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River Oak Situation Deterioration, Research Paper Example
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Recommendation: Firing the Current Management System
River Oak company gained popularity among the populace because of its excellence in property management. The current management system has expanded and scored admirable results in the business’s real estate line. However, the organization has experienced some significant challenges that negatively influenced the condominium procurement outcomes. For instance, the company has witnessed a massive loss in the revenue accumulation rate. It is quite shocking since it is the first case where River Oaks’ company has been disputed (Campbell & Taylor, 2019). Moreover, landlords and investors facilitated that challenge due to the association’s funds’ late payment. The problem has paralyzed the firm since they have lost most clients due to its incompetency.
The problem should be investigated and solved as demanded by the affected population. Most tenants have negatively reviewed the company in the online marketing platforms, thus disintegrating negative impacts to the targeted market. Moreover, some of the clients opted for early contract dissolution. They shifted their focus to other rival companies in the market willing to provide adequate services. Due to the negative ratings, the River Oak organization will experience challenges when trying to accumulate clients (Tweedie et al., 2019). Most individuals will distance themselves since they are after investing in a reliable company offering quality services. Investors incur losses due to incompetency caused by the firm’s management structure and experience difficult periods in retrieving their initial investments.
After an in-depth analysis, the root cause of the given challenges is the available management system. The current team has shown a lack of professionalism and ethical conduct, affecting service delivery within the condominium units. For instance, some of the employees have a direct blood relation to the supervisor. It is a challenge since they fail to provide the best quality services under a relative’s management. They were allocated simpler tasks and could not conform to the rules and regulations within the workplace. The project manager faced difficulties while handling work-related issues and personal affairs thus failed to finish the assigned task (Dupret, 2017). Due to the shortcomings, some primary challenges like poor infrastructure maintenance and environmental pollution were noticed. The clients pulled out since no immediate action was incorporated to combat that situation. Gradually, the landlords and investors saw a massive loss in their anticipated profit level. The report’s central objective is to brainstorm possible solutions for the challenge.
After analyzing some of the challenges and the effects, it has on the company. The recommendation section explores possible solutions that would eradicate the incompetent management system (Moeller, 2019). Changing the management structure is the selected solution for River Oak company.
Firing the Current Manager
Changing the management structure is the most effective solution to the impending case. Ethical work conduct should be initiated, and all the workers, despite their position, should adhere to the rules and regulations. For instance, the employee team should be dismantled to break the relationship ties with the manager. Furthermore, the project supervisor should be given enough time to deal with their issues (Sethy, 2018). The strategy’s central objective is to formulate excellent teamwork to propel and save the company from the dark abyss. The first advantage of establishing strict occupational conduct is that the management system would distribute tasks to the available employees to disseminate quality skills and capabilities conveniently. Moreover, the strategy will attract and establish a professional team ready to work and produce significant results.
Reasons for Supporting the Recommendation
The primary objective for firing the current manager is to protect the employees. The manager contains negative attributes which affect the workers within the organization. Training the supervisors is not a guarantee that they will refrain from the analyzed behaviors. Therefore, hiring a new manager introduces a new system with employees, thus creates unique relationships essential in establishing a serene work environment. The majority of workers are discouraged from their occupational posts due to the management (Dupret, 2017). Most want to execute their power and oppress the employees, thus prevent them from delivering their best efforts. Firing the manager allows the company to hire a legible individual who understands its significance within the working environment and establishes a sustainable workspace.
Changing the management structure ensures River Oak corporation retains most of its workers’ professional team. The company should prioritize its employees over a flawed management system. The stakeholders should refrain from allocating time and credit to the poor supervisors instead of cultivating an acceptable leadership culture. With a new management system, workers will receive motivation and excellent coaching skills to boost their work morale. The stakeholders comprehend the difficulty of firing an individual who contributed to the organization’s growth and development since its young phases (Moeller, 2019). However, suppose the person contributes to the company deterioration, they have to be terminated for the more significant benefit of the remaining workers.
River Oak company will register a high production output, and more workers will live up to their responsibilities. Firing incompetent managers will allow workers to be creative and innovative; thus, new inventions will be noticed within the organization. The company should be careful with the vetting procedure of the new management system. The new supervisor must place boundaries between their professional and personal lives, including eradicating favoritism among the workers and somewhat imposing responsibilities (Moeller, 2017). The strategy is merit since the organization will have retained their initial workers and prevent the challenge of hiring and assessing new employees and educating the firm’s necessities. The main goal is to revive the company and not struggle with incorporating the new team into the company system, which takes an extended duration than anticipated.
