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Differences, Essay Example

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Words: 549


Madonna and Child (Madonna Litta) by Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519

When comparing works of art it is interesting to note the materials that each artist uses. The Madonna and Child by Leonardo da Vinci was done in Tempera on canvas. (a paint process using the emulsion of oil and water).  Allowing the scene to take shape and form in the eye of the artist. The mannerism in which Leonardo paints is one of curiosity and emotion. He recreates what he sees in nature and adds a special liveliness to his paintings. Leonardo’s’ perspective is: “The most praiseworthy form of painting is the one that most resembles what it imitates”  ( ). The painting by Leonardo is somewhat controversial, as whilst the designs are attributed to Da Vinci, the painting appears to have been done by Giovanni Antonio Bottaffio, a pupil of Leonardo. It is the harsh outline in the painting that provides a clue to the fact that this was not a work of the Grand Master himself.  The Madonna and Child was a popular figure in the 15th Century and intended for private devotion. ” A drawing in silverpoint on greenish prepared paper was used by Da Vinci indicating the Master had a hand in the original design. “(University of the Arts London, 2010)

The Large Turf, 1503 by Albrecht Durer

While at the same time The Large Turf, 1503 by Albrecht Durer was done in watercolor and gouache (a heavy opaque watercolor that produces a less-wet appearing and stronger color picture than ordinary watercolor). His painting is so real to life that you feel as if you are standing at the waters’ edge ( ” Albrecht Dürer’s watercolour, The Large Turf, is a masterpiece of realism. This is partly a matter of the attentive accuracy with which he delineates each plant in a patch of wayside vegetation. A botanical eye can recognize several grasses, flowers and weeds – cock’s-foot, creeping bent, smooth meadow grass, daisy, dandelion, germander speedwell, greater plantain, hound’s-tongue and yarrow.”  (Lubbock, 2008)

The Painting of St. Sebastian by Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)

The painting of St. Sebastian by Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) done on Oil and canvas depicts a scene of a martyr who is alone and in a hostile environment but, still has his spirit. The coloring is based on dark contrasts with purple-yellow tones that support this tragic scene. The artist’s manner of applying thick strokes of paint to the canvas as well as the brush, using his fingers as well as a pallet-knife intensifies the expression of martyrdom. An attractive subject in those times (www.State Hermitage Museum). ” During the course of his long life Titian’s artistic manner changed drastically; however he retained a lifelong interest in color. His mature works may not contain the vivid, luminous tints of his early pieces, however their loose brushwork and subtlety of polychromatic modulations are without precedent in the history of Western art.”  (Titian complete works, 2010).

Works Cited

Lubbock, T. (2008, 1 18). Dürer, Albrecht: The Large Turf (1503). Retrieved 6 25, 2010, from The Independent:

Titian complete works. (2010). Titian the Complete Works. Retrieved 6 25, 2010, from Titian the Complete Works:

University of the Arts London. (2010). Maddona Lita. Retrieved 6 25, 2010, from Universal Leonardo 1470: retrieved June 23, 2010 retrieved June 23, 2010

www.State Hermitage Museum/retrieved June 23, 2010

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