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Humanism & Environment, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 981


Provide a quotation from one the websites that functions as a summary of your particular faith’s perspective on the environment.

Humanist view on environment could be best summarized in the following words, “Humanists are concerned with human welfare and happiness, but because of this concern, humanists also care about the natural world, which we all depend on and which will have to sustain our descendants.” (Newman). Thus, humanists care about the environment not only because it is logical to do so but also out of ethical obligation towards future generations.

Does your worldview fit in with an expansionist or ecological viewpoint? How/Why? Provide 3 pieces of evidence below.

I believe in ecological viewpoint because it has been scientifically established that global warming is a fact. Second, the importance of animals to a sustainable environment is also a scientifically-established fact. Third, the global warming will result in further thinning of the earth’s atmosphere which protects us from harmful sun rays.

Provide a list of key components of your worldview’s stance on the environment.

The key components of my worldview stance on environment are that we have a moral obligation to maintain a sustainable environment for future generations. Second, we are responsible for the consequences of our actions, thus, if we harm the environment, we should be forced to pay the price and not let others suffer due to our carelessness. Third, this earth belongs to us and we have to take care of it for our own good as well.

Quote a passage from this faith’s holy book that is used to help them identify their stance on the environment.

Humanism is not a religion in a traditional sense of the faith and doesn’t have any divine-inspired beliefs or scriptures. Humanism is more a philosophy of life and it has no sacred text or anything similar.

What specific environmental issues appear to be most important to this faith tradition?

Humanist stance on environment is primarily influenced by scientific knowledge and ethical reasoning. Humanists these days mostly agree that global warming is real, natural resources are being consumer at unsustainable rate, and we need to protect species from going extinct because without them, the balance of the nature will be disturbed.

How is this group perceived by the wider public when it comes to environmental issues?

Humanists are perceived by the general public to be socially responsible because they take a realistic approach to the environmental challenges. Humanism emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility for our actions because our actions will not only determine our present but also the future of our species.

Does everyone within this faith tradition take a similar stance on environmental issues? If not, what are the differences?

Humanism is not an organized religion or faith and has no church-like organization which sets central policies or guidance for all humanists to follow. Thus, different followers of humanism may give priority to different issues though all have the central theme of preserving the balance of the nature and ensuring our long-time survival on earth. Some humanists are more concerned with birth control. This is because birth control helps us not to overpopulate the earth since the natural resources are not adequate to support uncontrolled population growth. International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), the world union of Humanist organizations, supports sexual education as early as primary schools (International Humanist and Ethical Union). Still other humanists care more about global warming than any other issue. Still some are more concerned with preservation of different species and some even propose going vegan because the meat industry wastes water and resources and create twenty percent of greenhouse gases (Torpy).

Which of the 4 justifications for conserving the environment does this religious group use most frequently? (aesthetic, moral, ecological, utilitarian).

Humanism mostly uses the ecological justification for conserving the environment. Humanists hold the view that overall human welfare is dependent upon the environment as well as the continued existence of many other species (Newman). Humanists believe that humans do not have the sole right to nature’s resources and all animals also have the right to life and influence the environment just as humans do (Gunasekara). Thus, humans should care not to destroy the living habitat of other animals unnecessarily out of their own selfish reasons. International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), the world union of Humanist organizations, offers several guidelines regarding environment including avoid behaviors that may result in some life forms going exist due to higher levels of global warming.

Which aspects of this faith’s environmental views do you agree with and/or disagree with?

I agree with humanist approach that we should be responsible for the consequences of our actions and also have an obligation to create a better world for future generations. I believe humanist approach is good for the environment because it is responsible, realistic, and practical. I also agree that consequences are more important than the actions themselves and should serve as the guide towards an appropriate behavior towards the environment rather than rigid theological positions that primarily intend to preserve religious authority.

Do you believe this faith’s environmental views would improve the state of the environment or not? Why?

I believe humanism’s environmental views would improve the state of the environment because humanist attitude towards the environment has been shaped by scientific knowledge. In addition, humanists do not believe that there is a god/s who gave humans stewardship over the environment and allowed them to do as they pleased, thus, they are motivated to act more responsibly towards the environment. In fact, humanists believe that our long-term survival depends upon our attitude towards the environment which serves as an additional incentive to be environmentally responsible.


Gunasekara, Victor A. The Core Principles of Secular Humanism. 15 February 2012 <>.

International Humanist and Ethical Union. The responsibility of humanists for nature and the environment. 16 February 2012 <>.

Newman, Jonathan. “A humanist discussion of… environmental issues.” n.d.

Torpy, Jason. Why Vegan Priorities are Humanist Priorities. 16 February 2012 <>.

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