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Self-Concept and Sexuality, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 457


The patient appears to be having a number of self-concept problems. This is evident in his self-schemas, past self, present self and future possible self. The patient seems to particularly dwell on his past life. He appears to show inability to emotionally cope with their current situation. He had the schema of sportsman, and he is finding it difficult to let go of this schema, which has been his identity and adopt a completely different Schema. The patient’s sexual schema also appears to be problematic. His dwelling on his past relationships point to a general worry of underperforming sexually in his new physical condition.

The patient’s care plan will seek to improve every aspect of their wellbeing. This will be achieved by creating specific goals with the client and marking down milestones as they go through the plan. It will entail

  • Exercise Sessions: these are vital to keep the patient active
  • Personal interests; the patient gets to engage in personal hobbies
  • Psychological therapy: the patient appears to be harboring fears that are holding him back from realizing their full physical capabilities. Therapy is essential in overcoming the psychological hurdles.
  • Diet: the patient will take on a new and improved diet, targeted at mitigating depression and ensure fully health
  • Medication: it is vital the patient maintains the intake of medication as prescribed by their physician(Folen & James, 2005).

The patient may depict a range of behaviors. However, the concurrence of numerous of these symptoms indicates a strong likelihood of sexual harassment or abuse. They include:

  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Change in appetite
  • Depression
  • Overly compliant behavior
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Fearful and easily agitated
  • Regression to infantile behavior such as wetting the bed
  • Anxiety
  • Anger(Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall, 2014)

In the given situation, when eye contact is maintained, the patient will gain a sense of trust ad concern. When it is not maintained the patient might feel ignored and unwanted. Eye contact is essential in calming the patient down to open up.

When touch occurs the message can either be perceived as threatening or caring, warm and kind. It has to be done carefully to put across the right message. A gentle and soft touch will give across the message of care and concern, which is much needed in the situation (Sinha, 2012).

Facial expression is key in showing the emotion and perception to the patient. When a smile is maintained, the patient would feel a sense of welcome and kindness from you. It would assure the patient that they are safe and cared about.


Folen, R. A., & James, L. C. (2005). The primary care consultant : the next frontier for psychologists in hospitals and clinics. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., & Hall, A. M. (2014). Essentials for nursing practice. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Sinha, M. (2012). Non verbal communication. Jaipur: Pointer Publishers.

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