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Community Health Nursing: Teenage Population, Essay Example
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Nowadays much has been already said about the troubles today’s teenagers face. It seems to be one of the most problematic age groups because in this period young people entering the world of adults are not still aware of what they are in the society and how they should behave. The inevitable changes influence their both physical and mental state which leads to conflicts not only with other people but with themselves as well. Such instability may result in various types of deviant behavior which may in turn have deplorable consequences. Among them there are alcohol and drug abuse, early sexual relations, violence, etc. In our work we would like to dwell on the problem of teenage pregnancy and ways of its solution.
Today in the USA the society is deeply concerned about the growth of the number of girls who get pregnant by age 20. In our work we are going to view this problem from different sides and try to offer several ways of its possible solution.
It amounts for more than 560,000 of teenage girls each year that is about 4 out of 10 girls. The majority of them do not plan to have a child which means that they ready to take care of them neither psychologically, no financially. The unneeded kids are apt to get less love and warmth that inevitably leads to behavior problems and sometimes even backward mentality. Moreover, young mother’s children have higher risk of serious health problems. Very often teenagers are unaware of such consequences and do not feel responsibility even for their own actions. So, being pregnant they proceed smoking, taking alcohol and drugs. Poor eating habits and lack of physical activity contribute to the risk of having a baby with health problems. To add, young girls often fear being punished for having got pregnant and, therefore, do not visit a doctor who is able to help them and provide a decent gestation course. What is even more horrible is that some young girls choose to make an abortion, mostly illegally, which is extremely hazardous not only for girls’ future ability to bear children, but also for their lives. At the same time it seems impossible to entrust babies to mothers who are not intended to take any care of them. The statistics show that in the USA there are 1,553,800 children who are abused or neglected, because of their being unwanted. As for the costs, taxpayers are to pay $6.9 billion for providing public assistance, health care foster care and the criminal justice system concerning teenage pregnancy (2009). Thus the extent of the problem is evident and one should take measures that, on the one hand, will help to prevent the teen pregnancy and, on the other hand, will enable to offer young mothers decent conditions for upbringing their children. In addition, the taken measures are likely to make the state economy more secure and stable.
Nowadays the age of the beginning of sexual activity is on average 16-17 years old. It is the time when the formation of teenage world outlook is on its height ant the main need of young people consists in communication with counterparts and gaining experience in relations with the opposite sex. It seems inevitable that teenagers are apt to start leading sensual life. In this period extremely important becomes sex education. Here there are two ways which may help to prevent unwanted pregnancy. First is to promote the idea that platonic relationships are most valuable at their age, because it helps to establish closer and warmer relations, as well as ensures comfort and trust within marriage. Much should be explained also about the health of young people. As AIDS is now spreading very quickly, young people should be aware of the risk of getting it. The other way of teenage pregnancy prevention is to acquaint them with the main contraception means. Stress must be put on the fact that young couples should not be ashamed of using them, as it is the only means in sexual relations not only avoid unwanted pregnancy but also keep oneself healthy.
In the following part of our work we would like to view ways in which the mentions kinds of propaganda may be carried out. First of all, it is personal communication. Parents, tutors and other adults should attempt to deliver these ideas to children in such a way, so that young people could understand that it is not moral teaching, but sympathy and wish to take an active part in the future of a child. According to Martha Rogers, openness and pattern are the most important in this kind of intervention (Alligood, 2006). Parents themselves should demonstrate confidence of their statements, as well as convince the child that they are not alone in their troubles. Furthermore, adults are to be ready to discuss sensitive issues in such a manner that their children do not feel ashamed or abased. All this will definitely have a bearing on teenager’s self-esteem and future sexual relations. To add, in case adults tell their child stories from their own youth, it will enable them to earn a child’s trust, as the stories like these enable children to see the adults inexperienced and funny as the kids are now and, as a result, feel equality with them. As a consequent, children will begin to admire their parent and will surely take their behavior as a role model. It is the way Rogers’ concepts of nursing (openness and pattern) are working (Alligood, 2006).
To evaluate the effectiveness of this nursing theory we carried out personal interviews with several teenagers. It appeared that the most important thing in relations with parents for them is openness and support. The majority of them suffer from not being able to understand their parents’ motives and, therefore, ever-growing estrangement which results in the loss of respect and trust. Thus, changes in the way parents treat their children can prevent young people from serious mistakes.
As an example of teen pregnancy prevention may serve also mass media and school education. However, one can not but admit that soap operas and like films encourage young ladies to experience the benefits of sensual life. Moreover, it looks so easy to live through the difficulties of pregnancy and motherhood, that they do not fear the consequences of their irresponsibility at all. It should be emphasized also that the feeling of being responsible should be instilled continuously – if teenagers are used to care for others, they will think twice before taking risk of getting pregnant. To add, the theory of role-modeling may be useful here, according to which nurses and patients are in close relationships, that is they tell each other of their inner world which helps them better understand existing problems and solve them effectively (Erickson, Tomlin & Swain, 1983). This method, if considered from the point of view of tutor-teenager relations, may help young people better understand the situation they are in and move to self-care, which means that they have a deep insight into the problem and have clear idea of its need to be thoroughly learnt. In relation to this concept I would like to mention Leininger’s theory of culture care diversity and universality. The author of this theory stresses the importance of cultural aspects in human life making particular emphasis on the practices of health and caring (Leininger, 2005).
