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Mononucleosis: The Kissing Disease, Esay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 979


Where there is a large group of individuals, there is bound to be an exchange of airborne bacteria, viruses, bodily fluids, and in extreme situations blood. One diseases that is becoming a pertinent problem in college and high school campuses throughout the United States is Mono short for mononucleosis a communicable disease that was known to many as the “kissing disease” in which adversely given from the initial that is only spread by kissing. However, scientist and health officials have gone to lengths to inform the general public that mononucleosis is a serious contagious disease in which can be contacted in several ways, and infects millions each year. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is a national health agency that continually monitors and alerts health officials to shifts in the disease, while also providing resources and pertinent information on how it impacts other systems in the body, linking to other well-known disorders and diseases. (CDC, 2011)

Mononucleosis is an infectious viral disease in which attacks the epithelium in the mouth and the human B-lymphocytes in the body that can severely impact the immune system. There are two types of mononucleosis, mononucleosis syndrome which is caused by non-EBV. Non-EBV mononucleosis syndrome may also be caused by human herpesvirus 6, and rarely by other viruses. (Turabelidze, 2014) The most serious known as infectious mononucleosis, is caused by the Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) that is usually seen in young adults and adolescents.  According to medical research, “Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a widely disseminated herpesvirus that is spread by intimate contact between susceptible persons and EBV shedders.” (Aronson, Auwaerter, 2013)  The virus can be passed through bodily fluids such as saliva, fluids and mucus from sneezing, coughing, and most uncommonly through tears. Although the disease is not spread by casual contact, a person with a weak or impaired immune system is more susceptible to contracting the virus. EBV is also high in people that have X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome, a rare genetic condition. (WebMD, 2014) The Communicable Disease Chain, in regards to mononucleosis, starts with the human reservoir which transmit the disease through bodily fluids (indirectly or directly), to a susceptible host for successful parasitism. EBV is a virus that can live and grow in an individual’s throat and nose. EBV is a precarious disease in which can stay dormant in a person’s body; that can activate without showing any symptoms, meaning many people can carry the virus and spread it without knowing. Mononucleosis is a serious virus in which affects the throat, blood cells, spleen, liver, lymph nodes, and salivary glands.

During the incubation period, when an individual is initially infected, they might not experience symptoms for up to six weeks while some don’t experience any symptoms at all. However, once the virus begins to attack the immune system, individuals will begin to show symptoms that might mimic influenza or the common cold. People report experiencing a sore throat, fever, fatigue, body aches, and the swelling of the lymph glands in the throat, underarm, and groin, with the most serious experiencing an enlarge spleen or liver. (Turabelidze, 2014) Symptoms can usually get better on their own in up to two months. Mononucleosis isn’t treated with any known antibiotics, unless the individual develops a rash or strep throat, and corticosteroids used to reduce the swelling in the spleen, throat, and liver. The only treatment for mononucleosis is through plenty of rest, taking acetaminophen and avoiding contact with others and heavy lifting.

According to health officials, those are more susceptible to mono includes young adults and adolescents, in which over 70% of individuals in the US alone are infected with EBV by the age of 30. (Cunha, 2009) EBV is usually acquired subclinical in early childhood, with less than 10 percent developing infectious mononucleosis.  It takes several exposures to EBV for an individual to acquire the virus, and most people carry the virus with them intermittently.  Young adults that are infected usually through the exchange of mucus and saliva, hence the moniker “the kissing disease.” Because of prior exposure during childhood, most adults are not susceptible to infection. There is no predication that suggest that sex or race places a pivotal role in contacting the disease, but data indicates that in developing and developed countries the disease has shifted to infected older patients. (Turabelidze, 2014) The mortality and morbidity rates are low, and deaths are usually reported from splenic rupture, or those with X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome.

The Epidemiologic Triangle, a model that researchers developed in studying these infectious diseases, is composed of three factors: agent (what causes the disease), host (the carriers), and the environment (external factors that cause transmission). In regards to mononucleosis, the EBV is the cause, while individuals are the carriers, and the virus exists in throat or noses of individuals infected. While the CDC does it part in educating health officials and the general public, the role of nurses in community health setting, would work to educate those that come in with symptoms. The nurse would provide educational material in which would ensure that the prognosis for healthy individuals is good. In using tests to collect health information that includes running tests, and inform of possible complications or secondary infections, as well as education targeted to older patients on the risks of contracting certain illnesses. While there is no specific treatment, the nurses will follow up with patients in 1 to two weeks, work with patients to provide guidelines on proper rest, and restraint from strenuous activities, as well as inform them not to donate organs or blood.  Through proper prevention, the communicable disease chain for mononucleosis can be broken.


Aronson, Mark D., Auwaerter, Paul G. (2013). Infectious mononucleosis in adults and adolescents. Up To Date. Retrieved from

Cunha, B.A. (2009).Infectious Mononucleosis. Retrieved from

Mononucleosis. (2011). CDC. Retrieved from

Mononucleosis. (2011). WebMD. Retrieved from

Turabelidze, George. (2014). Infectious mononucleosis. Epocrates. Retrieved from

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