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Discussions and Appeal on Drug Wars, Essay Example

Pages: 7

Words: 1982


The current problem on drug addiction among human individuals continues to rise. In fact, the situation of the society when it comes to drug addiction places the whole society or community accountable to the situation. IN the discussion that follows, the introduction and expansion on the topic of appeal on drugs and the need to change the attitude of the buyers themselves into the product is to be  discussed. This written documentation is also expected to create a good argument on the aspect that drug wars should be approached on the human side rather on the production and distribution side per se. Appealing to the users would likely bring about the death of the drug industry. It will take a long run and long patience, but in the end, it is sure to be worth it.

Position: Against


The desire to eliminate both drug production and distribution is a well-known fact that has started right after the realization that such illegal or psycho-reactive medicines or drugs are able to alter the human brain thus pushing the users to act as if they are living in a different ‘world’. The condition of the people to have taken in specific pills to drown themselves in depression often create a reaction have increased annually through recorded cases that have been found necessary for evaluation and rehabilitation. This alarming data simply pushes forward for the creation of an approach that could lessen, if not completely eliminate drugs from the society. Notably though, the process to take is long, daunting and at some point even exhausting as it would require extensive effort and time without the assurance that such a process would actually bring in positive results for the society. This is the reason why the debate on drug wars has strongly become a source of social concern around the globe today. The question of whether or not the utilization of the military force could be considered drastic is being given attention to.

In relation to the said debate, the following discussion shall give a brief overview of the policy on drug war that has been first given birth in the United States and later on stretched towards the other parts of the world. Along with the overview is the distinctive presentation of arguments between the pro and the anti- sides of the topic. Evaluating the arguments presented by each side is expected to give a clear resolution to the problem hence actually providing a workable approach that could later on be embraced by the society as they continue trying to maintain social integrity against drug production, distribution, use and abuse.

Topic Evaluation Section 1:

The pro-drug war position on the debate regarding the same issue presents the concept of directly involving the military force and the extension of support from other international alliances to establish a fight against international drug trade. The supportive aspect of this debate instantiates that the effort of the American government through the use of its military force is highly needed especially during these times of strong control from the illegal groups that have international connections that enable them to further their drug trades. To further impose the possible worth of such movement, the following points show how much the war on drugs could help alleviate the problems on international drug trade operations occurring at present: (a)The application of the military power in the process strengthens the approach of containing the situation of drug trade and distribution in the international market.; (b) It is assumed that the strong alliance between countries would develop a practical manner of defining the path that is taken into consideration by the campaign; the idea that indicates how much stronger a movement becomes if it is enjoined with more agencies and determined individuals specifically supports this form of argument on the supposed success of the path that the drug-on-war currently takes; and (c) What constitutes the applicability of the drug war is that the authorities and the ones who have possible direct connection with the traders have a strong source of competence on how such collaboration would be able to contain the current drug trade situation in the society.

Notably, the connection between the individuals and agencies involved in the said campaign against drug trade in the international market instantiates a sense of effective and responsive barricade that would serve as both the eyes and ears in the market so as to control the situation. Setting up established drug-use-and-distribution policies in the United States is also assumed to strengthen the condition of this particular campaign. These policies intend to create a sense of slowing down of production and lowering down the rate of demand for such illegal and psychoactive medical resources. Having the military force lead the mandate towards controlling both the production and the distribution of illegal drugs intend to create a relative impact on how the operations occur in different societies around the globe. Utilizing the theory on fear resulting to adherence to the law is what this approach is particularly dependent upon. In this case, it is assumed that if a person or an agency observes that he becomes subjected to danger in the hands of the law then he would immediately response to the situation through taking down his arms and surrendering to the system hence leaving the aspect of producing and distributing drugs in the market behind.

Making the approach more global and involving more nations into the situation is assumed to create a stronger foundation for the process. Knowing that more people and more nations become interested in the system strengthens the competence of those actually working towards the success of the campaign. The productivity of the program then depends on how much collaboration and cooperation the people of the nation is ready to provide for such a condition of fighting against drugs. Using both power and authority, it is assumed that the drug war or the war on drug would be able to insight a sense of positive response from the people and a sense of reprimand for those who are actually involved in the growing issue of drug production and distribution not only in the United States but around the globe. Given that the assigned posts and individuals respond to the challenge accordingly, the problem on drug addiction could be better contained and if possible eliminated from the human community.

