognize ethical issues and to reason through the ethical consequences of each decision. The ability to see second and third order effects, one of the elements of strategic thinking, is very important. The second is the ability to look at alternative points of view, and decide what is right in a particular situation. Finally, the third is the ability to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty; thus making a decision on the best information available. I felt that I gave her the best advice I could, given the information I had. I think it was best to confront her about it rather than go to an administrator about the issue. I believe this was important because what the child said may not have been true or it could have been a misunderstanding. However, judging the way the lady reacted and retaliated with the child, I am inclined to believe it was true. Nonetheless, this makes the resource teacher aware that my friend is doing her job. Hopefully, this will motivate her to do a better job either out of jealousy or out of fear of being reported. Either way, if she starts doing a better job, the students will benefit greatly. Today, the general education and special education teachers work side by side in one classroom. This can be a stressful task. Some teachers are territorial, and have a difficult time giving over the authority they have over their classrooms.  When students know that the teacher is advocating for their best interests, they too have a vested interest in their success. Students who have a good relationship with their teachers and feel that their teachers genuinely care about them are more likely to succeed than other students (Anfara, 2007)


Anfara, Vincent A. Jr. (2007). Teachers as Leaders: Collaborative Leadership for Learning Communities. Middle School Journal. 44(5), 453-470.

Blackaby, H. & Blackaby R. (2001). Spiritual leadership: Moving people on to God’s agenda. Nashville, TN: B & H Publishing Group.

Rebore, R. (2000). The ethics of educational leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Wimberley, A. (2011). Daily prayer guide [Word document]. Retrieved from

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