Counterargument and Rebuttal
Instead of firing the current management, the organization should consider retraining them to assist in skill sharpening. The administration has been in place for an extended duration thus has enough information about the company. Therefore, they should be trained to eradicate the discerned shortcomings. The organization will be saved from the struggle to hiring another management system (Sethy, 2018). It isn’t easy to find an expert who will assist in the recuperating process. The training should educate the manager on the significance of creating boundaries between professional and personal challenges. It means that her occupation should not be affected because of problems endured at home. Furthermore, the supervisor should be educated on the essence of fairness when hiring workers and refrain from prioritizing the family members.
However, coaching the present supervision teams has some negative assertions. Already the company is facing financial drain due to client contract decline and late landlord association payment. The suggestion is adding up to the financial constraints, and the situation is escalating from bad to worse. Employee training requires massive resources to accommodate all individuals in the program. For instance, a professional and qualified trainer is necessitated in such a case. Securing an excellent professional is quite expensive, further draining the company’s budget. The recommendation will send the management board in looking for alternative solutions like hiring a new team to be incorporated into the system (Campbell & Taylor, 2018). Training them is not a choice since many experts are job-seeking, thus experiencing minimal challenges when dealing with verification and introducing the firm’s approach. The strategy might be the best risk to incorporate because the new team will introduce excellent ideas that salvage River Oak company.
Therefore, instead of noticing an improvement, the company will stagnate in a similar state or deteriorate periodically. The company should realize that people have different personalities, and increasing the strictness might lead to rebellion. Such unique features might lead to unnecessary interdepartmental conflict. Before incorporating the recommendation, the company should outweigh and analyze its chances in dealing with the latter repercussions. River Oak is facing a crisis and is in a state of despair; thus, it would incorporate any favorable recommendation (Moeller, 2019). Suppose they tighten the laws around the workstation and when disseminating the tasks. There is a proportion of staff members who will be negatively implicated due to that strictness. Especially those who strived to accomplish their assigned tasks before the company was hit with the current crisis. Thus, it will lead to rebellion which will further deteriorate the River Oak.
Consequently, the current team has lost the management’s trust and support. It is because of their careless actions that the prevailing situation is threatening to crumble the entire organization. Despite the financial constraint, the organization has minimal faith in entrusting the rebuilding and recuperating the same team (Campbell & Taylor, 2019). Even after receiving the training on professionalism, some behaviors will be retained and might cost the organization. Remember, the organization was one of the best real estate agencies, but the management team incorporated ignorance within one business year. The organization lost more than 55% of revenue in the process. The central objective is to eradicate the causal problems, and the team seems to be the significant challenge in the situation. The management board will be forced to make a drastic decision that would have repercussions in the future.
River Oak company was once famously known for its accuracy and professionalism in condominium management. However, the prevalent challenge has eradicated that title leaving the organization to strive for its improvement, including dominance against its rival companies. The investigation has directly linked the supervision and maintenance compartment as the primary reason for the empire’s downfall (Dupret, 2017). Due to their ignorance of responsibilities, the River Oak firm has been forced to terminate client contracts and watch them strive to find other real estate agencies competent in disseminating high-quality services. The shortcomings are termed as ignorance because the team comprehends their duties, thus focusing on damaging its It is an extremely urgent matter that should be eradicated, allowing the organization to recuperate and formulate new strategies to save their brand image the local market.
Despite the dark corner the company has been pushed into, the recommendation sections’ solutions provide hope for salvation. The management board should consider trying some of the solutions hoping for better results. The company’s stakeholders should be provided a platform where their views and opinions are assessed. Despite some of the highlighted shortcomings, it is the best possible solution since River Oak is guaranteed a fresh start and the invention of excellent ideas to salvage the situation (Sethy, 2018). The current team sabotaged the overall efforts in building and branding the organization. It is fair for the company to desire a renewed professional management system and expert workers whose primary focus is to win back their target audience and recover the return losses. The board management should analyze the solutions and compare them to determine which suits the company best from their perception.
Campbell, S. L., & Taylor, D. (2019). Professionalism in the workplace. The University of Missouri–Kansas City website: http://www. umkc. Edu/Starr/Workplace_Professionalism. Pdf.
Dupret, K. (2017). Working around technologies—invisible professionalism?. New Technology, Work and Employment, 32(2), 174-187.
Moeller, C. M. (2019). Disability, identity, and professionalism: Precarity in librarianship. Library Trends, 67(3), 455-470.
Sethy, S. S. (2018). Academic ethics: Teaching profession and teacher professionalism in higher education settings. Journal of Academic Ethics, 16(4), 287-299.
Tweedie, J., Cooper, J., & Banerjee, J. (2019). Professionalism: recognizing and challenging unprofessional behavior in the workplace. Future healthcare journal, 6(Suppl 1), 163.
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