Topic Evaluation Section 2: (ANTI-Arguments)

The Global Commission on Drug Policy has declared in 2011 that the war on drugs has failed and that it has become a source of more problems. Relatively directing the attention towards the producers and the distributors of the illegal drug apparently created more complications. It seemed that the aid individuals and groups have found several other ways of reaching their clients in the different parts of the world. The response to power and authority as defined through the drug-war policies has created a sense of distinction on how the people and agencies targeted decided to rise to the challenge instead of simply succumbing to the system.

The idea on ‘the more the hold is tightened, the more determined the other party is to escape’ implies a sense of indicative development on the part by which the producers and distributors responded to the situation. Instead of sinking in and finally surrendering themselves to the officials who were assigned to handle the problem, they have become more creative and even wise enough to pass through the system created through the drug war campaign. They have become more innovative and imaginative on how they would be able to transport the said medical supplies that are illegally used by the market. Understanding how much they are going to lose if they let the government control them, they decided to find other ways to transport their supposed ‘products’ before they actually surrender [if they have any plans of doing so].

The consideration of over the aspect of power and authority was then proven weak in providing resolution to this type of problem. Being too strict and controlling has  made it easier for the dealers and the producers to find other ways to gain profit from the market through taking different paths that would lead them to their clients. Instead of breaking down, it has been observed how the dealers became more motivated to continue their job. Pressures and direction has been used by the dealers as an advantage to be able to note the hot spots in the different parts o of the world where they can actually sell their products with all the freedom that they desire.

If strict and direct approach would not work, it could be effective perhaps to use illustration, media and modern communication as a form of providing knowledge to the society about drugs. This could also open the minds of the people on the impact they have on the mind and body. Basically, if the approach of force and power would not work, it is perhaps the power of information that might form a relative appeal on the people aiming to be affected by the campaign. Note that the focus of the drug war are the producers and distributors, perhaps it would help to focus on the users this time.

Allowing them a chance to see and understand the situation that they are subjecting themselves into could create a sense of realization in their minds, which would later on result to abstinence. While the drug war targeted the ones who are profiting from the industry, it might at some point be better to target the users so as to make the market of the sellers less inviting for them to entice. Lowering force and increasing compassion towards the users is expected to create a positive approach that the people as a whole would respond to as a society and not directed on the actual ‘criminals’ who have violated established laws on drug production and distribution.


Around the globe, at least 67% remain addicted to drugs; at least 35% of this population are still beginning. The need to stop drug distribution in the international market could only be accomplished if the fight begins at the root. Without a market, an industry would not exist. In the same manner, if no one becomes addicted, then no one would have the interest to sell. True, this is such an ideal approach and might even be considered to be impossible. Nevertheless, if the collaboration of all the nations who want to join in the campaign is pushed through, then perhaps good results could be garnered. When it comes to creating resolutions to existing problems in the society, it always pays to look through the roots of the problem. It is most often than not that when it comes to drugs, psychological aspects of adjustment are involved. Personal conditions on the part of the ones addicted to the products should be examined and reevaluated. True, this solution involves more effort and more time to apply than simply applying force towards the public. Relatively, it could be analyzed that in the long run with the right patience on the part of the mentors, health caregivers and persons addicted to the substance themselves the war on drugs would rather be successful. However, at present, it is still hoped that the camaraderie between all parties involved shall make a difference on the process by which drug production, distribution and consumption  are carefully being eliminated filly from the society.


Gabriel J. Chin, Race, The War on Drugs, and the Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction, 6 Journal of Gender, Race, Justice 253 (2002)

Blumenson, Eric; Eva S. Nilsen (May 16, 2002). “How to construct an underclass, or how the War on Drugs became a war on education” (PDF). Drug Policy Forum of Massachusetts.

Webb, Gary (1998). Dark alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the crack cocaine explosion. Seven Stories Press.

lsner, Alan (2004). Gates of Injustice: The Crisis in America’s Prisons. Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall. p. 20.

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