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General Features of Animals, Essay Example

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Heterotrophs are regarded as consumers that obtain carbon by means of eating other heterotrophs or autotrophs, rather than obtaining it from energy of light or inorganic oxidation. Basically, all animals are heterotrophs. In order for a particular species to be heterotroph, it has to obtain carbon from any member of an organic compound class, the molecules of which contain carbon. A bear is a representative of omnivores. It consumes both heterotrophs and autotrophs. Belongs to Mammalia class, Ursidae family. General features: a stocky mammal of medium to large size with black, brown, reddish, or white fur; mostly inhabit forests, tundra, deserts, swamps, and rain forests; are generally distributed in Northern Hemisphere. Certain species have distinct lines on throat, chest, and face. Bears have considerably large heads, short tails, small forward-facing eyes, and modestly sized ears. Their diet depends on geographical location and may vary from species to species. Most of the bears, however, feed on whatever they find. For instance, the polar bears feed primary on seals, but may it berries and shrubbery as well.  The panda bears, on the other hand, are primarily herbivores, eating plants, shoots, and bamboo leaves.


Brittle stars, which are sometimes called serpent stars, are long-armed, spiny animals that live on the sea floors, disregarding its depth. Brittle stars are not fish, but are related to starfish. These animals without back bones, cold-blooded, with their temperature depending on the temperature of the environment, move slowly along the ocean floor. Most brittle stars have the following physical characteristics: spiny, long arms that do not intercept at their bases, flat central disk which is the origin of the arms, hard exoskeleton, and approximately one inch in diameter. Brittle stars have an ability to regenerate their legs if it was cut off or damaged. Due to the fact that these animals do not have brain, information flows around the body by means of a simple ring of nerve cells. Light and smells are sensed by tube feet situated on the arms. Plankton and decomposing matter are the main constituents of their diet.

No Cell Walls

A great diversity of cell types, tissues, and organs were able to develop mostly due to the lack of firm cell walls. A cancer cell is a great example of how uncontrollable the growth of cells might be. Cancer can be best described as a division of a certain group of cells beyond the usual limits, a destruction of contiguous tissues, and a spread of cancer cells to different locations via blood or lymph. Cancer cells have the following general characteristics: unrestricted growth, growth despite genetic errors, ability to invade other tissues, ability to replicate.

Active Movement

Butterflies (Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta) are commonly known for bright colors of their wings. These insects have unusual life cycle that consists of four stages. Egg stage usually takes from one week up to several months. During Lavrae stage caterpillars eat all the time in order to get enough energy and supplies for wings development. Most of them emit toxic secretions in order not to be eaten by other insects or animals. Some of the caterpillars use bright colors for defense purposes. Having got enough energy larva stops eating and forms pupa. During this stage creature is unable to move. The process of transformation of caterpillar into adult by means of metamorphosis consumes a lot of energy. Adult insect is able to fly using four wings.

Diverse in Form

Millipede (Class Diplopoda, Phylum Arthropoda) is a creature that has elongated cylindrical body that is divided on segments. It has two pairs of legs per each segment. This phylum can be easily recognized among other representatives of Class Diplodora, because of the great number of legs on their body. Leaves and dead plant matter are the basic ingredients of their diet. However, eating crops these creatures can be considered as a real disaster of farming. As millipedes are relatively small, they have different ways of defense. Being brightly colored, they use to frighten attackers. Some of the millipedes emit poisonous secretions, which are very toxic and can cause certain pain even to humans or large animals. Though they are rather slow, millipedes can overcome any obstacle and, thus, can get their food from bushes or even trees.

Diverse in Habitat

Jellyfish (Class Scyphozoa, Phylum Cnidaria) is a free-swimming carnivore. These colorful creatures are found in most of the oceans and sometimes can also be seen in fresh water. The light is diffracted from jellyfish’s body and, thus, it flashes with a variety of colors. When hunting jellyfish paralyzes the prey with its tentacles and with their help brings it to the mouth. As any other creature jellyfish uses oxygen to survive. However, oxygen enters its body through rather thin skin. Though most of the jellyfishes are not dangerous to humans, some of them contain toxins that cause pain or death.

Sexual Reproduction

Turtles (Class Reptilia, Subphylum Vertebrata, Phylum Chordata) are reptiles that have their body covered by a kind of bony shield. These creatures are cold-blooded. Despite of the fact that most of the turtles live underwater, they lay eggs on the surface. These reptiles are usually divided into three groups – sea turtles, terrapins and tortoise, primarily depending on the place they live in. For instance, sea turtles have fins as they live underwater; terrapins also live underwater but have legs instead of fins; tortoises live on the surface.

Works Cited

Animal Corner. “Millipedes”. (2003). Retrieved 28 February 2009 from <>.

Jellyfish – Detailed Description”. (2007). Retrieved 28 February 2009 from < a/Jellyfish_-_Detailed_description/id/1528885>.

Turtle Description” (2007). Retrieved 28 February 2009 from < a/Turtle_-_Description/id/601148>.

Volkart, Bill. (1989). “The beautiful Brittlestars”. TFH 1/89.

“Heterotroph.” Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 28 Feb. 2009 <>.

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