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Judith Murray’s Ideals, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 985


Judith Murray’s ideals in her essay, “On Equalities of the Sexes” helped to influence other literary figures as activists in Great Britain and in the United States on women equality.

Brief Outline

  1. Introduction: Role of women and man presently
  2.  Thesis
  3. Reasons argument was successful
  4. Shed light on the Importance of Education
  5. Role of the Women (stereotypical and potential)
  6. Literary Devices to make the argument successful
  7. Conclusion

Ethos, Pathos, and logos are all feature throughout the essay as Murray helped to use them to influence others of her ideals. Ethos, although she was not as well known, she was a reputable writer. Pathos, she tried to elicit some emotion by playing to her female audience through sympathies used. Lastly Logos, where she gives logical explanation for her ideals. She solely relies on Logos to convey her ideals, especially shown through her use of biblical and educational argument such as, “Yet it may be questioned, from what doth this superiority, in thus discriminating faculty of the soul proceed. May we not trace its source in the difference of education, and continued advantage?” (Murray, Ln. 727, n.d)

Judith Sargent Murray and “On the Equality of the Sexes”

The women’s role is in the home, in the kitchen, and taking care of the children. This old thinking has been around since the days of the bible, but throughout history many women have risen up to combat that theory whether in literature, politics, movies, or music. When Judith Murray published her landmark essay she helped to pioneer movement in women’s rights at a time it did not exist. Judith Murray’s ideals in her essay, “On Equalities of the Sexes” helped to influence other literary figures as activists in Great Britain and in the United States on women equality. In the 18th century ideas regarding gender equality were extremely radical views, however her essay was a success. In this critical evaluative essay, it will critic the essay by Judith Murray by giving more insight while providing literary evidence to support the thesis.

Education plays a vital role in elevating anyone in their economic and social position in society. In Murray’s essay, she makes it clear throughout her writing the importance of education for women. She believed that being self-educated herself, education was the “great equalizer” between men and women. Murray truly believed that through acquiring knowledge women could eventually succeed in life. She questioned the perceived differences in the acumen, “yet it may be questioned, from what doth this superiority, in thus discriminating faculty of the soul proceed. May we not trace its source in the difference of education, and continued advantage?” (Murray, Ln. 727, n.d) Murrays argues that women are as smart as men, but the problem is with the educational system which inequitably benefits men while disallowing and discouraging women from getting an education. “One is taught to aspire, and the other is early confined and limited.” (Murray, pg. 331, n.d)

This reasoning also plays out in her argument of the women’s role in the home. Murray demonstrates the disparities between the sexes by citing the situation within her home “As their years increase, the sister must be wholly domesticated while the brother is led by the hand through all the flowery paths of science” (Murray, Ln. 728, n.d) When women are designated to the role of the housewife they cannot grow within their mental capacity. “I answer that every requisite in female economy is easily attained; and, with truth I can add, that when once attained, they require no further mental attention.” (Murray, pg. 134, n.d). When women are subjugated to the kitchen they are not able to expand their mind, but are left to do mundane work on a daily basis that do not take much time to do. The time wasted could be utilized by earning a better education. The role of women is not just for the home but in gaining knowledge in order to attain the level of equality of the male counterparts.

Judith Murray is intelligent in structuring her essay in a way that is easy to read while providing logical reasoning and arguments to support her ideals to be a success in influencing others. The use of logos in arguing is demonstrated throughout the intellectual piece, as evident in her argument of the disparities in education for men and women, and the role of the women, “Who this distinction to the sex ascribe, As if a woman’s form must needs enrol, A weak, a servile, an inferiour soul; And that the guise of man must still proclaim.” (Murray, Ln. 25, n.d) Logos was greatly used by Greek philosophers including Socrates to display logic while influencing the masses. Murray does the same in introducing her ideas, concrete comparisons, and her implementation of an eerie rhyming factor that forced the reader to slow down. Her tone throughout the essay utilizes the method of pathos while trying to elicit emotion from the readers by giving them reasoning of why the women needs to be revolutionized. The serious and wittiness of her prose is seen in, “May not the intellectual powers be ranged under their four heads imagination, reason, memory and judgment?” (Murray, Ln. 727, n.d) While till counting on logic and intellect to evoke an answer from the readers. The successfulness of these devices in evidence in her later essays and other bodies of work.

In conclusion, Judith Murray was successful in her argument of women’s equality. In a time where the argument wasn’t yet publicize, many writers such as Murray where trying to translate their ideals and issues through literature in order to inform the public. Murray helped to pioneer the women’s right movement through her radical ideals, and her use of literary devices that help to structure and influence other literary figures past and present to continue the fight for women’s rights and equality in a facets of society.

Works Cited

Murray, Judith Sargent. “On the Equality of the Sexes.” Penn Libraries. Ed. Mary Ockerbloom. N.d. Web. 11 May 2012.

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