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Leadership Audit, Research Paper Example

Pages: 7

Words: 1799

Research Paper

Within the church there are several characteristics that must be taken into account when assessing the leadership skills needed to head a church house. Having leadership skills are more than just what is on paper, but also what the potential leaders possess inside their hearts and minds. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, is a benefit when deciding if being is being competent enough to be successful. This paper is dedicated to given a second analysis of Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: Authentic Christian Leader, gives seven audits that will help to determine if the potential leaders possess the right skills that are needed to be a Christian leader. Proverbs 16:9 says that, “A man’s heart devised his way: but the Lord direct his steps.” In Malphus book the separates skills into tasks and relational skills.

Relational Audit

Malphus sees that relational skills are one of the most essential skills needed for people pursuing a leadership position. In order to be an effective leader, the individual must learn to deal with people of all backgrounds, and work through different people. God’s work is too great for one individual to handle it alone. Within a church ministry it is more than just a job but by reaching people and letting God work through them. The skills that Maluphus mentions are knowing to listening, networking, conflict resolution, decision making, risk making, and problem solving. Malphus mentions that, chrisitan leadership is about helping the church followers in fulfilling God’s purpose for them, not the leader’s purpose. Malpus mentions that leadership skills, is to “influence the followers to pursue their God-Given direction.”[1] These skills presented in the relational skills are adequate in being passionate, open, and knowing not to judge others flaws. The skills that I possess a lot of these skills while trying to practice being a good Christian leader within the ministry, the skills of knowing the correct problem solving methods, knowing when to confront others on facing their problems and trusting in God, is a big strength that I feel I possess. However, my weaknesses is that I must be able to network better, being able to seek out others that can help accomplish problems can come into play in several other important skills.

Task Skills Audit

Malphurs mentions that “tasks skills are based on the Great Commission (28:19-20).”[2]Some of the most important task skill sets that are needed within the ministry is to know how to teaching, researching, preaching, values discovery, communication, and other pertinent skills. In doing the Tasks Skills Audit, Malphurs tries to assess the correct skills and ability for leaders that are able to be available to perfect their skills in being a good leader in the church. In some of my strongest skills that I have is the ability to preach and teach others. The skills of were at first in their infancy stage, but through time and practice, I have been able to be confident in my ability to preach and teach others by ministering in an authoritative, passionate, and illustrative way. When an individual tries to perfect their skills in order to be better, people are able to take notice, Proverbs 22:19 says that, “Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kinds; he shall not stand before mean men.” Another of my strong points that are echoed in this audit is my time management, and preparedness skills. I am able to juggle and balance by family, school life, and being available for the ministry. Of the skills were I have weaknesses is budgeting and advertising, which is skills that I must work on to be effective in each of my skills.

The Leadership Style Audit

In the church ministry, leaders are the in the face that people are looking to, to help them lead them to God. Leaders must show thyself approval unto God. There are four dominant leadership styles. All individuals who pursue the path of leadership possess a style of influence that will impact people, so that leaders must accurately assess how they will influence their followers. When taking this audit the leadership statement that closely relates to my style is, Analytical Director leadership style. This relates to my personality and my passion to do God’s work in a way of quality. Malphurs says that, directors are task-oriented leaders. “As such, they bring strength to organizations that need more focus on accomplishing ministry.”[3] Leaders that possess these skills of being directors have strong leadership skills that are able to take charge, risk takes, challenge other leaders, and help to bring change to an organization. This strengths that I posses is that I am a visionary for the church, I am a self starter that is disciplined and sees what jobs that need to be done. Being an analytical-director leader is to know what to do best for others, doing more for God, and knowing not to be too hasty in my decisions. The best way to be effective in my leadership style is chart a path to success where I acknowledge my strengths as well as my weaknesses such as, knowing not to take control of every aspect without asking for help from others, and being bossy.

The Structure Audit

Malphurs says that, “the structure that a church chooses is situational, depending on its unique, individual circumstances.” [4]Leaders must be responsible, as I feel is a quality and a strength that I possess. Time management is an important skill in developing skills, and delegating them so they can be accomplished. An organization is centralized and decentralized structure within a ministry is a church that functions best. Within an organization, the ministry must have the brightest ad the best leaders to lead their followers to God. The church is best served by the leaders of the ministry working together to making a plan come to fruition. Decision making skills are put to the tests, as leadership is about teamwork, and knowing when to ask for help when it is needed. The structure of the church is apart of the foundation of the church and must be able to reach parts of the ministry in carrying out God’s work in an effective and efficient manner. Malphurs shows that, in new situations as the planting of the church ministry, other structures that are task oriented must and prefer a centralized and a decentralized approach allows for a balance of control between the leadership in the ministry.[5] The structure of the ministry is essential from the top to the follows as the flow of authority will help in guiding and directing others in the right steps.

Leader’s Core Value Audit

Within this audit a leader’s values are measured, Malpurs says that leaders “will hold both actual and aspirational values.”[6] The ministry’s core value should also be apart of the leader’s core values. In being an authentic Christian leader, must be able to rise to the top of his ministry. The values that the leader must possess are to have a solid relationship and foundation with God, so that he can be able to use and build with the individual. The values that I feel apply to me is fairness, where I feel I can able to manage through people’s problems and know not to judge others based on their situations. The negatives that a person goes through should not impact their persons’ belief and love for God. As a leader, you must know the bible, and use is as a sword to take into the battle field. The leader must be able to command the word of God for the ministry to use and interpret the world of God effectively. Cultural relevance is an important aspect that leaders must posses in order forms them to reach out to all people with different backgrounds to communicate with them.

Ideal Circumstances

Within this audit, is key to know that God has an ideal place for everyone within the ministry. The followers and the leaders must know that everyone is endowed with the gifts that God has given them, in order to use it to help others. The Circumstances audit, is helpful in knowing the leader’s focus and position in fitting in the right place. The setting that is ideal is within the church, so that the leader can be able to grow the ministry and lead more followers to God. In just about every organization growth is important, in times where people are choosing other paths that are not aligned with God’s will, the church leaders have to come together so that those that need to be in the church be in the church. As a leader, preaching and teaching to a congregation of all ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds is helpful in being in a place to help and mentor to others.

Pastor-Organization Fit

This audit is used to determine how the leader’s view matches with the ministries. Ministries’ work can be difficult in situations where they commit to a position. God is able to send the leaders in to fulfill the positions that they have set out for them. Leaders will be given the tools needed in order to help them plan for the success of their ministry. The leader must possess the capabilities in what the ministry may be lacking in order to help build the church up so it can be successful in its goals. Malphurs points out those leaders must be able to know the nonessentials of the church and the leader, the more the leaders knows about the congregation the more than the less trouble there will be in the long run.

In conclusion, being an effective leader is an essential within any ministry. Leaders must not only possess the correct skills but also be available so that God can be able to build and mold the leaders into someone that will guide the church. In Matthew 22:36-39, the bible points out that, “Relational skills are based on the great commandment.” The verses are used in order to guide leaders in the right steps in order to be effective in their communication with God and their followers. The audits set out to show the importance of the core values and the leadership styles.


Malphurs, Audbrey. Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003.

[1] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003), 158.

[2] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003), 83.

[3] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003), 95.

[4] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003), 113.

[5] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003), 114.

[6] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003), 134.

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