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Doctor T. J. Eckleburg’s Eyes as a Symbol, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 953



Symbolism is what completes a story. F. Scott Fitzgerald is a distinguished author because of using symbolism in his literature, like in The Great Gatsby novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald makes use of symbolism in The Great Gatsby novel as a precise reflection of American life in the 1920s. These symbols attempt to communicate Fitzgerald’s thoughts to the reader and they are exceptionally involved within the narrative, which makes the propositions more real. This paper is a focus on Doctor T. J Eckleburg’s eye symbol concerning the immorality theme, and in particular the loss of religious values in America, corruption among the people of America, and the worthlessness of the American dream. The paper will also analyze how Doctor T. J Eckleburg’s eye as an emblem functions within the novel.

The billboard was constructed to advertise an optometrist’s business in Queensborough. The eyes are a symbol of the growing American commercialism. This is an indication that American life is all about moneymaking, so much money as evidenced by people’s wealth like Tom Buchanan. The success of a man is determined by how much money he has, not the kind of a moral person he may be. The billboard, just like American’s spiritual values, is ignored, but his eyes, weakened a little by several paint-less days, under rain and sun, brood on over somber dumping grounds (Fitzgerald 30). The values of America that are conservative, which Nick Carraway comes back to connect again with mid-West are totally missing from the East. America seems to have been abandoned by God, leaving just Dr. T. J Eckleburg behind so that he could look down with his eyes that are empty, on those that have deserted their religious principles in the quest of getting material wealth. These individuals have their eyes on money more than anything else. Therefore, the eyes are a symbol of the growing American commercialism (Dickstein & Morris 26).

Furthermore, the eyes are also a symbol of the corruption of the people of America. Dr. T. J Eckleburg’s eyes look down on the key characters as they walk under the billboard headed to New York City. This is where Tom goes on with his adulterous involvement, where Nick is driven by Gatsby to meet with Wolfsheim, the individual who the Series of the World, and where Daisy dashes off to get some ecstasies with her over, Gatsby. The eyes appear to be frowning down on the above characters. Wilson likens the eyes of T. J to God’s eyes. He narrates to Michaelis what he tells Myrtle upon making a discovery of his affair. He told him that God is conscious of what has been executed by everyone. An individual might deceive another, but he cannot deceive God. Nonetheless, Michaelis tries to let him know that that is just a Billboard . Hence, the eyes are a symbol of the corruption of the people of America (Fitzgerald 56).

Finally, the eyes are also a suggestion of how hollow the American dream is. An idea is there that people who come from a humble background could realize the Dream if they are ready to take advantage of existing opportunities and work hard. This is portrayed in Myrtle and Gatsby where they commit adultery and bootleg respectively. However, Dr. T. J Eckleburg’s frowning eyes stare down on the Ashes Valley as if they were trying to say that the Dream of America is one huge lie. The Dream created wealth for others like Gatsby, but for most people, they hope they had for gold is nothing but ashes. In reality, not every person can possess a lot of money such as the Buchanans (Fitzgerald 84). This is for the reason that where one Buchanan exists, Wilsons exist in thousands. The thought that every person can realize the dream is just but dreaming. For most people, life is the horror of Ashes Valley, which the eyes glare on all along the day. The Ashes Valley is a manufacturing center situated between New York City and the Eggs. In this land, which has been forsaken by God, several citizens of the lower class make their incomes. People, like the husband of Myrtle, George B. Wilson, toil to maintain their families, and optimistically save enough cash to realize their dreams, while the Eggs’ people live on what is owned by them already. The financial gap in this place is huge, and the people from the higher class look down upon those of the lower class. The eyes are also a suggestion of the hollowness of the American dream (Dickstein & Morris 38).


All through The Great Gatsby novel, F. Scott Fitzgerald instills the immorality theme by use of Doctor T. J Eckleburg’s eyes as a symbol concerning the immorality theme, particularly the loss of religious values in America, corruption among the people of America, and the worthlessness of the American dream. These eyes, frequently seen as God, give judgment and ultimately punish the world. Nevertheless, as usual, hope is still there. Even though the world may appear to be dim for the characters left behind in the book, they continue with their lives. People have been given a second chance by God, hoping that they will change their immoral habits. The characters in The Great Gatsby have been given a fresh lease on life hoping that they will stop being immoral, and their fates might not perish. They will keep marching on, leading their lives, optimistically with a fresh lesson on the effects of immorality.

Works Cited

Dickstein, Morris. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Pasadena, Calif: Salem Press, 2010. Print.

Fitzgerald, F S. The Great Gatsby. London: Urban Romantics, 2012. Print.

Shmoop University. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Sunnyvale, Calif.: Shmoop University, 2010. Internet resource.

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