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Cultural Diversities in Health: Sicilian Culture, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 675


Studies have shown that people from a Sicilian background may be prone to carrying the sickle cell trait. This is because malaria was a serious problem in their country historically (Roth, et. al., 1980). Along with this, Wilson’s disease is identified as most common in eastern Europeans, specifically Sicilians and southern Italians (Cook, 2010). This is a disease which is rarely inherited and is a disorder which causes the body to take in too much copper. These copper deposits all over the body – in the liver, brains, kidneys, and eyes. This causes tissue damage, death of the tissue and scarring. Eventually, these organs cease to function properly. A study also shows that peripheral arterial disease (PAD) may be common for people from this race (Cook, 2010).

It has been said that along with such phenomenon seen in Italians, such as arriving late for appointments, they also have the tendency to over-express pain which they feel. This goes along with their need for instant relief from the pain they are feeling. Sicilians are said to seek immediate relief, and express a high degree of emotion for any sickness of pain they may be feeling.

Studies show that the ideal body weight in Sicily is like that of the world – unrealistically skinny. Sicily is known for their “Mediterranean Diet”, and healthy ways of eating (“The Mediterranean Diet”, n.d.). However, recent research has discovered that childhood obesity has dramatically increased in Italy, and this excess body weight has been seen more common in Southern Italy, Sicily. According to Ferrante, et. al (2010) “A Sicilian study confirmed this last result, and showed that 1 child over 4 aged 7 – 10 years was overweight and more than 1 over 10 was obese Childhood overweight and obesity in Sicily are therefore important public health problems”.

The culture believes that good food and good eating habits promote health. This is seen in their cuisine which other people follow to have a “healthy diet”. This diet which is known as the “Mediterranean Diet” consists of low fat and low cholesterol foods. Along with this, it is believed that a half a glass of wine every day is good for your health (“The Mediterranean Diet”, n.d.).

The predominant religion in this country is Roman Catholic. They believe in the Vatican Church and that there is only one God. This has been the predominant religion in Sicily, generally all of Italy, for centuries now. They do not believe in healers, but because of their religion, some radicals may still believe that sickness is caused by demons, thus exorcism is needed to heal a person; however this is very uncommon. Italy has one of the best healthcare systems in the world; however because of the family-oriented style in Italy, it is always an individual’s mother who is to determine if they are sick, and what measures are to be taken. They believe also in herbal care for the sick, such as drinking teas and the like.

Healthcare is something very important in Italy as well as Sicily. Healthcare spending is seen to account 9.0% of the overall country’s GDP (“The World Health organization”, 2009). This is seen as the world’s second best healthcare system, and Italy ranks 19th in highest life expectancy; this being the world’s 3rd best healthcare performance. Putting so much money in the healthcare system suggests that biomedicine and healthcare an important thing in Sicily, and nurses as well as general physicians are highly valued. There is a high expectation in nurses as well as healthcare; so far Sicily has kept up with these high expectations.


Cook, R. (2010). Unique Health Issues for Specific Racial and Ethnic Groups. Focus on Health. Retrieved from

Ferrante, M., et. al. (2010). The role of weight status, gender and self-esteem in following a diet among middle-school children in Sicily. BMC Public Health. 10(1); 241.

Roth, E.F., et. al. (1980). Sickle cell disease in Sicily. J Med Genet. 17(1):34.

The Mediterranean Diet (n.d.). Best of Sicily. Retrieved from

The World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems (2009). Retrieved from

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