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College Student Development, Research Paper Example

Pages: 2

Words: 591

Research Paper


It is important to note that the college years are significant in the development of the student. It is during this stage that the encounter many challenges, experiences, and new ideas that end up shaping their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical developments. It is noteworthy that during this stage in a student’s life, such changes can influence one’s conduct in a positive, or a negative manner. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the college management to ensure that measures are put in place to curb any irresponsible behavior that may be developed by the student. It is important to note that the development of a student in these domains is important for an upright growth of a human being.

Cognitive development

It is important to note that the college life is essential in the cognitive development of a student. The student develops a greater understanding of several things whilst acquiring new knowledge. The student views things and issues in a wider scope. In this case, they will be able to acknowledge and contain people’s views from diverse cultures. The student’s minds are prepared to deal with complex challenges of wider magnitudes.

Social development

It is noteworthy that during the college life of a student, the interpersonal and intrapersonal developments take place, and this will determine the social development of the student. It is important to realize that the social development of a student is crucial in that it determines how the student will relate with the members of the society who are drawn from different cultural backgrounds (Kail, 2009). If the social development of the student is unchecked, the student is likely to be a social misfit owing to the imitation of the negative images shown by the media. Peer influence also plays a big role in shaping the social development of fellow student.

Emotional development

The emotional development is significant in the life of a student during the college life. It is important to note that during this stage, the students are culpable to peer influence that may hamper their growth in different ways (Aiken, 1998). In this case, the emotional intelligence should be instilled in students and advised to uphold at all times.

Physical development

During the college life stage, the physical development of a student takes place. This is the post adolescent stage, and thus, the students are vulnerable to deviant behaviors such as irresponsible sexual behaviors. Truancy is rampant in this stage and thus close monitoring and guidance of the students is highly recommended.


It is evident that the behavior and character of an individual is determined by the development of an individual during the college life. It is therefore, the responsibility of the college management to craft programs and curriculum that shapes up and moulds the behavior of the student in an upright manner. In order to build the desirable character of an individual along these four domains, collective responsibility should be upheld by the parents, teachers as well as the college management.


Aiken, L. (1998), Human Development in Adulthood, United Kingdom; Springer

Furlong, A. (2009), Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood: New Perspectives and Agendas, United Kingdom; Routledge

Kail, R. (2009), Human Development: A Life-Span View, 6th ed, NY; Cengage Learning

Konstam, V. (2008), Emerging and Young Adulthood: Multiple Perspectives, Diverse Narratives, United States, Springer.

Potenza, M. & Grant, J. (2010), Young Adult Mental Health, United States; Oxford University Press

Reimer, K. (2005), The Reciprocating Self: Human Development in Theological Perspective, NY; Intervarsity Press.

Salkind, N. (2004), An Introduction to Theories of Human Development, United States; Sage

Zastrow, C. (2012), Understanding Human Behavior in the Social Environment, United Kingdom, Cengage Learning.

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