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Teamwork in Nursing, Essay Example

Pages: 1

Words: 354


In discussing how team work in nursing and across health care disciplines is essential it must be noted that this is a generic concept to nursing practice. Beatrice Kalisch, Hyunhwa Lee and Monica Rochman (2010) have concluded from recent research that teamwork has been associated with a higher level of job satisfaction (Kalisch, 2010). These researchers explored the influence unit/ staff characteristics and teamwork has on job satisfaction in relation to an employee’s current position and occupation. They discovered that irrespective of the employee’s position on the job or within the organizational structure teamwork promotes better outcomes, generally (Amos, 2005).

In describing examples of effective or ineffective delegations in team work is to cite situations when nurses call in sick or absent and there are limited amounts of Registered Nurses to staff acute care and medical surgical units. Effective delegation would ensure that the most experienced nurse or one specialized in acute care be assigned to the acute care unit. Ineffective delegation would be assigning all the registered nurses to acute care and allowing Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) to manage the medical surgical units (Kalisch, 2009).

This practice occurs very often in hospital settings where there are severe nursing shortages. Units are left without the most qualified staff and critical care getsall the most qualified advanced trained registered nurse. The lesson learned from this experience is that team work in nursing goes beyond thinking about an individual scenario, but rather how with teamwork limited nursingcan be distributed to adequately benefit all patients/clients in the institution(Marquis, B. L. & Huston, 2011).

Works cited

Amos M., Hu J. & Herrick C.The impact of team buildingon communication and job satisfaction of nursing staff. Journal of Nursing Staff Development 21 (1), 2005,10–16.Print

Kalisch, Beatrice; Lee Hyunhwa and Rochman, Monica.Nursing staff teamwork and job satisfactionJournal of Nursing Management 18,2010; 938–947. Print

Kalisch B.J., Weaver S.J. & Salas E. What does nursing teamwork look like? A qualitative study Journal of Nursing Care Quality 24 (4), 2009, 298–307. Print

Marquis, B. L. & Huston, C. J.Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Theory and application. (7th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkin. 2011. Print.

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