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Morgan’s Organizational Metaphor, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1127


The American Cancer Society is a prevalent non for profit organization that partners with colleges and universities across the country. Students are typically aware of this organization due to their involvement in or knowledge of the “Relay for Life” program, in which volunteers fundraising for the organization stay awake overnight to symbolically represent the never ending fight that cancer survivors must face. The events typically honor cancer survivors and those lost to the disease, and guest speakers are invited to share the trials they experienced while fighting cancer. Throughout the event, additional fundraising opportunities are present, as this is one of the main events that the organization uses to raise funds.

While the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life” event is prevalent in colleges, local communities also host these events in churches and other community centers. Furthermore, the American Cancer Society supplements these fundraising activities by encouraging people to donate on their website and to volunteer for their organization. Volunteers are typically responsible for organizing “Relay for Life” events within their community or hosting similar fundraisers. In some instances, volunteers organize and serve participants in fundraising walks. However, volunteers are also encouraged to host wellness and cancer prevention programs sponsored by the organization. Therefore, the American Cancer Society is affiliated with two aspects of its mission to end cancer, both fundraising to provide health care funds to individuals that cannot afford care and to provide to researchers for finding a cure, and providing at risk individuals with information regarding prevention and early detection methods. I have participated in the “Relay for Life” event and the cancer information seminars through this organization, and I have had friends that have been responsible for volunteering at these events.

Based on my knowledge of the structure of the American Cancer Society, it appears that the members of this organization follow the organization metaphor (Morgan, n.d.). This is because the group is primarily concerned with survival, organization-environment relations and organizational effectiveness. Overall, the American Cancer Society needs to raise funds from its volunteers due to a need to survive. The funds acquired as a part of these events are responsible for keeping the organization afloat, and the leaders of the organization are pressured to meet certain fundraising quotas for each event that they help organize. As a consequence, competition with other charity groups and potentially other members of the American Cancer Society organization is not always avoidable. This is reminiscent of the need for organisms to remain competitive in nature to survive. Those that are able to get past selective pressures are ultimately able to thrive, while those that cannot perish. This situation is similar for the organization leaders; if they are unable to meet their quotas, they will likely be released from the organization. Likewise, if these quotas are not met, it is challenging for the organization as a whole to survive. This is likened to the link between the survival of the individual and the group; if the individual organism in nature is not able to do its part, its group can suffer. An example of this is true in wolf packs. If the hunter is not able to bring back food to the group, then the whole group will go hungry.

Furthermore, the organization’s organization-environment relations is characteristic of this relationship. The interactions of the organization with the environment must be positive for the organization to survive. This means that leaders of the charity are required to study which locations would be best to have fundraising events and then to use their knowledge of these areas in order to ensure that the events will be successful. This environmental interaction is also necessary for organisms to survive. For example, bears must know where to find caves to seek shelter, trees and plants for food, and streams for water sources. In a similar manner, organization leaders must know exactly where the sources of revenue for their organization could be derived if they wish to remain employed with this group.

Last, organizational effectiveness is a concern. This is related to the concept of working together as a team. Despite the inherent competition between organization members in some cases, they must all work together towards a common goal. A failure to remain united may result in the failure of the organization. This is similar to the behaviors exhibited by bees in a hive. All bees work together to promote the safety of the hive and to serve their queen bee. However, if bees decide to counteract these goals, they will likely die either of natural causes or be destroyed by other members of the hive. This indicates that team work is an important factor in organizational success and failing to act as a team player can be detrimental to the health of the organization (Manzoor, 2011).

Based on the analysis of the American Cancer Society, there are many aspects that the organization could improve upon. It is important for the organization to have strong fundraising goals, as this is what keeps the organization alive. However, it would be beneficial for the group to allow for a safety net that will allow generally effective volunteers to fall short of their financial goals on occasion. Ultimately, this is expected to increase employee morale, which will in turn motivate members to reach their goals (Linder, 1998). In order for workers to remain happy, they must feel that they are serving a purpose. While the American Cancer Society’s mission of ending cancer is a noble cause, it is easy for employees to feel disconnected from this goal when they are focused on the financial aspect of the organization. Thus, providing this additional safety net in addition to greater incentive for achieving these goals would be beneficial to the organization. Furthermore, this solution is expected to lessen the intensity of the competition between different workers in the company, which is expected to prolong the longevity of the group.

Currently, it is apparent that this organization is struggling because it is not able to easily meet its goals and must therefore provide its employees with unrealistic fundraising expectations. As a consequence, it is important for the company to restructure itself in a manner that is more financially sound. Since there are a lot of employees, the American Cancer Society has high overhead costs that could be reasonably cut. This would allow for more funds to be given directly to those in need, and release the burden of the employees to attain such high fundraising goals. If the company wishes to survive, it ultimately must change its practices in a manner that will allow it to thrive.


Linder JR. (1998). Understanding Employee Motivation. Journal of Extension, 36(3).

Manzoor Q. (2011). Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(3).

Morgan. (n.d.). Images of Organization.

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