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Strategy for Relaxation and Minimizing, Essay Example

Pages: 1

Words: 370


Developing a strategy for relaxation and minimizing my burden requires my full attention and focus to reprioritize my roles and responsibilities in order to make time for myself and my personal health and wellbeing. This is a difficult challenge in many ways because it requires an ability to put myself first above all other priorities, and given that I try to give myself to others as much as possible, focusing on myself may be more difficult than I ever imagined. However, by recognizing the extent of my spiritual nature and my ability to focus on what is most important, I will be able to make a greater difference in my own wellbeing and for those who surround me.

During periods of extreme stress, I must be able to take deep breaths and to make sense of the realities of my life at this time. This requires my full attention and focus so that I am able to contribute to society at a high level, but to also recognize that my needs and health come first. I often find it difficult to remain spiritually connected when I am torn in many different directions; therefore, I must be able to move beyond the needs of others and to recognize my own needs, at least for a period of time. I owe it to myself to refocus and to regroup from time to time, as this will enable me to support my own spiritual journey in a more positive and meaningful light. It also reflects my need to be proactive in working towards my own understanding of spirituality.

My focus must be on relaxing and on recognizing that I am not of any use to others if I possess high levels of stress. Under these conditions, I am unable to make the type of contribution to the world that will make a difference; therefore, I must be able to focus on other areas and to make sense of my own spiritual sense of being in order to be successful in my own journey. This process provides the ultimate learning curve and supports my understanding of how experiences teach us to aim higher and to make a difference by meeting our own spiritual needs over time.

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