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Smokeless Tobacco, Research Proposal Example

Pages: 3

Words: 790

Research Paper

Smokeless Tobacco: Is It Better than Actual Smoking?

Ever since I heard about smokeless tobacco, it has intrigued me whether or not this particular element is less harmful than the actual tobacco and other counterparts that come from it. Having friends and family members who smoke, I see this topic rather relative to my current situation. It is rather an acceptable truth that smoking cigarette or tobacco are both addictive vices. People who engage in such vices often end up being stuck with it for years and worse, they begin to develop disease that make their body less able to contend with the challenges of living a healthier life. In addition to these, these individuals even put the life of other people surrounding them through second hand smoking. This is the reason why some reason out that it is the smoke that makes ‘smoking’ dangerous to the health; hence, to eliminate the danger some developers found it possible to reduce the smoking process; thus the birth of smokeless tobacco.

Smokeless tobacco is, as the term suggests, taken in without smoking. The user simply needs to chew or sniff then spit the tobacco bits like a bubble gum. The idea behind chewing is to actually get the nicotine out of the tobacco. Considerably, this imposes that the user need not smoke thus he is not endangering his lungs in the process; it also supposedly able to eliminate the dangers of smoking towards other people surrounding the user.   At this point, many among the developers believe that they have improved the manner by which they serve the demands of the market and resolve particular issues related to the health conditions of those becoming highly addicted to tobacco and other products relate to it. I personally have been interested in this subject as it does relate to me and others whom I know of. The question of whether or not the use of smokeless tobacco actually improves the health of smokers and the people surrounding them or at least put them out of danger continues to loom over the heads of both health practitioners and possible consumers and users of the product.

A Specific Focus

In the research being proposed for completion, a focus on how smokeless tobacco works and how it actually affects the health of its users shall be given attention to. Exploring the actual reaction of the body to the process of nicotine intake through chewing and sniffing instead of smoking shall be reviewed accordingly. Through the help of scientific studies that actually create a comparative presentation on how smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco directly affect a user’s health, a distinct indication of whether or not the safety of smokeless tobacco is true shall be presented.  To properly present data with a strong foundation that would support the questions to be answered in the research, distinct statistical information shall be searched for and discussed along with the findings contemplated by other researchers regarding the topic.

Setting a cross-referential approach that would determine the study’s exploration of all the elements concerned with smoking and its differences with utilizing smokeless tobacco shall be given particular attention to. It is through this process that would establish the arguments the research is based upon especially in pointing out how smokeless tobacco use may be as dangerous as that of actually smoking tobacco-related products such as cigarettes. Through evidence and supporting data, this research shall try to constitute a proper pattern for smoking recovery that other individuals might want to take into consideration instead of engaging in smokeless tobacco use.

Improving health and lifestyle of the readers, as the second priority of this research, shall be given way in the manner by which suggestions to better handling anti-addiction procedures against tobacco use is to be presented in the end part of the discussion section and the conclusion of the study. This aims to bring about a sense of realization on the part of the readers that both smoke-based and smokeless tobacco use present particular dangers to their health and the only way to avoid such dangers is to abstain from these substances. This will implicate a more direct indication on how the study wants to help its readers improve their lives through having proper knowledge of what smokeless tobacco use actually does to their health and their body.


Smokeless Tobacco. (Retrieved on March 17, 2014).

Gupta R, Gurm H, Bartholomew JR (September 2004). “Smokeless tobacco and cardiovascular risk”. Arch. Intern. Med. 164 (17): 1845–9. doi:10.1001/archinte.164.17.1845. PMID 15451758.

Asplund K (2003). “Smokeless tobacco and cardiovascular disease”. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 45 (5): 383–94. doi:10.1053/pcad.2003.00102. PMID 12704595.

Bolinder G (October 1997). “[Overview of knowledge of health effects of smokeless tobacco. Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality because of snuff]”. Lakartidningen (in Swedish) 94 (42): 3725–31.

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