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Diabetes Assignment, Research Paper Example

Pages: 7

Words: 1890

Research Paper

Diabetes which is sometimes referred to as diabetes mellitus is a condition in which a person has high blood sugar or glucose due to inability of the body to produce enough insulin. It may also be caused by body’s failure to respond properly to the produced insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas that enables body cells to absorb glucose converting it to energy. In case the body cells fail to absorb the glucose, then the glucose accumulates in the body or in the blood where it leads to medical complications. They are several types of diabetes with the common ones being: Type 1 diabetes which mainly results from failure by the body to produce insulin hence requiring one to constantly inject insulin into his body; type 2 diabetes usually results from failure by the body cells to use the insulin properly, this may also be combined with deficiency of insulin; the other type of diabetes is gestational diabetes which occurs in a pregnant woman who had never had diabetes before and has a high level of glucose during the pregnancy period. Other types of diabetes are congenital diabetes, cystic fibrosis related diabetes and steroid diabetes which is caused by high doses of glucorticoids (Alan & Lesley Campbell 12).

They are several causes of diabetes in the body: Production of insulin that is insufficient whether relative or absolute to body’s need; cells inability to use the insulin efficiently and properly usually leads to diabetes and hyperglycemia; and production of defective insulin. The inability of the body to use insulin efficiently and properly affects muscle cells and fat tissues which results to a condition called insulin resistance. This is the main problem in type 2 diabetes. Another main cause of diabetes is lack of the body to produce insulin; this is usually secondary to the destructive process affecting the beta cells of the pancreas producing insulin. This is the main disorder of type 1 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, there may be also a steady decline of the beta cells which may lead to a condition of elevated or increased blood sugars. Glucose is usually simple sugars that are found in the food. Glucose provides energy to the blood cells to enable proper functioning of the body cells (Belleruth 50). Carbohydrates are broken down in small intestine and the glucose that is in the digested food is absorbed into the blood stream by the intestinal walls where is carried by the blood stream to all cells in the body to be utilized. Nevertheless, glucose cannot enter alone into the cells and needs the assistance of insulin to assist in its transport to the cells. Therefore without insulin, the cells become starved of the glucose energy even with large amount of glucose in bloodstream.

Increased rate of the obesity in children and adults is believed to cause diabetes type 2. Obesity has been found to cause and contribute to 55 percent of type 2 diabetes. This is due to increased saturated fats and fatty acids in the body with less physical activities, this may be referred to as high blood triglyceride (fat) levels. Some toxins from the environment have seen to contribute to current increase in the rate of type 2 diabetes. There has been a positive relationship between bisphenol A, some plastic constituent and type 2 diabetes incidence in the urine concentration. Subclinical Cushing’s syndrome or cortisol excess is also associated with type 2 diabetes. A condition called Hypogonadism which is associated with excess cortisol and the testosterone deficiency is also associated with type 2 diabetes. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are believed to be pertly inherited from one person to another although type 1 diabetes may be triggered by some environmental infections or factors like viral infections. Type 2 diabetes has a very strong inheritance pattern. It has been noted that those people with first degree relatives with type 2 diabetes are likely to develop it in their life. Furthermore, obesity which is a type 2 diabetes independent risk factor is strongly inherited (Emedicinehealth). High blood pressure is also believed to be a risk factor to the cause of the type 2 diabetes. Other risk factors of type 2 diabetes include gestational diabetes or giving birth to a baby having more than 9 pounds, high fat diet for a long time, high intake of alcohol, sedentary lifestyle and aging whereby the risk begins at 45 years rising significantly after 65 years.

They are various ways by which diabetes drugs work so as to lower the blood sugars. A drug may work by stimulating the production and release of more insulin by pancreas; the drug may also be used to inhibit the glucose production and release of glucose from the liver which mean that less insulin are needed for transportation of the sugars into the cells; and the blocking of stomach enzymes action that break the carbohydrates down or making the tissues more sensitive to insulin. Diabetes treatment is highly individualized and depends on type of diabetes and if the patient has other medical problems that are active, whether they are diabetes complications in the patient, the age of the patient and the general health of the patient at the time of the diagnosis. Health care providers set goals for blood sugar control, lifestyle changes and treatment. Diabetes and its treatment requires education to the patients, they require to be taught on their conditions, treatment and anything that may help them in their care of the disease on daily basis.

