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Comprehensive Strategic Planning: Four Generations Analysis, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 414



For the generational analysis of “We Are the Next” organization, the author will look at the demographics of the work force, while showing the types of clients that the organization serves. Based on the information provided, staff is made up of four individuals.


Great Generation (1925-1945)

The percentage of the Great Generation (1925-1945) is 0%, this is the likely percentage of the organization’s target population. People in this generation are likely to be retired, however, could act as board members to advise the management.

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

For Baby Boomers (1946-1964) the percentage on the workforce is also 0%, also reflecting the target population. Those who are likely to be grandparents of children the non-profit organization serves, however, could provide insight and experience as advisers or liaisons with historical institutions, and build on their local knowledge.

Generation X (1965-1980)

For Generation X, the percentage is 50%, with the target population being served close to 50%. People in this age group are likely to be parents of children, and have wide knowledge about services, activities, schools, and public places in the area.

Generation Y (1981-2000)

While the representation of Generation Y in the workforce is 50%, the organization’s target population should be higher than this, as the majority of the people served by “We Are the Next ’ belong to this age group. These people are likely to be able to connect with both children and their parents more, as they are closer in age to both of them than any other generations.

Summary Of Findings

Due to the pool of qualified workers being small, there are only two generations being represented, and they also are two generations in which the organization chooses to target.

The lack of older generations in both the workforce and the target population is not a negative aspect, but shows that this organization is targeting a younger audience in which they are able to share historical information, as well as provide services to them for educating them about sustainability. The focus on children in the target population, and Generation X in the workforce is a reflection of the changing work landscape. The aims of the non-profit organization is to educate children while their young in order to shape their understanding of sustaining the resources that surrounds their communities. This information will be passed down to future generations, and used in a way that creates a generation in which values sustaining the environment, and the enriching their communities.

Works Cited

“What is ‘the Next’?” We Are the Next. 2015. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. <>

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