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Evil in the World, Essay Example

Pages: 6

Words: 1533


Many unexplained phenomenon suggest that the world was created be an intelligent being with an overall purpose in mind. The way that the human body was designed is one of the many examples of just how purposeful the designer was. The human body was designed in such a unique way that it could not have been possibly been created by mere chance. For example, the male and female bodies were designed to purposefully reproduce. The male sperm was designed with a swimming mechanism that allows it to travel up the female’s fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg. This connection forms a life. The female body then nurtures and houses this living creature for nine months-the perfect amount of time needed to ensure the baby is fully developed.  There have been many attempts to exclude the belief of an omniscient creator by trying to prove that human beings evolved over time by the process of  natural selection. Scientists have argued that over time only the most intelligent creatures will survive due to the law of survival of the fittest. Nevertheless, the most prevalent argument is why such a powerful God would allow evil to exist in the world. Namely, there are two types of evils in the world-natural and moral. Natural evils are those events that are out of human control, while moral evils are those that are directly correlated with human behavior.  Evil exists in the world because of the free will of man.

Yet, there are still many arguments about the existence of God. The Epicurus theory suggests that the purpose of life is to obtain peace and tranquility without enduring pain and suffering.  According to this theory, if God is willing to prevent evil, but unable to do so, he must only be omnipotent. However, if he is able to prevent evil, but unwilling to he is only malevolent. The main argument is if God is so great, why he allows evil to happen in the world.  God does not allow evil to exist, but he does allow human beings to exist and live of their own free will. Each person has the ability to either choose evil or good. One must remember that evil is not a living, breathing entity, but a manifestation through the actions of people. People who argue that there is no God or that he is not all powerful often use the death penalty as an example of the evil within the world. The death penalty is a very inhumane way to punish people for hideous crimes. Ironically, these crimes are usually some form of murder. So, as a society, we have learned to punish people in the same way that they caused pain. Non-Christians remind us that God said that vengeance belongs to him. Even with the death penalty looming over the heads of would be criminals, evil still exists. So essentially, the death penalty has been proven as an ineffective way to govern a modern society. With the death penalty not serving its purpose, it must be just another form of evil. Another example that is used is when innocent babies die each day from starvation, neglect, and abuse. This example is very hard for most people to understand. Why would God allow horrible things to happen to babies? So many times I am brought to tears by seeing commercials for feed the children or adopt a child overseas. I too have questioned why such a loving God would allow this to happen. Many times I have prayed that God would just end all suffering and dying in the world. The Epicurus theory is faulty because it does not address the option of free will and which type of evil should be prevented.

Why wouldn’t a just and good God eliminate the evil in the world?  We must be reminded that so many people live their lives without getting in trouble with the law or society. Just as many people live their lives without confessing any type of religion or spiritual connection. In other words, many people live lives that are morally correct and absent of natural evil, but are they good according to God.  So, why do these people choose not to commit evil? Or, who do we blame for natural evils?  Nevertheless, there are many people who have professed to be devout Christians and still lead lives grounded in evil. For example, many members of hate groups profess with their mouths to be followers of Jesus Christ, but are causing a great deal of the evil in the world. In recent years there have been mass shootings that took place inside of churches and schools. Suicide missions that caused the lives of hundreds of innocent people have been in the forefront of news media lately. God being all powerful means that he has the ability to make a person choose right or wrong. He could eliminate all the evil within the world. Wouldn’t it be great if no death, suffering, or evil existed in the world? Certainly, but if God made those choices for us, he would not be a free and willing God who allows us to make our own decisions. Each person has his/her own morality map that determines what he/she will or will not do. Often these choices are implanted into the person through their upbringing. Parents teach their children what is right and wrong, according to their beliefs. In some cases these teachings are in line with what society believes, but other times these teachings may not be in line with social norms. Consequently, these people are labeled as deviants.

God equipped each human being with a conscience to help them decide what is right or wrong. Many say that the conscience is guided by instincts. Those instincts are governed by the desire for pleasure. So, essentially humans are like animals just doing whatever is pleasing to them. It is obvious that this is not true because humans make decisions each day that benefits others. If this were true, every person in the world would be wreaking havoc and committing evil acts.  The mind was designed by God in such a unique way that it allows each person to make decisions about what he or she does. Nevertheless, if one does not have a relationship with God, he/she is more likely to make decisions that may produce evil. Although God does not force anyone to make specific decisions, he speaks to them concerning which is the right choice. God serves the role of a parent to human kind. He teaches us through his word what is right and wrong, but allows us to make decisions on our own. Much as a parent does. Parents teach their children and many times they punish them for doing wrong. However, as the child gets older, the parent gives them more freedom and the ability to make mistakes and learn from them. God treats humans much the same way. When we do wrong, he has the power to punish us. Doing what is morally right can also be rewarded. The best example of this is in the book of Job. God shows that evil has no reason and that suffering does not necessarily equate to wrong doing. Job was a perfect man, yet he suffered the evils of the world. Nevertheless, he endured and continued to serve God and he was restored to a better self than he started off with.  However, no parent has the ability to be ever present with a child to make decisions for him/her. That parent must step back and allow the child to make choices, mistakes, and hopefully learn from them.

Evil does exist in the world, but God neither creates it nor allows it to happen. This concept explains theodicy. God does exist and he is all powerful and omnipotent.  The choices that people make each day cause the evil in the world. He does not stop it or eliminate it because he said that he was a God of choices and forgiveness. Knowing what evil is and experiencing it only makes the person stronger. When a person has overcome evil, he/she is able to glorify God for overcoming. If we had no reference to evil or if everything in the world was perfect, there would be no need for God or heaven. According to the teachings of Christianity, the world will forever be plagued by suffering and sin, but Christians must set themselves apart from the world by separating themselves from the world. By doing this, they show Jesus within themselves. The world would be a better place if people focused more on how to make the world better, rather than focusing on why Jesus allows it to happen. Again, we must remember that evil is only manifested through human actions. Evil is not a living breathing person. Because God is a God of his word, he will not force any person to accept him or his teachings. Neither will he force any person to choose good over evil, yet he equips each person with the ability to know the difference. God is a spirit that lives within us and guides our decision making, if we allow it.

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