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Project Quality Management : Why, What and How, Research Paper Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1493

Research Paper


The research revealed the use of two methodologies at the University of Nebraska, (1) the HR scorecard, and (2) the strategy map.

The Human Resource Scorecard

HR scorecard also play a critical role as an important tools in strategic HR management. They become of much help in achieving a connection between the coherent definition of departmental objectives as well as performance and the strategic goals of the business goals.


The human resource scorecard is a very critical tool in human resource management. It has been associated with a number of positive results to organizations that effectively employ this methodology. However, there are a number of setbacks that are realized with the ineffective use of this methodology. The human resource scorecard essentially enables the HR function to identify the inherent strengths and weakness within its workforce through the application of performance metrics. These metrics then offer critical indicators to help leverage these strategic non-monetary elements into the traditional financial measures.


The inefficiencies associated with the HR scorecard largely stem from its ineffective use. In the worst scenario, the HR scorecard can be attributed with a 70% failure rate. This largely stems from the fact that these systems depend on quantitative data that is mostly subjective. This fails to offer and objective point of view of the organization’s human resource function, resulting in high failure rates. The quality of the information provided by HR units largely determines the effectiveness of HR scorecards. The HR scorecards employ a Likert-scale type analysis to translate qualitative data into quantitative data. However, the integrity and quality of this translation is compromised when the initial information provided is subjective. The results thence derived from the HR scorecards are sometimes biased. It is important to acknowledge the fact that, qualitative as well as quantitative data are applicable as a measure in HR scorecards to make comparisons against category benchmarks.

The Strategy Map

This is a very resourceful tool during the process of planning for a quality improvement program.


The strategy map offers a visual representation and aid to all members of staff on the process of vale addition to the organization. This is integral in helping each employee identify their specific role in the value addition process. The strategy map depicts the most appropriate approach through the use of available human capital in the University of Nebraska Medical Center to achieve success. The tools also reflect the relationship that connect the most crucial areas and how the function in harmony towards realization of strategic objectives. Strategy map ensure that connectedness, communication as well as clarity are achieved in the organization (Dessler, 2015).


The strategy map largely depends on the clarity of the definitions of roles and expectations of each employee. A vaguely defined HR system can potentially realize diminishing results with the application of a strategy map. There is an inherent need for employees to understand their roles and duties in order to identify their roles within the value addition process.

Human Resource Implementation Plan (Ideal Methodology)

A human resource implementation plan is proposed to provide a solution to the problems and challenges that have been highlighted in the section above. It is important that certain fundamental aspects be taken into consideration so as to; (1) improve the quality of healthcare services dispensed to patients, (2) mitigate the number of medical errors performed by the nursing staff, (3) enhance loyalty and improve staff motivation, (4) adequately allocate nursing staff resources, (5) adequately define functional roles and duties, and (6) mitigate nursing staff turnover (Rose, 2005). This shall be achieved through the implementation of a number of policies and programs within the human resource department.

Capability Development

Organizations in the 21st century are faced with the daunting task of hiring and retaining high quality, qualified and experienced staff. However, owing to the nature of business, an organization may alternatively opt to develop talent internally, increasing the value of its workforce from within. Such organizations foster a sense of belonging and ownership in its employees, enhancing employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Data-Based People Management

This largely entails the use of data to conduct people analytics so as to gauge employee performance and output. DBPM is developed to provide an objective perspective and outlook towards nursing staff performance. This is a critical monitoring tool that enhances the problem solving process within the organization (Rose, 2005).

Recruitment and Selection

This entails the rigorous process of identifying only the best individuals to take on open positions within the company. While capability development is an integral part of improving nursing staff performance, there is an inherent need to ensure experience and innovation within a healthcare institutions staff. This will be facilitated by a rigorous recruitment and selection process.

Technology Application

Digital Dashboards

Digital Dashboard has been identified as a vital tool in the QI plan for the purposes of strategic HR management. This achieved through displaying the functionality, effectiveness as well as the level of morale for the benefit of management personnel in human resources in the organization (Dessler, 2015). The organization can effectively employ digital dashboards to display only the metrics that the organization looks to track and analyze.

By providing easy-to-read summaries, human resource agents use the digital dashboard to identify the current state of the organization’s operations and affairs, importantly, the dashboard can indicate the relevant warnings and even postulate action steps that can be employed to improve areas of concern. Furthermore, the digital dashboard offers HR an analysis of the performance of employees relative to the predetermined goals and objectives. This allows HR the ability to make the necessary adjustments to meet the set goals and objectives within the desired timeframe. This is especially critical when emphasis is placed on year-end performance appraisal.

Benchmarks and milestones are critical for implementing best practices at best possible cost to the organization. However, benchmarking consists of more than the comparison of indicators. It is a tool that is founded on the pillar of active and voluntary action. Through the implementation of best practices at best cost. Some of the benchmarks that can be employed in setting the quality indicators are depicted in the table below:

Focus Area Benchmark or Milestone
Staffing Hours §  Total hours/patient day
  §  RN hours/patient day
  §  Licensed hours/patient day
Ratios: §  Number of patients/RN
  §  Number of patients/licensed staff
Skill mix: §  % RN hours of care
  §  % contract hours of care
  §  % LVN hours of care
  §  % other hours of care

Alignment of Performance and Quality Measures

In order to accurately depict the health of a given company, it is vital that there be a wealth of data and information. This information has readily become available with the development of business intelligence tools. As companies seek to collect more data, both financial and non-financial, there is the risk of losing the key facts that define the performance of the company.

The University of Nebraska Medical Center has defined specific goals and objectives that generally defines the scope and depth of its operations. The University of Nebraska Medical center has the mission to improve the health of the citizens and residents of the Nebraska region as well as beyond its borders through the innovative research, premier education programs, outreach to underserved populations and the highest possible quality patient care (University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2015). The organization further aims to lead the global health transformation for the future of the communities and individuals.

The performance and quality measures highlighted in Table 1 are in line with UNMC’s organizational goals and objectives. Through the analysis of the metrics provided in the staffing hours segment, the organization can track employee performance. Such an analysis seeks to provide the patient with the highest possible efficiencies during their medical visit. The performance ratios are critical in providing a clear outlook of the performance of specific HR units. An analysis in this segment would allow for optimal resource allocation. The skill mix is integral in ensuring that procedures and process realize optimal efficiencies.

In conclusion, performance and quality measure in the University of Nebraska Medical Center have been fine tuned to suit the organization’s goals and objective. Through the application and implementation of the human resource scorecard, strategy map and digital dashboard, the organization can streamline its operations towards optimal efficiencies and output. Performance metrics are essential to ensuring a successful project, realizing the intended goals and objectives within the parameters defined by the constraints. In selecting performance metrics, project managers find it considerably challenging determining and selecting the right number of metrics to employ.


Dessler, G. (2015). Human Resource Management (14th ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Eckerson, W. W. (2006). Performance Dashboards : Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business. Hoboken: John Wiley.

Rose, K. (2005). Project Quality Management : Why, What and How. Fort Lauderdale: J.Ross Publishing.

Thareja, P. (2008). Total Quality Organization Through People, Each one is Capable. Foundry.

University of Nebraska Medical Center. (2015, March 10). UNMC History and Mission. Retrieved from

Van Nederpelt, P. W. (2012). Object-Oriented Quality and Risk Management (OQRM) : A Practical, Scalable and Generic Method to Manage Quality and Risks. Alphen aan den Rijn: MicroData.

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