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Intellectualism and the “Global Network University”, Essay Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1313


According to University World News, a global network university is a collaborative association among a broad spectrum of education centers that aims to use their cooperation in a way to positively benefit the education of their students. In the first chapter of “Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci”, “The Intellectuals”, he discusses the fact that everybody has ability to become and intellectual but not everybody has experienced the social means that allow them to do so. “Intellectual” is a vague word, and many people can fall into this category for different reasons; if one is particularly skilled in math and science but lacks the ability to communicate effectively, this doesn’t disqualify him or her from this category. According to Gramsci, anyone who is able to succeed in their particular profession should be considered an intellectual because they mastered their unique interest and set of abilities. A global network university is an excellent way to enhance the social aspect of intellect. For certain fields, this social aspect is impossible to achieve in an individual setting with a rigid set of ideas and customs; therefore global network universities allow students to branch out and achieve the socialization they require to succeed.

In practice, global network universities allow students to have access to ideas, people, and experiences that they wouldn’t otherwise encounter on their main campus. This is particularly relevant in fields such as research and education because it will allow students to gain a hands-on understanding of their coursework. Furthermore, schools in different geographic locations, although belonging to the same network, will educate their students about global issues which will allow them to have a broader understanding of their current classes and future career goals. These kinds of intellectuals are more prepared to solve the world’s universal problems compared to those that have never had this kind of experience.

Global network universities promote Gramsci’s idea of “the organic” intellectual; this kind of intellectualism stems only from the ability to produce thought. The conceptualization of this kind of intellectual varies according to their social class and profession, but they are still considered functional idea makers and have relevant thoughts that apply to other people in a similar position. Global network universities enhance student’s ability to think about a specific job or field because they allow for increased communication with individual’s who hold these positions. Specific jobs vary across the world based on unique standards and beliefs and learners at global network universities are able to use this to their advantage; after learning about all kinds of issues that affect their job worldwide, they will develop many useful connections and be a more effective employee at home.

According to Gramsci, “there are categories of intellectuals already in existence and which seemed indeed to represent an historical continuity uninterrupted even by the most complicated and radical changes in political and social forms”. This statement is still true of categories of intellectuals today. However in this country, we now most frequently refer to these people as ones who are able to achieve high grades in school, go on to complete advanced degrees, and conduct original research that is usually published in renowned journals. While it is very true that these qualities are special and help push the world forward, it is important to consider the many other people who perform well at what they do according to unique standards expected for their group. For example, it is possible to consider a car mechanic and intellectual if he is able to fix every problem that comes his way. We may not consider him to be a genius according to the aforementioned standards, but if he is the best revolutionary in his field, why shouldn’t he be considered as such?

According to NAFSA: Association of International Educators, creation of a global network university will emphasize the importance of working with members of different societies while remaining an integral part of a student’s own local society. Before this exchange of ideas was possible, Gramsci states that certain groups of people had ideological monopolies on concepts such as religious ideology, philosophy, education, morality, and justice. Learners at global network universities will be able to understand that such monopolies are not possible or rational. Many different groups of people have their own ideas about what constitutes these categories of belief and they acknowledge that different ideas work for different people. Global network university learners won’t simply consider themselves elite based on the social and educational standards of their home; rather, they will strive to meet these standards across a broad spectrum of cultural values.

Gramsci continues to say that the true difference between intellectuals and non-intellectuals is the direction of their specific professional activity, the weight which it has on mankind, and whether the intellect comes naturally or is a stressed effort. Therefore, he considers intellect as the capacity to change something. This is a convenient definition because it allows us to compared intellectuals across different fields, which was previously difficult to do because individuals in varying professions are held to different standards of success. Learners in the global network university will be able to have a complete understanding of all of these standards and how they vary across groups and cultures and will thus stand out amongst their peers. In addition, they will understand how to drive change in unique ways compared to learners in non-global network universities. The best kind of change is one which drives world progress forward rather positively impacts only a small group of people.

On page 9, Antonio Gramsci discusses the problem of creating new intellectuals. He states all people have pre-existing intellectualism within them, but those who are to truly become intellectuals need to critically assess their own intellectual abilities and aim towards increasing these abilities and learning of how they are applicable to their surrounding environment. While the stereotypical people that are considered to be intellectual include philosophers, writers, and artists, he states that we must search for the intellect within others as well. In order to encourage progress in the world, we must encourage those who do not noticeable develop these natural talents on their own. Instead, we must drive these abilities out of them through knowledge and experience. Global network universities are therefore an idea way to encourage people that do not think they are able to achieve greatness. Therefore, they must be immersed in new situations so they can learn their true place in society in addition to their talents so the world can take advantage of their individual genius. Gramsci states that this “new intellectual” must evolve from simple passions and emotions to the ability to speak, create, and participate in his or her own personal intellectual goals.

Gramsci believes that the best way to encourage these “new intellectuals” is through social groups and schooling, which is the basis of the global network university. The organization of education allows for new and unique specializations that bring out the intellectual in many people. Students are able to take a pre-existing skill, build upon it, and use it to contribute to the advancement of their society. He states that the “intellectual function in different states can be measured objectively by the number and gradation of specialized schools”. In today’s society, the same can be considered true. Global network universities encourage the specialist skills that schools offer their students, which helps people pursue their unique intellectual goals.

In conclusion, intellectualism has a broad definition ranging from those who are able to achieve high academic prowess to those who are simply able to master their profession. Regardless of which definition is being considered, global network universities will allow the individual to develop their intellectual ability depending on what this means to them. Ultimately, global network universities will produce students and workers who are uniquely able to achieve their educational and career goals in ways that are culturally relevant to many individual societies.

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