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Lessons Learned: Power and Influence, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 659


Power and influence in the world of nursing are concepts which define nursing leadership. Power-Sharing is essential to building relationships. This knowledge with understanding the lessons of influence and the importance of following these lessons are vital to becoming a successful leader. Two key lessons Diana Mason discusses in “Power and Influence” include ‘what you accomplish depends on who you know’ and ‘if you have expertise, share it.’ These two lessons can be seen in the leadership style of Joyce C. Clifford, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. and are lessons I intend to incorporate into my work setting to increase my professional power and influence.

Building a network of colleagues is important to having the power to make changes and influence decisions. The lesson of accomplishments through the people you know is a fundamental one to getting things done. Being empowered and empowering others builds the groundwork for developing a highly effective facility demonstrating continual continuity of care and high quality delivery.  Dr. Clifford is internationally known for developing a professional nursing practice model that is considered the benchmark for professionalism in nursing, and that integrates scholarship and service in direct care, promotes nursing practice development, and improves patient care outcomes. (INHL, 2010). She knew and worked with the chief at her facility to gain support from the major decision makers at this hospital. Faced with troublemakers creating predicaments for the success of the hospital, she knew she needed support.

In order to get the hospital out of trouble, she decided to use her expertise to guide the troublemakers. She had been forewarned of this problem and so she knew that these problem individuals should be the ones to get the hospital back on track (Houser and Player, Pg. 60-61).  Joyce had to stabilize the staffing, schedules, and staff nurse assignments. (Houser and Player, 2009, pg. 60-61). The problem employees were a part of the nursing staff. However, she believed if she could do so the there was an opportunity to create an environment focused on quality patient care with a philosophy of professional growth and development. (Houser and Player, 2009, pg. 60-61). By empowering the problem employees through guidance, honesty and sharing her expertise in leadership, these employees made radical changes and eventually become effective leaders, becoming directors and managers.

I see Dr. Clifford as a mentor by her perseverance and her belief that it “seemed like the right thing to do.” (Houser and Player, 2009, pg. 63). Empowering the nurses allowed them to be a part of the decision making and transformation of the hospital into a facility demonstrating effective and efficient quality of care. Dr. Clifford used her mentors to guide and shape her leadership style. I will use Dr. Clifford in the same manner. Changing behavior and influencing decision and the ability to get things done, that is how Dr. Mason described what power is. (Canter & Associates, 2004).  This personifies the influence that the proper use of power can extend to make the necessary changes and modifications to achieve a goal.

In my work environment I will begin to build my networking to build collaborative relationships. I will also share m expertise and experiences to empower my colleagues to build effective team work. Developing a strong team through using power and influence will lay the groundwork for instituting gateways for change enactment and shared decision making. I also believe that implementing a culture of accountability to practice is an example of nursing excellence and develops leaders. Dr. Clifford also served in the United States Air Force and demonstrated her leadership qualities.


Canter & Associates. (Executive Producer). (2004). The nurse leader: New perspectives on the profession. Los Angeles: Author.

Houser, B. P., & Player, K. N. (2004). Pivotal moments in nursing: Leaders who changed the path of a profession. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

The Institute for Nursing Healthcare Leadership (INHL) (2010). The Institute for Nursing Healthcare Leadership, Charlestown Navy Yard, 36 First Avenue, Suite 428, Boston, MA 02129 U.S.A Retrieved from

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