Type 1 Diabetes involves daily injection of insulin. It is mainly a combination of long acting insulin like NPH, Lente, glargine, and detemir and short acting insulin like lispro (Humalog) or aspart (NovoLog). Insulin must always be given as an injection because if taken through the mouth, it can be destroyed by the stomach before getting into blood where it is needed. It is of great important for every patient to know how to give himself or herself the injections. Insulin is usually given in2 or 3 injections in a day and especially after meals. It is also important to note that the dosage is per an individual. Long acting insulin is administered one or two times a day. It is advisable for the patient to eat after taking the insulin as they lower the blood sugar in spite of whether one has eaten or not. In case one takes meal without having eaten; a condition called hypoglycemia may results. Keeping of accurate records of the insulin and blood sugar levels is important for the diabetes management by the patient. Consistent eating of healthy diet is essential for the size and weight of the patient in controlling the blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetes medication depends on how elevated the blood sugar in patient and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) during the time of diagnosis is. It is possible for a patient to be given a chance of lowering the blood sugar levels even without medication. One of the ways is to lose the weight if one is obese by going through an exercise program. If after two to six months the level of the blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin will not have lowered, then the patient begins oral medication which is usually a sulfonylurea orbiguanide that help in controlling the level of blood sugar. It is also crucial for the patients who are overweight and obese to engage in moderate physical activity. Progressively, a person with type 2 diabetes also requires injections of insulin so as to control the blood sugars levels. Types of medications that increase the production of insulin include Dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors that are taken through the mouth; glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists taken as an injection; meglitinides taken by mouth; and sulfonylureas also taken by mouth. They are also medications that improve the insulin effectiveness which include Metformin taken by mouth. The medications that affect the absorption of the food include Alpha-glucosidae inhibitors like Acarbose which is taken by the mouth.

They are several ways of preventing the diabetes which include controlling the weight to normal by eating high fiber and healthy low fat diet; regular exercise is also vital in preventing type 2 diabetes; low alcohol consumption; stopping smoking; incase one has high levels of fats in the blood or high blood pressure needs to take medication as directed; and modification or change of life style. In case has diabetes already, then it is important for him to take some preventive measures to avoid serious complications, it is important for one to control the glucose tightly; quit smoking; maintain a healthy weight, increase the activities level; drinking adequate amount of water as well as avoiding taking too much salt; taking care of the skin by keeping it supple and hydrated so as to avoid cracks and sores that may be infected severely; visit the dentist regularly so as to avoid gum disease; and washing and examining the feet daily to avoid cuts, sores or blisters that may cause problems later (John 15).

A healthy diet is important to managing the diabetes. The time of eating, the amount and the balance of food eaten determine the effect of diet on diabetes. Salt usually causes high blood pressure that goes along with diabetes hence need to be reduced. It is also important to avoid too much sugar in additional to meals. It is also healthy to avoid processed foods with high fat and sugar contents and low in nutrients.  Too many fats on the diet may increase chances of diabetes in the body due to accumulated saturated fats in the body that become indigestible. Other types of diet that have effects on the diabetes are fast foods like hamburgers and cheese if taken frequently and occasionally. Most of these diets increase the amounts of blood sugars in the blood which accumulates to high levels in the body to an extent that the insulin produced is not enough to assist them to move into cells.

Exercise makes the amount of sugars to be reduced in great amounts due to the amount of energy needed when exercising. It is therefore important for one to exercise so as the excess sugars in the blood can be utilized to release energy rather than letting them accumulate in the body and causes blood sugars levels to increase hence causing diabetes. The more the exercise the less the effects of blood sugar hence reduced cases of diabetes (

Diabetes is a disease that for a long time affected most people especially the young generation. The main cause that is attributed to this cause is the change in diet and lack of exercises. It is therefore important for people to observe diet as an issue or threat to this disease and at the same time exercise regularly so as to reduce the chances of diabetes occurring in our bodies. It may be take a lot of time, money and other aspects to treat the disease than to prevent. It is crucial for one to try and prevent the diabetes than treating it.

Works Cited

Alan and Lesley Campbell. Diabetes. Australia: John Wiley & Son’s Australia Limited, 2004.

Belleruth Naparstek. “Control Diabetes.” Health journeys 26.5 (2009): 49-68.

Emedicinehealth. Diabetes. 16 Jan. 2010. 14 Feb. 2010.  <>

John, Colwell A. Diabetes. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2003. Diabetes Mellitus. 14 Jan. 2010. 14 Feb. 2010. <>

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