To evaluate this type of intervention we asked several classroom teachers how such discussions influence the children. It appeared that most young people do not fully comprehend the seriousness of problem. For them the statistics shown, as well as facts presented come as a surprise and, therefore, getting acquainted with them they become much more cautious and responsible.
Furthermore, one should comprehend that the above mentioned notion concerns also young person’s knowledge about his or her physical state. So, if one lives a healthy lifestyle which includes also health relationships with others and with oneself, he will be afraid of damaging it in any way. This damage includes smoking, taking alcohol and drugs, eating unhealthy food, promiscuity, etc. In case a person is aware of the peculiarities of his or her body, he or she will value it and never neglect its needs and take any risk. So, even if a young girl who takes care of her body gets pregnant, she is more likely to bear a healthy baby, rather than a girl who is not used to respect her body. Thus, such school subjects as biology, hygienic, life safety fundamentals are vital for the effective struggle against teenage pregnancy.
Our individual interviews with teenagers showed that those of them who are used to taking care of their body properly are reluctant to risk their health for the sake of one minute pleasure. They feel responsibility for it and simply grudge the efforts they have made to become healthy.
The next issue is the problem of treating girls who have already become pregnant. It seems that the process of treating a young mother begins long before the impregnation itself. In case the girl was brought up in a quiet and friendly atmosphere, she will, first, understand the seriousness of what have happened and will not avoid the dialogue with her parents simply turning to illegal doctors. Second, she will be able to take responsibility for her actions and get ready for her motherhood in an appropriate way.
It goes without saying that much depends upon the financial state of the family – it will be a lot easier for a well-to-do family to accept a new member, rather than for poor one. However, it seems a wise point of view that the government should do its best to help the latter ones. Again, the problem of high taxes comes up here. Nevertheless, it seems much better to give money for upbringing healthy children with the sound future, rather than those unwanted and neglected by their own parents.
Thus, psychological state of the future mother is extremely important. The two theories appear to be useful in this relation. When a young girl is preparing to become a mother, first of all, she should know where she is as a mother in the development process as she is moving to the moment of labor. This aspect is described in Mercer’s theory of becoming a mother in detail (1995). The other theory is the theory of human becoming by Parse (Parse, 1993). It is devoted mostly to human health and, if combined, the two mentioned theories can help a young girl to get prepared for becoming a mother from both psychological and physical point of view.
To evaluate these methods we asked several young mothers what was the most important thing for them while they were bearing their children. The main answers were that, first, they needed support from their relatives (primarily psychological one) and, second, some knowledge about what it is to be a mother. It seems that the theories offered are exactly what they need.
Thus, we viewed the main methods of dealing with the problem of teenage pregnancy. We do not state that it is possible to get rid of this problem completely, as the analysis of our today’s community shows that there is still much to be done until we will be able to say for sure that there is nothing to be concerned about. However, there exist several theories of nursing which make it possible to ensure decent care for those who require it, specifically young mothers. So, in the first part of our work we considered the methods of teen pregnancy prevention in our society. We made a conclusion that teenagers should, first, be well informed about the current situation concerning said problem, that is know how to behave in it and, second, be aware the ways of avoiding it. In the second part of the work, we paid particular attention to coping with problem when it already occurred. In this case particular nursing practices are of major importance. Among them we pointed out Mercer’s theory of becoming a mother and Parse’s theory of human becoming. In our opinion, it is these theories that can ensure an appropriate preparation for motherhood and upbringing children. In addition, we mentioned that theories of nursing may become helpful not only for specialists, but also parents who wish to treat their children in a proper way.
To conclude, it seems impossible to get rid completely of the problems today’s teenagers face. The peculiarities of this age determine the inevitability of conflicts. However, it appears conceivable to help young people cope with their troubles using modern psychological techniques, as well as one’s own ability to treat people in an appropriate way. Only in such a way we will be able to reduce the stress teenagers are experiencing and, therefore, avoid the majority of conflicts.
Abortion Statistics for the United States. (2009). Retrieved March 30, 2009, from http://www.rtl.org/prolife_issues/abortionstats_us.html
Alligood, M. (2006). Nursing theory: Utilization & Application. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Erickson, H., Tomlin, E., & Swain, M. (1983). Modeling and role-modeling: A theory and paradigm for nursing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Leininger, M. (1991). Culture care diversity and universality: A theory of nursing. New York: National League for Nursing.
Mercer, R. T. (1995). Becoming a mother. New York: Springer.
Parse, R. (1993). Theory of Health as Human Becoming. Sheila Bunting. Sage.
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