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Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 416


Differences among language used in evaluation literature: Assessment, testing, measurement, and evaluation.

According toOermann and Gaberson (2009) the distinctiveness in language usage and application amongassessment, testing, measurement, and evaluation; primarily lies in the measurement criteria. For example, assessment in nursing education measures the extent to which students can apply knowledge received during a course of study. Testing are strategies educators develop to determine the extent to which application has been accurate or inaccurate. Measurement is a professional tool with distinct grading designed todifferentiate among various aspects of norm referenced learning and criterion reference applications. Ultimately, evaluation describes formative and summative learning outcomes(Oermann &Gaberson, 2009)

How needs assessment is related to program outcomes and course/unit objectives?

Needs assessment is a measurement used in determining if program out comes have been achieved. For example, if according to the needs assessment students did not grasp the basic pathophysiology involved in diabetic ketoacidosis after a lesson or course has been executed. A program was designed to address this need. The outcome would be achieved when students demonstrate application of this knowledge. In the intermediary program planning the course and unit objective will have to project fulfillment of the need of accurate application of ketoacidosis knowledge(Oermann &Gaberson, 2009).

How do objectives guide evaluation?

Formative evaluation is an ongoing process during learning. Therefore, in determining the extent of learning, objectives the measurement tool used for this purpose. At each stage of the learning process an objective must be used to evaluate if the learning outcome was achieved and the assessment need met. Objective designing is mandatory especially, in summative evaluation styles when tests are conducted at the end of a specific learning period or course of study(McDonald, 2007)

How can you judge whether an evaluation tool is valid, reliable, and effective?There are mainly three types of validity tools in education and research. They relate to content validity, construct validity and criterion related validity. In judging validity, reliability and effectiveness of a tool first the test must have items taught in the class. Second, the items must be free of ambiguity; meaning they must be explicit and specifically seeking response of s single clear answer.Thirdly, items must reflect capability to be measured as a professional tool (McDonald, 2007)

What evaluation literature applies to nursing education?

Evaluation literature most applicable to nursing education are ones related to curriculum development and evaluation.


Oermann. H., &Gaberson, K. (2009).Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education(4th ed).              Springer Publishing

McDonald, M. (2007) The Nurse Educator’s Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes. (3rd ed).Springer publishing

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