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Religious Field Research, Research Paper Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1461

Research Paper

The chosen religion for the current analysis is that of Buddhism. As an Eastern religion, Buddhism joins other such religions – such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Taoism, and Confucianism – that are not commonly understood by others.  Indeed, there are plenty of confusing aspects of Buddhism that may be approached further, though that is clearly out of the realm of the present project.

There are some misconceptions that became the focal point of this analysis.  Looking at a few primary aspects of the religion, a few questions make up the later interview that revealed some inner workings of the religion.  One of these was how one becomes a Buddhist.  Also, in this journey, is a teacher necessary, or in what role does a teacher or leader in Buddhist play?  Finally, the interview ended with a brief discussion of meditation, as that is another misconception that is seen.


For my interview, I thought about what I should concentrate on in regards to some aspect of Buddhism.  One aspect that I found peculiar and interesting was in actually becoming a Buddhist.  I was unaware of what steps one has to take, if any, to become a Buddhist.  Also, I wanted to know how one practices, both inside and outside of public, of a Buddhist.

I met with the Minister and began speaking to him generally (Name, personal communication, 2 August 2012).  He told me a little about the background of the Temple, and how long he has been involved there with it.  Also, he informed me of how he came to Buddhism as a teenager, when he accepted Buddhism in his life at that time.

Becoming a Buddhist

Soon I began asking him regarding the path towards becoming a Buddhist.  I also took notes for myself to follow up on in terms of research, which I will supplement here with what I learned at the interview.  The Minister explained that becoming a Buddhist is found in taking refuge, which is that of taking refuge of the wheel of samsara, or that of the cycle of death and rebirth .

It was explained that taking refuge occurs in that of taking refuge in the Three Jewels, or the Three Treasures.  The “three” are the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.  The Minister explained that the formal ceremony is performed almost anywhere.  One may take it alone also.

From what was expressed, this path is one of one’s own sincerity and commitment.  Regardless of whether it is performed in a temple or in one’s own personal circumstances, the Minister expressed, taking refuge is a powerful vow of what is inside of oneself.  I later learned in my research that in Buddhism, that it is a type of revealing of what is already inside of oneself, and it is important within one’s spiritual journey and life that is expressed in many forms in all types of Buddhism (Partridge, 2005, 199).

Teacher in Buddhism

My next set of questions was directed towards that of a teacher.  I wasn’t sure if it was necessary or something that is more or less beneficial.  The Minister stated that their Temple recommended this in order to engage one in their spiritual life.  He stated that Buddhism, along with other traditions, recommended a sort of “trinity” in which a teacher, teachings, and a community of practitioners would allow for an ideal learning environment for the student in Buddhism.

It was stressed to me that a teacher cannot reveal enlightenment, or other concepts, for you, as I proceeded onto the role of the teacher.  The Minister expressed the role of guidance in that of the teacher.  While a teacher certainly isn’t necessary in Buddhism, it can be effective in guiding one towards the right path.

As I began asking about how one finds a teacher, he expressed to me that this is normally found at a Buddhist temple or center.  Also, practice groups represent an informal way to obtain some kind of teaching relationship.  The Minister stressed that one important dimension to this is in regards to the type of Buddhism that is practiced.  Also, the lineage of the teacher is important, in which some Buddhist schools authorize teachers based on their teacher or institution.

The Role of Meditation in Buddhism

Finally I proceeded to ask the Minister regarding meditation.  Certainly much is made regarding its role, as seen in media, for instance.  I wanted to get a better sense of what meditation means for practicing Buddhists.

The Minister first gave me some background on meditation, which I have also supplemented after my interview with him.  Apparently there are many forms of Buddhist meditation, though all of them are bhavana.  It is an ancient discipline based on part of the Buddha.  It is also based on older forms of yoga.

The Minister also explained how the term “meditation” is deemed as inaccurate by many.  The term bhavana speaks to the mental culture and mental development.  This takes a more comprehensive approach to the term as it is compared to meditation.

The Minister erased typical preconceived notions in this subject.  Buddhist meditation (for lack of better term) is not concerned with reducing stress, having visions, or anything else along these lines.  It is seen more in regards to cleansing the mind of negative impurities, and cultivating qualities toward Nirvana, in the development of concepts such as energy, tranquility, joy, awareness, and intelligence.

Analysis and Discussion

Through the encounter, my understanding of Buddhism was certainly helped.  In my opinion, something like Eastern meditation has become “Westernized,” so to speak, through the media and other common sources.  The Minister even mentioned how meditation is often misconstrued by others – himself – even furthering my suspicions and belief before and after the experience.

The other parts of the interview were interesting as well.  I was not aware of the steps involved in taking refuge, and certainly not how these played a role in becoming a Buddhist.  Personally, I would not have been surprised if becoming a Buddhist was more outward – with the help of a leader – yet the Minister clarified these misconceptions.  As expressed earlier, having a guide or leader is not necessary, and becoming a Buddhist is much more inward than anything else.

I feel that other people may share in these misconceptions.  For a religion like Buddhism, which is a common Eastern religion but not one that “the average person” has much experience, it is unlikely that anyone would really understand these dynamics.  In my opinion, there is a great deal in the movies and the like – such as martial arts movies that carry clichés of Easter religion – which can lead to the furthering of these misconceptions.

In a more general take, misconceptions can be quite common for outside religions.  For anyone who has not studied or experienced another religion, it is easy to see how one might develop misguided beliefs or conclusions regarding the subject.  Some people may be led to believe generalizations or criticisms of a religion, which can replace knowledge that another might have who has experienced or studied a religion.

This can be quite common and even negative.  For instance, due to a range of negative thrusts in politics – such as terrorist attacks or left- or right-winged political parties and their religious affiliations – one can obtain misconceptions in this manner.  It can be rather negative.

Recommendation and Conclusion

Following the previous discussion, it is incredibly important for individuals to study the religion in question.  Negative, twisted, and radical beliefs from certain instances – such as terrorist attacks – should not be used to form an overarching belief of a religion.  Nor should the depiction of a movie help one form conceptions of a religion, as they can be very misleading.

One step would be to take an active step to truly understand a certain part of a religion.  Whether it’s speaking to a recognizable leader of a religion or reading trusted information online – there are plenty of ways to get the facts about the religion.  By believing certain sources, or allowing radicals to twist the values of a religion, certain ideals of a religion can be left in the darkness.

Overall, my experience was an engaging one with reference to the interview.  The helpful Minister helped to clear a couple of misconceptions that I had, helping me understand a few major parts of the Buddhist faith.  It is interesting to consider how other may have these same misconceptions, and furthermore, how they develop.  Responding to the media (such as movies, news, and politics) and other sources of inaccurate information, an individual must take the proper steps to learn the truth.  From an online encyclopedia to an experience like the one in this analysis, there are a number of simple ways to battle such misconceptions that anyone can have of an outside religion.


Partridge, Christopher. (2005). Introduction to World Religions. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

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