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Founder Power: A Key to Success in Tough Times, Essay Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1372


Eileen Fisher, the organization’s organizer and namesake, was attracted to imaginative interests and acted as an inside and visual creator. The universe of design was a long way from her unique profession goals. Fisher’s starting investment originated from her own closet challenges as a working lady who needed upscale, yet open to dress that communicated her individual style. Fisher shunned beautifying agents and high heels and accepted that ladies could be delightful and upscale, while being agreeable and valid to themselves. The commercial center offered few arrangements: mixed attire styles were wrong for the office, while the organized vocation attire of the 1980’s that took its motivation from men’s business clothing was off-putting. The brand story of Eileen Fisher is very much associated with the quality of products they offer. They have maintained a big name by developing and most importantly maintaining their marketing and advertisement. The brand story says that it was a great work and development with the passage of time and team identified the loopholes and flaws in their system and tried to overcome them time to time.  By 2009, Eileen Fisher worked 50 organization possessed retail locations in sixteen expresses that represented 25% of its retail deals. Eileen Fisher was generally marketed in retail establishments as a scaffold line, offering profession differentiates and dresses in better fabrics that sold for not exactly $1,000. Extension lines possessed a business sector space beneath attire from top of the line fashioners, for example, Armani, Prada, and Gucci. Offers of scaffold lines topped in the mid 2000’s and started to decrease, the same number of ladies began dressing all the more coolly at work The company believes in designing “beautifully simple clothing design to move with real life” The brand’s advertising frequently emphasized genuine ladies. At the point when models were utilized, incredible consideration was taken to present them as they were, without digitally embellishing. Models generally wore little make-up and level shoes, mirroring Fisher’s close to home style and women’s activist theory.

Should Eileen Fisher reposition its brand to target the emerging and/or the nascent segments? What are the pros and cons of repositioning the brand to appeal to each target?

In the short term, Fisher needed to impart an in number and centered message to buyers about how the organization and its items had developed, to disassemble the negative observations and generalizations that were enclosing the brand. In a provocative move to commence the second period of their work, called the Fasten venture, IDEO changed their workplaces with a display of pictures, made at an “illegal” photograph shoot. The photographs offered Eileen Fisher models wearing the organization’s dresses blended with things from different brands. he organization rolled out some noteworthy improvements. To begin with, they highlighted the relationship between items with more body-cognizant fits (tank tops, tights, thin pants) and center shapes (square shaped sweaters, long cardigans, and delicate coats). They changed the way garments were promoted in store. Surprisingly, detached, streaming profiles were secured at the waist by sashes, another adornment line for the organization. Garments were indicated with high heels and boots as opposed to level shoes. Short skirts and thin jeans were offered more noticeably, blended with conventional pieces.

The brand’s marketing system was too adjusted, as otherworldly, wellbeing, and feel-great distributions were erased from the media blend and high design titles like Vogue were included and online destinations and Hulu. As a New York Times essayist asserted, “She has given in to other manner standards… her notices now highlight models who glare as convincingly as any on the runways. Gone are the silver-haired models grinning peacefully into the distance.”15 Lastly, they updated their site, adding more feature to the site and to retail stores, which served to breathe new life into the garment.

Pros and cons of repositioning the target.

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of reposition the target.


  • The company will be able to capture a large target audience.
  • Will surely increase company’s sales.
  • The company will take advantage of getting popular in all age groups.
  • Change in advertising strategy will surely benefit company by boosting its sales and its market share.


  • It can be risky as the company may lose its previous image.
  • It has been observed that people are little reluctant to adopt new change frequently.
  • Changing the target audience will also take some time to give hype to company’s prior image.

Has Eileen Fisher stayed true to its brand or has it strayed too far? What do you think will happen to the value of the brand in the future?

The business staff stressed that the progressions would be excessively for their retail purchasers to stomach, particularly given the turbulent monetary atmosphere, “Deals groups were apprehensive. Purchasers were going to have the recognition that we were moving out of the container they had placed us in and we weren’t certain how they were going to feel about that from a business point of view. The corporate site and online networking gave some starting input from clients. Old reviewed, “We certainly heard some scrutinizing around, ‘is this still for me?’ Customers are a tad bit concerned with the way the brand is imaged, stressed that there isn’t sufficient of the Established lady in the symbolism. A little apprehension. Yet, what we’ve recognized is that when ladies who are apprehensive about the progressions come into the store, they generally still discover something that they love.” Unfortunately, the organization was not entrenched in social networking and, along these lines, did not have a prepared approach to react to the feedback. Eileen Fisher did not have a Facebook page, nor did it have a Twitter channel. Chief of site and e-trade, Lauren Croke reviewed, “In social networking, we needed to choose whether to bounce into this discussion or permit it to lose steam over the long haul. It was complex on the grounds that Eileen’s remarks weren’t speaking to precisely so to set up an alternate connection would have been confounded and could have appeared to be opposing.

Yes, the company tried its best while repositioning the brand, although it’s not easy for any firm to get the highest rank in just few days while repositioning. Although, there are some hurdles in repositioning the brand as the brand is not so popular in social media, so it may give a hit to company sales and image.

Brand in future:

In my opinion, it will take some time to get the prior image back, but the chances are really high. Meeting and focusing the common women and common people are surely adds an advantage to the company. For the past quite a long while, Eileen Fisher had delighted in an in number permitting association with the inventory and online retailer, Garnet Hill, for overnight boardinghouse family unit items. Garnet Hill created and sold the items, which conveyed the Eileen Fisher brand name, and the organization got a rate of the deals in authorizing charges. IDEO had recommended that the organization consider co-marking with a brand adored by ladies in their 20’s as an alternate response to the inquiry regarding how to serve the nascent lady over the more extended term, the brand repositioning would advise a few noteworthy key choices that were twirling around the organization. In spite of the fact that the organization had made some noteworthy moves to change the picture of the brand, there was still an inquiry in the organization about who to focus with the brand. The Emerging ladies appeared to be appealing as clients, as they were more probable than Established ladies to settle on obtaining choices in light of social cognizance values. The organization expected to choose in which retail arrangements to contribute for its future. This choice had worldwide ramifications as Eileen Fisher looked to grow the brand into the UK and Canada sooner rather than later. The organization was exploring different avenues regarding and advancing diverse retail location designs. One was the Eileen Fisher Company Store.


Beckett, Whitney (2008) “Founder Power: A Key to Success in Tough Times,” Women’s Wear Daily, 196 (101), p.8.

Eileen Fisher Fall 2009 Market Book.

Beckett, Whitney (2008) “Founder Power: A Key to Success in Tough Times,” Women’s Wear Daily, 196 (101), p.8.

Beckett, Whitney (2008) “Founder Power: A Key to Success in Tough Times,” Women’s Wear Daily, 196 (101), p.8.

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