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Coping With Cell Phone Addiction, Research Paper Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1094

Research Paper

Nowadays, many individuals have come to be more and more reliable on electronic devices. In this case, the topic at hand is cell phones; specifically, cell phones. The problem that is brought about by so many individuals being addicted to their smart phones is the fact that these individuals seldom realize the excessive use of their smart phones before it is too late and the after-effects are clearly visible. These “after-effects” are a reference to the kind of impact that smart phones play in depriving individuals from their social lives and, ultimately, their family. Due to the matter at hand, there is no other alternative but to describe cell phone addiction as a serious compulsive disorder that has become increasingly alarming throughout recent years. Because of the manner in which technology has been increasing throughout the ages in an exponential manner, new kinds of phones and the introducing of new cell phone applications make it close to impossible for individuals to take time out of their individual day and dedicate that time to their closest family members. Furthermore, the situation is made worse when individuals cannot bring themselves to put down their cell phones in social settings. Cell phone addiction has become such a big problem in the world that there have already been scientific debates over whether cell phone addiction should be added to the DSM-V addiction list (Choliz, 2010, p.373), along with gambling. The fact that cell phone addiction has been questioned in this manner and compared to an addiction such as gambling indicates how serious the matter at hand truly is. Having said this, it is imperative to make it known that the primary purpose of this research paper is so that individuals become cognizant of the actuality that chronic cell phone usage can indeed be a huge problem for society today. This can invariably lead to all kinds of different problems within one’s own family as well as conflicts in the workplace. The result of excessive cell phone usage creates social, behavioral, and affective problems in the lives of future teenagers all around the world.

First and foremost, one of cell phone addiction’s factors that must be thoroughly discussed is the manner in which this addiction destroys one’s social life. It does not take long for one to notice that, nowadays, even when two individuals go out on a date to dinner, at least one of them appears anxious because he or she has not checked his or her phone within given amount of time. The fact that individuals find it complex to put their phones down in order to have a nice dinner with a loved one portrays the kind of problem that cell phone addiction truly is. If humanity continues to solely rely on their cell phones for all types of interactions, it would not be a far-fetched statement to say that individuals will not be able to interact face-to-face within a few years. Not only that, but cell phone addiction could destroy one’s self-esteem, given that one might be used to sitting at home behind a small phone as opposed to confronting individuals face-to-face. What this creates is a societal barrier that is often times incredibly difficult to bring down.

Along with societal barriers being built, cell phone addiction also adds an incredible amount of negativity to the manner in which individuals behave. To put this into perspective, imagine an individual has been used to playing violent games on his or her smart phone. If this individual were to lose his or her phone, he or she would no longer feel satisfied with a normal life because of the addiction that he or she might have had to the cell phone video games. Not to say that this individual would end up being a serial killer, but this individual could very well show increasing signs of aggression throughout his or her lifetime. Because of the manner in which cell phones have been proven to have such a massive impact on the kind of actions that individuals undertake, it is of high importance that something be done about this problem before it becomes too big for anyone to be able to control. Despite the fact that there is no correct answer as to how this can be stopped, individuals should put in their best efforts into finding a true solution.

The kind of effect that cell phone addiction can have in one’s personal life is enormous. Because of the manner in which an individual might not be used to confronting other people face-to-face, he or she might feel strange when forced to talk to other people in real life. What this means in terms of cell phone addiction is the fact that excessive cell phone usage simply creates an illusion of real life. However, the illusion is so-called for a reason; an individual cannot get the real thing out of an illusion. After excessive smart phone usage, an individual might go out and start believing that he or she is socially awkward because of the manner in which he or she might have been addicted to his or her smart phones for such a long time. It goes without saying that such extenuating circumstances should be avoided at all costs in order to be able to ensure a safe future for forthcoming generations.

The result of excessive cell phone usage creates social, behavioral, and affective problems in the lives of future teenagers all around the world. There is no saying as to how much potential cell phone addiction has. However, results have already proven that more and more individuals are becoming completely self-reliant on cell phones to do the work for them. What this means for humanity is that, not too far in the future, cell phones will be expected to do the majority, if not all, of human functions. Clearly, this would pose a whole different kind of threat. Probably the only manner by which cell phone addiction can be reduced at this point is by informing individuals of the dangers of excessive cell phone usage. Despite the fact that there will be a vast majority of individuals who refuse to listen, these will be some who will at first. Slowly but surely, cell phone addiction can be put to a halt if individuals decide to put in the effort.


Huffington Post. (2015, June 9). Cell Phone Addiction. Retrieved from

Meredith Corporation. (n.d.). Cell Phone Addiction Is So Real There’s Rehab for It – Shape Magazine. Retrieved from

Psych Central. (n.d.). Coping with Cell Phone Addiction | Psych Central. Retrieved from

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