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Our First Anniversary, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 718


A human life can be characterised as a long lonely road for one to follow. Human roads cross with one another for a short time in order to give us a sense of presence and make us hope that one day there will be someone to share the burden of one’s road, a companion to walk it together. Until the moment we find that companion, we walk alone in the darkness of uncertainty and lack of knowledge what love is. Only when one meets the second half of one’s heart and soul, he can feel complete and realise the beauty of life to its full extent. Love is the light that shows us the colours of the world.

You are my love, the light that showed how empty and colourless my life had been before meeting you. You showed me the beauty of the sunrise reflected on your bare skin in the morning, the warmth of the rain drops lost in your hair, the tenderness of your caress full love and passion. I used to wonder how it was possible that people in love can change. Looking back at the time we have spent together, I think I cannot recognise the man I used to be in the reflection I see in the mirror. I feel like you have breathed life into me and changed me to a better person, a person who is worth of you and who can make you happy.

I never through that I was missing a part of soul until I met you. Your every move, your words, your touch and smell are so familiar and dear to me I do not know how I could live without you before. You are deep under my skin, you are in the air I breathe, you are within me, and you are my life.  Even when you are not next to me, I feel your presence and your love wrapped around me like an invisible aura protecting me from the world. You gave me the sense of completeness and happiness. Until I met you, I had no idea what it was like to be happy and to belong. I belong to you with all my heart and my soul.

There is nothing more in this world that I want more than you in life forever. I wish you could see yourself with my eyes. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. You do everything in a perfect and the most elegant manner: the way you raise your hand, the way you walk, that funny face you make when you get slightly angry, your amazing warm smile that enlightens everything around. I love the small things you do: how you make your hair, how you watch movies, how you kiss. You are a walking perfection and all this time we are together I cannot believe how lucky I am to be with such a divine creature.

Often, early in the morning when you are still asleep, I wake up just in order to see you sleeping: you are all relaxed and calm, full of gentleness and peace. I like to caress your hair and the gentle lines of your face, the curve of your lips, their corners. I gently kiss the corner of your mouth and your ear, inhale your sweet smell and think what a lucky man I am to be with you, to wake up together, to kiss and make love for you, to share a life with you. You made me think about life not in terms of plans and their implementation but experience life through every moment that we share together. You made me appreciate the present, not to struggle for the future but to live it through the present moment.

I am writing all these words in order to express my feelings for you, but they are not enough, because my love for you is like an endless well of emotions. It is impossible to express what I feel for you, since there are no words that can express the essence of one’s soul or a complete adoration of one heart by another. You are the light of my life, and I am the luckiest man in the world that you have chosen me and given me the honour or sharing a common path.

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