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Nervosa Anorexia, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1209


Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that has been depicted in modern culture quite often. Along with bulimia nervosa, they make up two of the most widely-known eating disorders that are found. With a psychological and biological base, anorexia nervosa can lead to excessive weight loss and other dangerous symptoms. The current analysis will look at these basics in order to form such an understanding of the disorder.


Primarily, anorexia nervosa is characterized by issues surrounding normal weight levels. For instance, and as identified by Attia and Walsh, the refusal to maintain a normal body mass index for one’s age is common with anorexia nervosa (2007). Also, one can generally take all measure in order to avoid gaining weight, and of course that of becoming overweight (2007). From worrying about gaining weight to rapid weight loss, these dynamics commonly form the basis of anorexia nervosa, in terms of symptoms.

Along with these dynamics, there are a number of signs that can point to anorexia nervosa. For instance, some behaviors can involve deceiving others, such as cooking foot but not eating any. Also, one may hide or discard food, or possibly opt to cut it into very small pieces in order to create an illusion. Not to be confused with bulimia nervosa, those with anorexia nervosa can make use of vomiting.

Other signs and symptoms can stem from or lead to the subject of weight loss. For instance, amenorrhea is common for women who have anorexia nervosa, which involves missing three menstrual cycles in a row (2007). A number of psychological disorders and dynamics can be involved with anorexia nervosa, such as depression or unhealthy perceptions of being overweight, when the individual is not. Returning back to the analysis’ initial point, anorexia nervosa is often consumed with the issue of weight, in all implications involved.

Who is Susceptible?

One of the biggest trends in anorexia nervosa is the preponderance of diagnoses in women. According to research, it occurs in females 10 times more than men (Woodside, et al, 2001). Much of this has to do with environmental pressures, which will be briefly examined later in the analysis.

Traditionally, anorexia nervosa has been seen in younger individuals. Most notably, adolescents have been particularly susceptible to anorexia nervosa. While this still holds true, recent research has uncovered that the average age of onset has lessened. In an analysis from Renkl, the average age for the onset of anorexia nervosa is now 9 to 12 years old, according to psychotherapist Abigail Natenshon (2011). It used to be 13 to 17 (2011).

However, traditional guidelines for anorexia nervosa seem to be changing. Certainly the average onset is one major factor. However, according to the same analysis, more boys are being seen for the disorder as well (2011). While certain elements add to the susceptibility of anorexia nervosa, it seems to be extending in terms of its reach.


The causes of anorexia nervosa are not short in number. To briefly summarize the known associations, there are many biological causes: including genetics, prenatal complications, lack of regulation of serotonin, and nutritional deficiencies (WebMD, 2012). Along with environmental factors, that will be discussed later in the current analysis, these items make up the primary causes of anorexia nervosa. The causes can notably be quite complex as “it is thought to develop from a mix of physical, emotional, and social triggers” (2012). Thus, anorexia nervosa can be caused by a wide variety of triggers at once; it does not need to have a certain combination of factors, so to speak.


Treatment can widely vary with the individual. For some people with anorexia nervosa, it may be a rather short process, such as when the disorder is caused by a stressful event. For others, it may involve years of treatment and counseling, along with a strong medical and/or nutritional presence. At any rate, there are a variety of treatment approaches that can be utilized for anorexia nervosa.

One major part of treatment is medically-based. For instance, as anorexia can cause osteoporosis, heart problems, or depression, a doctor will be aware of not only the nutritional needs of the patient, but related items as well (WebMD, 2012). One’s height and weight will be monitored in order to track progress. Along with medical treatment, treatment involving a nutritionist can become integral in the short-term and long-term.

Another primary part of the treatment involves therapy. A wide range of therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and other lesser-known therapies, can be utilized along with other forms of treatment. These approaches can help with the emotional issues that often cause the onset of anorexia nervosa. Issues such as body image and healthiness, along with other personal issues, can be approached with therapy.

Relationship within Culture

There is a certain cultural element that is found within anorexia nervosa. For instance, the environmental impact present in culture can often lead some to question their body image. Inevitably, and sometimes relating to pressures that one faces, the individual can start to be consumed with their body image.

A lot of this has to do with the importance placed on skinny body types. For instance, the preponderance of skinny models in culture is well-known, and can cause insecurities and psychological issues. Taking these topics too far, the cultural effect can lead and reinforce issues related to anorexia nervosa. Thus, individuals can be undeniably affected by the high regard of slim people in society.


Anorexia nervosa is one of the most recognizable eating disorders. Often identified as a disorder that affects young women and girls, some of these conceptualizations can be misleading. It is more commonly becoming linked not only the males, but to younger boys and girls.

The causes and treatments can be seen in relationship to each other. With the biological, societal, and psychological causes of anorexia nervosa, treatment seeks to identify these very issues. The individual may need to approach cultural pressures that are felt, nutritional and biological needs that the disorder has altered, and the underlying psychological issues present with the disorder. Indeed, there can be a wide range of issues that encompass the disorder in any given individual.

One of the most interesting topics is that of society. It is a common known dynamic that skinny body types are preferred. In media and in personal relationships, this pressure can be felt, especially by young people, which can lead to an unhealthy focus on eliminating – and often overcompensating – on these issues. This can lead to severe implications on one’s health, emotional state, and so forth.

Overall, anorexia nervosa is a dangerous disorder. It can lead to serious consequences that can lead to death, though this is not the most common outcome. At any rate, there are a range of issues that need to be dealt with for the individual to proceed in a healthy manner.


Anorexia Nervosa Health Center (2012). WebMD. Retrieved from

Attia, E. & Walsh, B. T. (2007). Anorexia Nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164 (12), 1805-1810.

Renkl, M. (2011). The Scary Trend of Tweens with Anorexia. CNN Health. Retrieved from

Woodside, D. B., Garfinkel, P. E., Lin, E., Kaplan, A. S., Goldbloom, D. S., Kennedy, S. H. (2001). Comparisons of Men with Full or Partial Eating Disorders, Men Without Eating Disorders, and Women with Eating Disorders in the Community. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158 (4), 570-4.


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