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Identification of Intercultural Communication Style, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 545


As I critically analyzed my responses, I found that I have assertive communication style (Sherman). I do like to express my views but I am also respectable of others’ opinions and allow them to express themselves. This demonstrates that I have good communication skills because I understand listening is as important as is expressing yourself. To ensure that I understand the speaker’s message, I withhold my judgment until the speaker has finished and do not interrupt even if I believe I understand what the speaker wants to say. I also understand that communication is not just hearing but also includes paying attention. By looking at the speaker and paying close attention, I am also able to identify non-verbal cues.

I also pay attention and occasionally smile because I want to put the speaker at ease and make him/her feel important. When the speaker believes that he is not being judged and is being paid attention to, he becomes more open with his thoughts and ideas. Showing respect also increases the probability of cooperation from the speaker and is effective strategy in situation where opinions may differ. In addition, if I am confused about something, I do ask the speaker for clarification to ensure that I have understood the message just as the speaker intended. This helps me become a better communicator but also sends the message to the speaker that I give importance to his message.

I have also learnt that my communication style is more in line with high-context cultures than low-context cultures (College of Marin). I do care about other’s feelings and try to build personal rapport. Even when I have to convey negative news, I do so indirectly and show empathy for the other person. This is why I often smile because I want to build rapport with the other person and put him at ease. I give importance to the person even if I don’t know him which is another sign that I focus on building relations.

It is important to study other cultures because our initial perceptions of other cultures are often shaped by ethnocentric ideas that are usually promoted within cultures and our exposure to biased media coverage. These perceived notions of other cultures can only be changed through better knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Stereotypes lead to arrogance and the field of psychology has long understood that we are prone to bias as we seek confirmation of our hunches and display overconfidence (Myers).

We should also learn about other cultures because it will help us better communicate with those from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Different cultures have different values and norms and what they consider acceptable and non-acceptable social behaviors. Moreover, even non-verbal communication varies among cultures including gestures and body language (Lewis). Diversity is increasingly becoming a fact of life not only in America but also in other countries due to globalization. This is why I am trying to develop both high-context and low-context communication styles so that I can communicate equally well in all kinds of cultures.


College of Marin. High-context and Low-context Culture Styles. 21 April 2012 <>.

Lewis, Chad. Successful Communication in Multicultural Environments. 2008. 21 April 2012 <>.

Myers, David G. “Belief Bias.” Psychology. Worth Publishers, 2004. 741.

Sherman, Ruth. Understanding Your Communication Style. 21 April 2012 <>.

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